Postulation of Seedlings Resistance Genes to Yellow Rust in Commercial Wheat Cultivars from Yunnan Province in China |
LI Ming-ju, FENG Jing, CAO Shi-qin, LIN Rui-ming, CHENG Geng, YU Ya-xiong, CHEN Wan-quan , XU Shi-chang |
1.State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection
2.Institute of Environment and Resources, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
3.Institute of Plant Protection, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
4.Institute of Food Crops, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
摘要 The objective of this study was to characterize yellow (stripe) rust resistance gene(s) in 52 commercial wheat cultivars from Yunnan Province in China, and to provide information for their rational deployment in field. Seedlings of wheat cultivars were inoculated with 25 differential isolates of Puccinia striiformis from foreign and home to postulate resistance genes to yellow rust, and then validated by pedigree. There were 10 probable resistance genes characterized in these cultivars, in which, Yr9 was most commonly postulated to be present in thirteen cultivars. Yr21, the second, was present in four cultivars. Yr8, the third, were present in three cultivars. Yr6, Yr17 and Yr26, the fourth, was present in two cultivars respectively. The other gene(s) such as, Yr2+YrA, Yr7 and Yr27, were only present in single cultivar(s); unknown gene(s) or gene(s) combination(s) were present in 22 cultivars. One cultivar (Yunmai 42) had no resistance gene tested in this study. Cultivars such as Yunmai 52, Mian 1971-98, Kunmai 4, and Yunmai 56 carried effective genes and can be popularized mainly; Yr9 should be planted with other Yr genes. In the meantime other effective genes should be introduced to realize gene diversity for controlling wheat yellow rust. Yunmai 42 should be reduced to avoid rust breakout. Unknown gene cultivars should be utilized and be researched deeply.
Abstract The objective of this study was to characterize yellow (stripe) rust resistance gene(s) in 52 commercial wheat cultivars from Yunnan Province in China, and to provide information for their rational deployment in field. Seedlings of wheat cultivars were inoculated with 25 differential isolates of Puccinia striiformis from foreign and home to postulate resistance genes to yellow rust, and then validated by pedigree. There were 10 probable resistance genes characterized in these cultivars, in which, Yr9 was most commonly postulated to be present in thirteen cultivars. Yr21, the second, was present in four cultivars. Yr8, the third, were present in three cultivars. Yr6, Yr17 and Yr26, the fourth, was present in two cultivars respectively. The other gene(s) such as, Yr2+YrA, Yr7 and Yr27, were only present in single cultivar(s); unknown gene(s) or gene(s) combination(s) were present in 22 cultivars. One cultivar (Yunmai 42) had no resistance gene tested in this study. Cultivars such as Yunmai 52, Mian 1971-98, Kunmai 4, and Yunmai 56 carried effective genes and can be popularized mainly; Yr9 should be planted with other Yr genes. In the meantime other effective genes should be introduced to realize gene diversity for controlling wheat yellow rust. Yunmai 42 should be reduced to avoid rust breakout. Unknown gene cultivars should be utilized and be researched deeply.
Received: 12 November 2010
Fund: The financial support by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (2011CB100403), the Ministry of Agriculture, China (200903035), and the Special Project from State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Chinese Academy of Agricltural Sciences (SKL2009OP09) are gratefully acknowledged. |
Corresponding Authors:
Correspondence FENG Jing, Ph D, Associate Professor, Tel: +86-10-62816081, E-mail: jingfeng@ippcaas.cn; CHEN Wan-quan, Professor, Tel: +86-10-62815903, E-mail: wqchen112@ippcaas.cn
E-mail: jingfeng@ippcaas.cn
About author: LI Ming-ju, Ph D candidate, Tel: +86-10-62815946, E-mail: li_mingju@hotmail.com |
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LI Ming-ju, FENG Jing, CAO Shi-qin, LIN Rui-ming, CHENG Geng, YU Ya-xiong, CHEN Wan-quan , XU Shi-chang .
Postulation of Seedlings Resistance Genes to Yellow Rust in Commercial Wheat Cultivars from Yunnan Province in China . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 10(11): 1723-1731.
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