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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2011, Vol. 10 Issue (7): 1064-1071    DOI: 10.1016/S1671-2927(11)60095-3
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Changes of Soil Microbiological Characteristics After Solidago canadensis L. Invasion
Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Subtropical Soil and Plant Nutrition/Department of Resources Science, College of Environmental and Resources Sciences, Zhejiang University
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摘要  The relationship between Solidago canadensis L. invasion and soil microbial communities was studied across the invasivegradients varying from 0 to 40, 80, and 100% coverage of S. canadensis. The results showed both soil microbial biomassC (Cmic) and N (Nmic) increased as the coverage of S. canadensis increased. Soil microbial quotient Cmic/Corg (microbialbiomass C/organic C) tended to increase linearly with the coverage of S. canadensis. Soil basal respiration (BR) alsoshowed a similar trend. The soil respiratory quotient qCO2 decreased with S. canadensis invasion, and remained at quitea constantly low level in the invasive soils. Sole carbon source utilization profiles analyses indicated that S. canadensisinvasion tended to result in higher microbial functional diversity in the soil. Average utilization of specific substrateguilds was highest in the soil with S. canadensis monoculture. Principle component analysis of sole carbon sourceutilization profiles further indicated that microbial functional diversity in the soil with S. canadensis monoculture wasdistinctly separated from those soils in the native area and the ecotones. In conclusion, S. canadensis invasion improvedsoil microbial biomass, respiration and utilization of carbon sources, and decreased qCO2, thus created better soil conditions,which in turn were more conducive to the growth of S. canadensis.

Abstract  The relationship between Solidago canadensis L. invasion and soil microbial communities was studied across the invasivegradients varying from 0 to 40, 80, and 100% coverage of S. canadensis. The results showed both soil microbial biomassC (Cmic) and N (Nmic) increased as the coverage of S. canadensis increased. Soil microbial quotient Cmic/Corg (microbialbiomass C/organic C) tended to increase linearly with the coverage of S. canadensis. Soil basal respiration (BR) alsoshowed a similar trend. The soil respiratory quotient qCO2 decreased with S. canadensis invasion, and remained at quitea constantly low level in the invasive soils. Sole carbon source utilization profiles analyses indicated that S. canadensisinvasion tended to result in higher microbial functional diversity in the soil. Average utilization of specific substrateguilds was highest in the soil with S. canadensis monoculture. Principle component analysis of sole carbon sourceutilization profiles further indicated that microbial functional diversity in the soil with S. canadensis monoculture wasdistinctly separated from those soils in the native area and the ecotones. In conclusion, S. canadensis invasion improvedsoil microbial biomass, respiration and utilization of carbon sources, and decreased qCO2, thus created better soil conditions,which in turn were more conducive to the growth of S. canadensis.
Keywords:  sole carbon source utilization      functional diversity      microbial biomass      microbial respiratory      Solidago canadensis  
Received: 24 August 2010   Accepted:
Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence LIAO Min, Associate Professor, Tel/Fax: +86-571-88982069, E-mail:   

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LIAO Min, XIE Xiao-mei, PENG Ying, MA Ai-li. 2011. Changes of Soil Microbiological Characteristics After Solidago canadensis L. Invasion. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 10(7): 1064-1071.

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