Special Issue:
农业生态环境-氮素合辑Agro-ecosystem & Environment—Nitrogen
Increasing soil microbial biomass nitrogen in crop rotation systems by improving nitrogen resources under nitrogen application |
XING Ting-ting1, 2, CAI An-dong3, LU Chang-ai1, YE Hong-ling1, 2, WU Hong-liang1, HUAI Sheng-chang1, WANG Jin-yu1, XU Ming-gang1, LIN Qi-mei3 |
1 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2 College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, P.R.China
3 Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
土壤微生物生物量氮(MBN)在土壤中包含了最大比例的生物活性氮(N),是土壤氮循环的重要参与者。农业活动(例如作物轮作和单作)极大地影响了农业生态系统中的MBN。但是,目前农业生态系统中作物轮作和单作对MBN影响的研究极其缺乏。因此,本文基于203个已发表的文献进行整合分析(Meta 分析),以量化在合成氮肥施用下轮作和单作系统对MBN的影响。本研究发现,作物轮作显著提高了MBN的响应比(RR),并在旱地轮作条件下达到最高水平。然而,旱地作物单作并没有改变MBN的响应比,但是,水稻单作中MBN的响应比有所增加。作物轮作和单作系统之间的差异可能是由于不同的种植管理方式、氮素添加的方式、添加量和施肥年限所致。与作物单作系统相比,作物轮作对土壤总氮(TN)的增加幅度更大,对土壤pH的降低幅度较小。MBN的RR与矿质N的RR仅在作物轮作系统中正相关,MBN的RR与土壤pH的RR仅在单作系统中正相关。随机森林和结构方程模型的结果表明,MBN变化的主要驱动因素在作物轮作系统中是土壤矿质N和TN,在单作系统中是土壤pH。总之,本研究表明,轮作由于改善了土壤氮源,可以作为提高MBN的有效途径,从而提高MBN对由于大量施用化学氮肥导致的低pH的抵抗力。
Abstract Soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) contains the largest proportion of biologically active nitrogen (N) in soil, and is considered as a crucial participant in soil N cycling. Agronomic management practices such as crop rotation and mono-cropping systems, dramatically affect MBN in agroecosystems. However, the influence of crop rotation and mono-cropping in agroecosystems on MBN remains unclear. A meta-analysis based on 203 published studies was conducted to quantify the effect of crop rotation and mono-cropping systems on MBN under synthetic N fertilizer application. The analysis showed that crop rotation significantly stimulated the response ratio (RR) of MBN to N fertilization and this parameter reached the highest levels in upland-fallow rotations. Upland mono-cropping did not change the RR of MBN to N application, however, the RR of MBN to N application in paddy mono-cropping increased. The difference between crop rotation and mono-cropping systems appeared to be due to the various cropping management scenarios, and the pattern, rate and duration of N addition. Crop rotation systems led to a more positive effect on soil total N (TN) and a smaller reduction in soil pH than mono-cropping systems. The RR of MBN to N application was positively correlated with the RR of mineral N only in crop rotation systems and with the RR of soil pH only in mono-cropping systems. Combining the results of Random Forest (RF) model and structural equation model showed that the predominant driving factors of MBN changes in crop rotation systems were soil mineral N and TN, while in mono-cropping systems the main driving factor was soil pH. Overall, our study indicates that crop rotation can be an effective way to enhance MBN by improving soil N resources, which promote the resistance of MBN to low pH induced by intensive synthetic N fertilizer application.
Received: 29 December 2020
Accepted: 02 March 2021
Fund: Financial supports were received from the Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China (201503122). |
About author: XING Ting-ting, E-mail: 15947039328 @163.com; Correspondence LU Chang-ai, E-mail: luchangai@caas.cn |
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XING Ting-ting, CAI An-dong, LU Chang-ai, YE Hong-ling, WU Hong-liang, HUAI Sheng-chang, WANG Jin-yu, XU Ming-gang, LIN Qi-mei .
Increasing soil microbial biomass nitrogen in crop rotation systems by improving nitrogen resources under nitrogen application. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(5): 1488-1500.
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