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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2012, Vol. 12 Issue (9): 1545-1554    DOI: 10.1016/S1671-2927(00)8687
SOIL & FERTILIZER · AGRI-ECOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
On-Farm Assessment of Biosolids Effects on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation in Soils
 LI Qiong, LI Ju-mei, CUI Xi-long, WEI Dong-pu,  MA Yi-bing
1.Key Laboratory of Resource Environment and GIS, College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing100048, P.R.China
2.Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Cycling, Ministry of Agriculture/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
3.Beijing Drainage Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100061, P.R.China
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摘要  A field plot experiment in a calcareous soil with wheat and maize rotation was carried out for 2 yr. The study aimed to investigate the effects of biosolids (sewage sludge or chicken manure) application on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) accumulation in soils and to develop a model for the effects of biosolids application on available P (Olsen-P) accumulation in soils, by which the quantities of biosolids that can be safely applied to agricultural soils were estimated. The results showed that heavy application of biosolids to agricultural soils based on the N requirement of a wheat-maize rotation cropping system will oversupply P. Soil total N was increased by 0.010 g kg-1 at application rate of 1 ton sewage sludge per hectare. The high ratio of N to P in grains of wheat and maize (from 4.0 to 7.6) and low ratio of N to P in biosolids (<2) led to more surplus P accumulated in soils. Although plant yields and P uptake by plants increased with increasing quantities of applied biosolids in soils, there was still an average 2.87 mg kg-1 increase in Olsen-P in the plough layer treated with biosolids for every 100 kg P ha-1 surplus. A predictive model was developed based upon the initial Olsen-P in soils, P input rates, crop yield, soil pH, and cultivation time. From the model, it is suggested that sewage sludge could be applied to calcareous soils for 12 yr using the recommended application rate (9 tons ha-1 yr-1). The field results will be helpful in achieving best management of biosolids application for agricultural production and environmental protection.

Abstract  A field plot experiment in a calcareous soil with wheat and maize rotation was carried out for 2 yr. The study aimed to investigate the effects of biosolids (sewage sludge or chicken manure) application on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) accumulation in soils and to develop a model for the effects of biosolids application on available P (Olsen-P) accumulation in soils, by which the quantities of biosolids that can be safely applied to agricultural soils were estimated. The results showed that heavy application of biosolids to agricultural soils based on the N requirement of a wheat-maize rotation cropping system will oversupply P. Soil total N was increased by 0.010 g kg-1 at application rate of 1 ton sewage sludge per hectare. The high ratio of N to P in grains of wheat and maize (from 4.0 to 7.6) and low ratio of N to P in biosolids (<2) led to more surplus P accumulated in soils. Although plant yields and P uptake by plants increased with increasing quantities of applied biosolids in soils, there was still an average 2.87 mg kg-1 increase in Olsen-P in the plough layer treated with biosolids for every 100 kg P ha-1 surplus. A predictive model was developed based upon the initial Olsen-P in soils, P input rates, crop yield, soil pH, and cultivation time. From the model, it is suggested that sewage sludge could be applied to calcareous soils for 12 yr using the recommended application rate (9 tons ha-1 yr-1). The field results will be helpful in achieving best management of biosolids application for agricultural production and environmental protection.
Keywords:  biosolids      soil      nitrogen      phosphorus  
Received: 22 December 2011   Accepted:

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30971868) and the Beijing Drainage Group Co. Ltd., China.

Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence LI Ju-mei, Tel: +86-10-82108649, E-mail:     E-mail:

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LI Qiong, LI Ju-mei, CUI Xi-long, WEI Dong-pu, MA Yi-bing. 2012. On-Farm Assessment of Biosolids Effects on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation in Soils. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(9): 1545-1554.

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