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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2012, Vol. 11 Issue (5): 769-774    DOI: 10.1016/S1671-2927(00)8598
SECTION 2: Theory, Technology and Method Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
World-Wide Semantic Web of Agriculture Knowledge
 Dickson Lukose
MIMOS Bhd., Technology Park Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 57000, Malaysia
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摘要  The rapid increase in the publication of knowledge bases as linked open data (LOD) warrants serious consideration from all concerned, as this phenomenon will potentially scale exponentially. This paper will briefly describe the evolution of the LOD, the emerging world-wide semantic web (WWSW), and explore the scalability and performance features of the service oriented architecture that forms the foundation of the semantic technology platform developed at MIMOS Bhd., for addressing the challenges posed by the intelligent future internet. This paper concludes with a review of the current status of the agriculture linked open data.

Abstract  The rapid increase in the publication of knowledge bases as linked open data (LOD) warrants serious consideration from all concerned, as this phenomenon will potentially scale exponentially. This paper will briefly describe the evolution of the LOD, the emerging world-wide semantic web (WWSW), and explore the scalability and performance features of the service oriented architecture that forms the foundation of the semantic technology platform developed at MIMOS Bhd., for addressing the challenges posed by the intelligent future internet. This paper concludes with a review of the current status of the agriculture linked open data.
Keywords:  linked open data      world wide semantic web      agriculture      knowledge      ontology      semantic technology      service oriented architecture  
Received: 28 June 2011   Accepted:

This research and development of the semantic technology platform is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology
and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia.

Corresponding Authors:  Dickson Lukose, Tel: +60-16-2613222, E-mail:,     E-mail:
About author:  Dickson Lukose, Tel: +60-16-2613222, E-mail:,

Cite this article: 

Dickson Lukose. 2012. World-Wide Semantic Web of Agriculture Knowledge. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(5): 769-774.

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