Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (7): 1338-1353.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.07.003

• HIGH QUALITY CULTIVATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis on Appearance and Cooking Taste Quality Characteristics of Some High Quality Japonica Rice in China

MA HuiZhen,CHEN XinYi,WANG ZhiJie,ZHU Ying,JIANG WeiQin,REN GaoLei,MA ZhongTao,WEI HaiYan(),ZHANG HongCheng(),LIU GuoDong   

  1. Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
  • Received:2020-04-08 Accepted:2020-07-07 Online:2021-04-01 Published:2021-04-22
  • Contact: HaiYan WEI,HongCheng ZHANG;


【Objective】The differences of physical and chemical characteristics related to appearance and taste of some high-quality japonica rice varieties in China were studied in order to provide some theoretical basis for improvement of high-quality japonica rice varieties.【Method】39 japonica rice varieties participating in the second national high-quality rice variety taste quality evaluation activities were used as materials to study the differences in appearance and cooking taste quality of different japonica rice varieties, and to analyze the relationship between various physical and chemical indexes of rice and taste quality. 15 japonica rice varieties that won the second national high-quality rice variety taste quality evaluation gold medal were divided into two major sources of south and north according to regions, and the differences in appearance and taste related physical and chemical indexes of japonica rice from different regions were compared and studied.【Result】(1) The 39 japonica rice varieties participating in the second national high-quality rice variety taste quality evaluation activities had great differences in grain type, chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree. In terms of cooking taste, the taste value measured by the rice taste meter and the sensory score of experts were 44.00-82.00 and 52.20-91.86, respectively. Amylose content of rice, setback, consistence in RVA spectrum, stickiness and balance in texture characteristics of rice were significantly negatively correlated with taste value of rice, with correlation coefficients of -0.39, -0.60, -0.57, -0.37 and -0.56, respectively. However, the peak viscosity and breakdown in RVA spectrum were significantly positively correlated with the taste value of cooked rice, with correlation coefficients of 0.32 and 0.36, respectively. (2) Compared with northern high-quality japonica rice, chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree of southern high-quality japonica rice increased by 178.78% and 139.11%, respectively; amylose content decreased by 28.25%, protein content increased by 7.37%; setback and consistence in RVA spectra of rice flour decreased by 12.00% and 21.19%, respectively. The absolute values of stickiness and balance in texture characteristics of cooked rice increased by 16.15% and 15.00%, respectively; There was no significant difference between the taste value measured by the rice taste meter and the expert sensory score between the high-quality japonica rice from the south and the north.【Conclusion】The appearance and cooking taste quality of japonica rice varieties participating in the second national high-quality rice variety taste quality evaluation activities were significantly different. The appearance of northern japonica rice was crystal clear, chalkiness degree was 0.50%-3.50%, amylose content of rice was high, protein content was low, and taste was 56.00-74.00. However, the appearance of southern japonica rice was relatively turbid with chalkiness degree of 1.86%-11.21%. Although the protein content was high in rice, the amylose content was low, the rice cooked was soft and sticky, and the taste value was 54.00-82.00.

Key words: high-quality japonica rice, southern japonica rice, northern japonica rice, quality characteristics

Table 1

Japonica rice varieties participating in the second national quality rice variety appraisal and evaluation"

类型 Type 品种名称 Cultivar
Japonica rice
Nanjing46, Jinongda667, Long6you19, Tongxi945, Songxiangjing1018, Jijing528, Jijing816, Jindao9618, Jijing515, Tongyu269, Rundao118, Wankenjing11036, Jindao109, Nanjing9108, Dianheyou615, Liaojing433, Zhehujing25, Yongyou7860, Yuanhandao3, Jingyou653, Shenyou26, Jiyuanxiang1, Shennongfudao09001, Xindao89, Nanjing2728, Shendao7, Runnongjing1, Xingyu13A04, Shengdao18, Jingu117, Longdao27, Longyang16, Chujing45, jinyuanU99, Yongyou540, Longdao20, Suidao9, Fangxin1, Bijingyou210, Exiang2, Zhongheyou1

Table 2

The geographical origin and variety name of the gold award japonica rice varieties"

区域 Area 地域来源 Geographical origin 品种名称 Cultivar
Southern japonica rice
江苏Jiangsu 南粳46,南粳9108 Nanjing46, Nanjing9108
安徽Anhui 皖垦粳11036 Wankenjing11036
上海Shanghai 松香粳1018 Songxiangjing1018
云南Yunnan 滇禾优615 Dianheyou615
Northern japonica rice
吉林Jilin 吉农大667,通系945,吉粳528,吉粳816,吉粳515,通育269
Jinongda667, Tongxi945, Jijing528, Jijing816, Jijing515, Tongyu269
辽宁Liaoning 锦稻109 Jindao109
黑龙江Heilongjiang 润稻118 Rundao118
天津Tianjin 隆6优19,津稻9618 Long6you19, Jindao9618

Table 3

Differences in grain type and appearance quality of participating japonica rice varieties"

Standard deviation
CV (%)
Grain type
整精米粒长 L (mm) 4.04 6.63 5.05 2.59 0.63 12.38
整精米粒宽 W (mm) 2.15 2.77 2.54 0.63 0.15 6.04
整精米长/宽比值 L/W 1.52 2.91 2.01 1.40 0.36 17.76
Appearance quality
垩白率 CR (%) 1.53 69.29 11.23 67.76 12.73 113.35
垩白度 CD (%) 0.33 40.56 3.58 40.23 6.48 181.09
L:整精米长均值;W:整精米宽均值; L/W:整精米长/宽;CR:垩白率;CD:垩白度。下同
L: Average length of polished rice; W: Average width of whole milled rice; L/W: Whole rice length/width; CR: Chalkiness rate; CD: Chalkiness degree. The same as below

Table 4

Differences in amylose and protein content of participating japonica rice varieties"

Standard deviation
CV (%)
直链淀粉含量 AC (%) 9.36 21.23 16.72 11.86 2.96 17.73
蛋白质含量 PC (%) 6.48 8.93 7.58 2.45 0.67 8.79
AC: Amylose content; PC: Protein content. The same as below

Table 5

Differences in characteristic values of RVA profile of participating japonica rice varieties"

Standard deviation
CV (%)
峰值黏度 Peak viscosity (cp) 2145 3717 2781 1572 340.39 12.24
热浆黏度 Trough viscosity (cp) 1163 1957 1647 794 180.79 10.98
最终黏度 Final viscosity (cp) 2126 3339 2796 1213 295.31 10.56
崩解值 Breakdown (cp) 734 1760 1134 1026 249.56 22.01
消减值 Setback (cp) -877 699 16 1575 327.32 2085.88
回复值 Consistence (cp) 677 1569 1150 893 186.15 16.19

Table 6

Differences in rice texture characteristics of participating japonica rice varieties"

Standard deviation
CV (%)
硬度 Hardness (g) 281.21 107.40 199.30 173.81 34.21 17.17
弹性 Springing (%) 0.58 0.43 0.50 0.15 0.03 5.46
黏性 Stickiness (g) -1475.37 -2092.46 -1712.56 617.09 154.28 9.01
均衡值 Balance (%) -0.15 -0.25 -0.20 0.10 0.02 12.63

Table 7

Differences between the eating parameters of the participating japonica rice varieties and the expert eating scores"

Rice quality index
Standard deviation
外观 Appearance 2.75 8.73 5.30 5.98 1.24 23.42
硬度 Hardness 5.08 8.23 7.14 3.15 0.61 8.54
黏度 Viscosity 2.53 8.28 5.38 5.75 1.24 23.00
平衡度 Balance degree 2.50 8.50 5.21 6.00 1.27 24.39
食味值 Taste value 44.00 82.00 61.00 38.00 7.98 13.01
米饭专家食味评分 Expert rating 52.20 91.86 83.19 83.19 6.50 7.82

Table 8

Correlation coefficient between physical and chemical indexes and expert score and taste value"

Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient
整精米长/宽均值L/W -0.40* 峰值黏度PKV 0.32*
整精米长均值L -0.36 热浆黏度THV 0.10
整精米宽均值W 0.44** 崩解值BKD 0.36*
垩白率CR 0.23 最终黏度FLV -0.30
垩白度CD 0.08 消减值STB -0.60**
硬度HD -0.32 回复值CST -0.57**
弹性SP -0.12 峰值时间PKT -0.11
黏性ST -0.37* 糊化温度PGT -0.53**
均衡值BA -0.56** 直链淀粉含量AC -0.39*
专家评分ETR 0.46** 蛋白质含量PC -0.31
HD: Hardness; SP: Springing; ST: Stickiness; BA: Balance; ETR: Expert rating; PKV: Peak viscosity; THV: Trough viscosity; BKD: Breakdown; FLV: Final viscosity; STB: Setback; CST: Consistence; PKT: Peak time; PGT: Pasting temperature. *, significant at 0.05 level; **, significant at 0.01 level

Fig. 1

Differences in grain types of high-quality japonica rice in different regions The number is only needed for drawing, no specific meaning; NJ: Northern high-quality japonica rice; SJ: Southern high-quality japonica rice. The same as below"

Table 9

Differences in grain types of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Grain type
CV (%)
整精米粒长 L (mm) 北方优质粳稻 NJ 4.04 6.42 4.73aA 14.65
南方优质粳稻 SJ 4.50 5.15 4.91aA 5.35
整精米粒宽 W (mm) 北方优质粳稻 NJ 2.47 2.70 2.61aA 2.77
南方优质粳稻 SJ 2.49 2.77 2.66aA 4.87
整精米长/宽比 L/W 北方优质粳稻 NJ 1.52 2.61 1.82aA 16.86
南方优质粳稻 SJ 1.65 2.08 1.85aA 9.21
同一竖列数据后不同小、大写字母分别表示处理间差异达 5%和 1%显著水平。下同
Different small and capital letters after the same vertical data indicate significantly different at 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively. The same as below

Fig. 2

Differences in appearance quality of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Table 1

0 Differences in appearance quality of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

CV (%)
垩白率 CR (%)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 2.18 11.66 7.21bA 51.11
南方优质粳稻 SJ 8.37 45.79 20.10aA 75.67
垩白度 CD (%)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 0.50 3.50 2.02bA 56.07
南方优质粳稻 SJ 1.86 11.21 4.83aA 78.22

Fig. 3

Differences in amylose and protein content of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Table 1

1 Differences in amylose and protein content of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

CV (%)
直链淀粉含量 AC (%) 北方优质粳稻 NJ 11.65 21.23 17.52aA 16.45
南方优质粳稻 SJ 9.64 16.68 12.57bA 27.66
蛋白质含量 PC (%) 北方优质粳稻NJ 6.48 8.62 7.33aA 8.83
南方优质粳稻 SJ 6.93 8.56 7.87aA 8.30

Fig. 4

Differences in characteristic values of starch RVA profiles of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Table 1

2 Differences in characteristic values of starch RVA profiles of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

CV (%)
Peak viscosity (cp)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 2525 3210 2824aA 8.57
南方优质粳稻 SJ 2698 3228 2933aA 6.88
Trough viscosity (cp)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 1416 1924 1705aA 8.82
南方优质粳稻 SJ 1554 1927 1722aA 9.86
Final viscosity (cp)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 2562 3182 2852aA 8.17
南方优质粳稻 SJ 2342 3142 2625aA 14.12
Breakdown (cp)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 909 1406 1119aA 12.77
南方优质粳稻 SJ 822 1642 1212aA 27.92
Setback (cp)
北方优质粳稻 NJ -168 270 28aA 528.23
南方优质粳稻 SJ -877 238 -308bA 162.77
Consistence (cp)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 993 1378 1147aA 11.61
南方优质粳稻 SJ 677 1215 904bA 23.85

Fig. 5

Differences in texture characteristics of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Table 1

3 Differences in texture characteristics of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

指标 Index 类型 Type 最小值 Minimum 最大值 Maximum 平均值 Mean 变异系数 CV (%)
Hardness (g)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 107.40 229.91 176.20aA 19.76
南方优质粳稻 SJ 138.60 210.50 179.28aA 17.01
Springing (%)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 0.47 0.53 0.50aA 3.69
南方优质粳稻 SJ 0.43 0.53 0.48aA 7.94
Stickiness (g)
北方优质粳稻 NJ -1899.91 -1519.47 -1670.82aA 6.55
南方优质粳稻 SJ -2092.46 -1795.66 -1940.63bB 5.54
Balance (%)
北方优质粳稻 NJ -0.24 -0.17 -0.20aA 13.00
南方优质粳稻 SJ -0.25 -0.20 -0.23bA 9.43

Table 1

4 Differences in taste parameters of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

指标 Index 类型 Type 最小值 Minimum 最大值 Maximum 平均值 Mean 变异系数 CV (%)
北方优质粳稻 NJ 4.33 7.10 6.01aA 14.32
南方优质粳稻 SJ 3.95 8.73 6.38aA 30.04
北方优质粳稻 NJ 6.43 7.80 6.88aA 6.10
南方优质粳稻 SJ 5.08 7.90 6.59aA 16.14
北方优质粳稻 NJ 5.00 7.63 6.41aA 12.38
南方优质粳稻 SJ 4.40 8.28 6.30aA 25.35
Balance degree
北方优质粳稻 NJ 4.35 7.18 6.05aA 14.12
南方优质粳稻 SJ 3.90 8.50 6.28aA 30.03

Fig. 6

Differences in taste parameters of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Fig. 7

Differences in the taste scoring value of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

Table 1

5 Differences in the taste scoring value of high-quality japonica rice in different regions"

CV (%)
Taste value
北方优质粳稻 NJ 56.00 74.00 67.00aA 7.82
南方优质粳稻 SJ 54.00 82.00 68.00aA 17.27
Expert rating
北方优质粳稻 NJ 86.14 90.67 88.09aA 1.85
南方优质粳稻 SJ 85.29 91.86 87.48aA 3.03
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