中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (21): 4308-4327.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.21.011

• 园艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


马雨禾1(), 蒲媛媛1, 王晋雄2, 武军艳1, 杨刚1, 赵彩霞2, 马骊3, 刘丽君3, 王旺田4, 缪纯庆5, 关周博6, 范婷婷1, 王兴荣7, 马蕊1, 廉荫涛4, 孙万仓1()   

  1. 1 甘肃农业大学农学院,兰州 730070
    2 西藏自治区农牧科学院农业研究所,拉萨 850032
    3 干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070
    4 甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院,兰州 730070
    5 张掖市农业科学研究院,甘肃张掖 734000
    6 陕西省杂交油菜研究中心,陕西杨凌 712100
    7 甘肃省农业科学院作物研究所,兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-12 接受日期:2024-07-24 出版日期:2024-11-01 发布日期:2024-11-10
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 马雨禾,。
  • 基金资助:
    甘肃省科技重大专项(22ZD6NA009); 甘肃省现代寒旱农业科技支撑项目(KJZC-2023-12); 甘肃省高校产业支撑计划(2023CYZC-51); 甘肃省科技计划-科技特派团专项(23CXNA0041); 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-12-09)

Analysis of Glucosinolate Content and Component in Brassica rapa L.

MA YuHe1(), PU YuanYuan1, WANG JinXiong2, WU JunYan1, YANG Gang1, ZHAO CaiXia2, MA Li3, LIU LiJun3, WANG WangTian4, MIAO ChunQing5, GUAN ZhouBo6, FAN TingTing1, WANG XingRong7, MA Rui1, LIAN YinTao4, SUN WanCang1()   

  1. 1 College of Agriculture, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070
    2 Agricultural Research Institute, Xizang Autonomous Region Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Lhasa 850032
    3 State Key Laboratory of Crop Science in Arid Habitats, Lanzhou 730070
    4 College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070
    5 Zhangye Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhangye 734000, Gansu
    6 Shaanxi Province Hybrid Rapeseed Research Center, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
    7 Crop Research Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070
  • Received:2024-03-12 Accepted:2024-07-24 Published:2024-11-01 Online:2024-11-10


【目的】我国是白菜型油菜起源地之一,分析评价其品质对开发利用白菜型油菜资源具有重要意义。【方法】本研究以菜籽为研究对象,经研磨提取和离子交换柱处理后,得到硫苷提取液,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法,对323份白菜型油菜的硫苷含量及组分进行测定分析。【结果】参试材料的硫苷总含量为26.19—238.21 µmol·g-1,均值为137.22 µmol·g-1。共检测到9种硫苷组分,其中包含了5种脂肪族硫苷,分别为2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷、4-甲亚砜丁基硫苷、2-羟基-4-戊烯基硫苷、3-丁烯基硫苷和4-戊烯基硫苷;3种吲哚族硫苷,包括4-羟基-3-吲哚甲基硫苷、3-吲哚甲基硫苷和4-甲氧基-3-吲哚甲基硫苷;检测到1种芳香族硫苷,为苯乙基硫苷。白菜型油菜硫苷以脂肪族硫苷为主,3-丁烯基硫苷为主要成分,平均含量122.68 µmol·g-1,占脂肪族硫苷含量的93.71%,占总硫苷含量的89.40%。比较不同生态区材料的总硫苷含量发现:长江流域>黄淮区>西藏>甘肃,其中,甘肃材料的4-羟基-3-吲哚甲基硫苷和3-吲哚甲基硫苷含量较其他3个生态区高,但3-丁烯基硫苷含量为4个生态区最低。吲哚族硫苷含量因材料感温性的差异而变化较大,强冬性(11.50 µmol·g-1)>冬性(7.60 µmol·g-1)>半冬性(6.77 µmol·g-1)>春性(3.87 µmol·g-1)。2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷与吲哚族硫苷的含量也因种质不同而有较大变化,筛选到6份高吲哚族硫苷种质(含量为5.86—13.81 µmol·g-1),3份2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷种质(含量为50.14—68.38 µmol·g-1)。【结论】白菜型油菜的硫苷成分主要是脂肪族硫苷,其中3-丁烯基硫苷为脂肪族硫苷主要组分。同时,硫苷组分的含量也因种质的基因型不同有较大变化,如超高硫苷、高吲哚硫苷及高2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷特殊材料等。

关键词: 白菜型油菜, 种子, 硫苷, 组分分析, 高效液相色谱法(HPLC)


【Objective】 Brassica rapa L. originated from China, whose qualify analysis and evaluation was highly important for its development and utilization. 【Method】 In this study, rapeseed was used as the research object. After grinding extraction and ion exchange column treatment, the glucosinolate extract was obtained. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was utilized to determine and analyze the content and components of glucosinolates in 323 B. rapa L. accessions. 【Result】 The total content of glucosinolates in 323 B. rapa L. samples ranged from 26.19 to 238.21 µmol∙g-1, with an average of 137.22 µmol∙g-1. A total of 9 glucosinolate components were identified, consisting of five aliphatic glucosinolates (progoitrin, glucoraphanin, gluconapoleiferin, gluconapin and glucobrassicanapin), three indole glucosinolates (4-hydroxyglucobrassicin, glucobrassicin, and 4-methoxyglucobrassicin), and one aromatic glucosinolate (gluconasturtiin). The predominant glucosinolate in B. rapa L. was gluconapin, which belonged to the aliphatic glucosinolate group. It had an average concentration of 122.68 µmol∙g-1, making up 93.71% of the aliphatic glucosinolate content and 89.40% of the overall glucosinolate content. The comparison of the total glucosinolate content in accessions originated from various ecological zones indicated that the Yangtze River basin had the highest glucosinolate content, followed by the Huanghuai region, Xizang, and Gansu accessions. Among accessions, the content of 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin and glucobrassicin in Gansu accessions was more than that in accessions originated from the other three ecological zones. The content of gluconapin in Gansu accessions was the lowest compared to other accessions. The content of indole glucosinolates exhibited significant variations based on their sensitivity to temperature, with the highest levels observed in harsh winter types (11.50 µmol∙g-1), followed by winter types (7.60 µmol∙g-1), semi-winter types (6.77 µmol∙g-1), and spring types (3.87 µmol∙g-1). The findings demonstrated that, the content of progoitrin and indole glucosinolates differed significantly among the germplasm collection used in this study. Six accessions with high-indolyl glucoside content (ranging from 5.86 to 13.81 µmol∙g-1) and three accessions with progoitrin content (ranging from 50.14 to 68.38 µmol∙g-1) were selected by screening. 【Conclusion】 Aliphatic glucosinolates were the primary components of glucosinolates in B. rapa L., with gluconapin being the predominant component. The glucosinolate components exhibited significant variations depending on the genotype of the accessions. Different genotypes were selected based on their concentration of ultra-high glucosinolate, high indole glucosinolate, and high progoitrin.

Key words: Brassica rapa L., rapeseed, glucosinolates, components analyze, HPLC