中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (11): 2065-2078.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.11.002

• 专题:大豆抗病性、产量与品质的相关性 • 上一篇    下一篇


苗龙1(), 舒阔1, 胡彦姣1, 黄茹1, 何艮华1, 张文明1, 王晓波1(), 邱丽娟2()   

  1. 1 安徽农业大学农学院,合肥 230036
    2 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农作物基因资源与基因改良国家重大科学工程/农业农村部作物基因资源与种质创制重点实验室,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-07 接受日期:2022-12-12 出版日期:2024-06-01 发布日期:2024-06-07
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 苗龙,。
  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发计划(2021YFD1201605); 安徽省自然科学基金(2108085QC114); 安徽省重点研究与开发计划(202204c06020026); 安徽农业大学引进和稳定人才项目(rc312003)

Identification and Gene Mapping of Hard Seededness Mutant Mzp661 in Soybean

MIAO Long1(), SHU Kuo1, HU YanJiao1, HUANG Ru1, HE GenHua1, ZHANG WenMing1, WANG XiaoBo1(), QIU LiJuan2()   

  1. 1 College of Agriculture, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036
    2 Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement/Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resource and Germplasm Enhancement, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2022-11-07 Accepted:2022-12-12 Published:2024-06-01 Online:2024-06-07


【目的】硬实是种子物理休眠的表现特征,也是大豆驯化的一个重要性状。硬实性虽然有利于种子在不良环境中生存,但是在生产实践中会严重降低大豆出苗率,同时影响产量和加工品质。采用混合群体分离测序(bulked segregant analysis sequencing,BSA-Seq)解析大豆种子硬实性状的遗传基础及候选基因,为大豆硬实的分子机理研究提供理论依据。【方法】经甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methane sulfonate,EMS)诱变大豆中品661种子获得硬实突变体Mzp661,将其与栽培大豆中黄13(父本)杂交构建重组自交系(recombinant inbred line,RIL)群体,对不同株系的种子进行硬实性、吸水率和种皮解剖结构鉴定。选取RIL群体中硬实型和正常吸胀型2种极端材料分别构建混池,利用BSA-Seq技术检测不同极端材料及亲本基因型,结合欧式距离(euclidean distance,ED)和delta SNP-index、delta InDel-index关联分析方法,开展大豆种子硬实遗传位点的挖掘,进一步利用生物信息学分析、大豆不同组织的转录组数据和基因注释信息挖掘显著关联区域的候选基因。【结果】突变体Mzp661后代中,吸胀型种子各部位均具有吸水能力,种子体积随浸水时间延长不断增大,然而,硬实型种子浸水36 h内体积未发生变化,随着浸水时间的持续延长,种皮开始局部出现皱缩,并逐渐向其他部位扩散,子叶恢复吸胀能力。硬实型种子种皮表面光滑且结构紧密、角质层呈规则的网状结构、栅栏层较厚,而吸胀型种子表皮有气孔且结构松散、角质层有微小的裂缝、栅栏层较薄,表明突变体Mzp661种子硬实与种皮不透水/气相关;ED和delta SNP-index、delta InDel-index关联分析方法不仅鉴定到已报道种子物理休眠遗传位点qHS1,而且检测到1个一致性关联区域Chr.06:45897227—47746047,该区间共含有189个基因,转录组数据及基因注释挖掘到种子中特异高表达的Glyma.06G275300可能为该关联区域调控大豆种子硬实的关键候选基因。【结论】大豆突变体Mzp661种子硬实由种皮不透水/气所致,利用BSA-Seq法鉴定到Glyma.06G275300可能为影响种皮结构的候选基因。

关键词: 大豆, 种子硬实, 种皮结构, 混合群体分离测序, 候选基因


【Objective】Hardness, a structural feature of seed physical dormancy, is an important trait in soybean domestication. Although hardness is beneficial for seeds to survive in unfavorable environments, it will seriously reduce the emergence rate of soybean in the field, and detrimental to yield and processing quality. Analyzing the QTL and candidate genes using bulked segregant analysis sequencing (BSA-Seq), can provide a theoretical reference for understanding the molecular mechanism of hard seededness in soybean.【Method】The hard seed mutant Mzp661 was obtained from the seeds of Zhongpin 661 induced by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS), and was crossed with cultivated soybean Zhonghuang 13 (male parent) to construct recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. The progeny lines were investigated for seed hardness, water absorption capacity and anatomical structure of seed coats. Two types of extreme lines in the RIL population, with hard seeds or with imbibed seeds, were selected to construct DNA mixed pools respectively, and then BSA-Seq technology was used to detect genotype differences in extreme-mixed pools and parents. Euclidean distance (ED), delta SNP-index, and delta InDel-index methods were applied to associate hard seed genetic loci of soybean. Combining with bioinformatics analysis, transcriptome data of different soybean tissues and gene annotation information, candidate genes within significant association regions were predicted.【Result】In the progenies of Mzp661, all areas of imbibitive seeds had the penetration ability, and the seed volume increased continuously with the soaking time. However, no changes were observed for hard seeds over 36 hours. With the prolonged of soaking time, the seed coat of hard seeds began to shrink locally and gradually spread to other parts, and finally cotyledons recovered their imbibition ability. The hard seed not only has smooth and compact seed coat, but also has regular network structure of cuticle and thicker palisade layer, while numbers of stomata and loose structures, tiny cracks and thinner palisade layer were existed in the imbibed seeds. These results suggest that the seed hardness of Mzp661 may be caused by the impermeability of the seed coat. ED, delta SNP-index and delta InDel-index association analysis methods not only identified the reported seed physical dormancy locus qHS1, but also simultaneously detected the candidate region Chr.06: 45897227-47746047, which contains a total of 189 genes. Further, transcriptome data and gene annotation predicted that Glyma.06G275300, which is specifically and highly expressed in seeds, might be the candidate gene for this associated region to regulate soybean seed hardness.【Conclusion】Seed hardness of soybean mutant Mzp661 was caused by the impermeability of the seed coat, and Glyma.06G275300 was predicted as a candidate gene affecting the structure of seed coat using BSA-Seq.

Key words: soybean, seed hardness, seed coat structure, BSA-Seq, candidate gene