中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (19): 3894-3916.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.19.013

• 园艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨春1(), 杨代星2, 李燕1, 梁思慧1, 邓小强3, 乔大河1, 陈娟1, 郭燕1, 林开勤1, 陈正武1()   

  1. 1 贵州省茶叶研究所/国家茶叶产业技术体系遵义综合试验站/贵州省茶叶现代农业产业技术体系资源与育种功能实验室,贵阳 550006
    2 贵州大学茶学院,贵阳 550025
    3 习水县农业农村局,贵州遵义 564600
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-20 接受日期:2024-06-24 出版日期:2024-10-01 发布日期:2024-10-09
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 杨春,。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(32360773); 贵州省科学技术基金(黔科合基础-ZK[2021]一般155); 贵州省农业科学院喀斯特山区作物基因资源与种业创新重点实验室项目(黔农科院种质资源[2023]03 号); 贵阳市科技计划项目(筑科合同[2023]2-1号)

Comprehensive Analysis of Morphologic Characters and Biochemical Components of Guizhou Dashu Tea Germplasms

YANG Chun1(), YANG DaiXing2, LI Yan1, LIANG SiHui1, DENG XiaoQiang3, QIAO DaHe1, CHEN Juan1, GUO Yan1, LIN KaiQin1, CHEN ZhengWu1()   

  1. 1 Guizhou Tea Research Institute/Zunyi Comprehensive Test Station, China Agriculture Research System-Tea/Resource Breeding Function Laboratory of Guizhou Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System of Tea, Guiyang 550006
    2 Tea College, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025
    3 Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xishui County, Zunyi 564600, Guizhou
  • Received:2024-02-20 Accepted:2024-06-24 Published:2024-10-01 Online:2024-10-09


【目的】阐明不同地域贵州大树茶种质形态学特征及生化组成特性,为贵州特色大树茶种质保护及开发利用提供科学依据。【方法】以121份来源于贵州7个县(市)的大树茶种质为研究对象,测定其形态学性状及生化性状,运用相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析等多元统计分析方法,综合评价贵州大树茶种质。【结果】贵州大树茶生化性状的遗传多样性较形态学性状高,7个形态学性状的变异系数为11.30%(长宽比)—145.61%(子房茸毛),平均变异系数为41.12%,遗传多样性指数(H )为0.47(腋芽茸毛)—2.07(长宽比),平均遗传多样性指数为1.43;14个生化性状的变异系数为23.15%(儿茶素总量)—99.54%(没食子酸),平均变异系数为54.71%,遗传多样性指数(H )为1.36(表儿茶素,EC)—2.07(儿茶素总量),平均遗传多样性指数为1.89。多数贵州大树茶的形态学特征为腋芽有毛,子房无毛,大叶或中叶,叶形长椭圆形或椭圆形。贵州大树茶生化成分含量分布相对均匀,咖啡碱、茶叶碱、儿茶素(C)、表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)、生物碱总量、非酯型儿茶素、酯型儿茶素和儿茶素总量等8个生化性状呈平缓且对称的正态分布趋势。贵州大树茶形态学性状和生化性状大多与地理信息及气候指标间存在显著或极显著相关,随着海拔、纬度的上升及年平均气温的下降,贵州大树茶叶片越阔圆,咖啡碱、可可碱和茶叶碱等嘌呤生物碱类物质含量越高。通过正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(orthogonal partial least squares discrimination analysis,OPLS-DA),筛选出10个VIP(variable importance in projection)大于1的关键性状:儿茶素总量、没食子酸、生物碱总量、酯型儿茶素、EC、咖啡碱、表儿茶素没食子酸酯(ECG)、EGCG、可可碱和腋芽茸毛,可用于区分不同县(市)大树茶种质。基于10个生化组分可将121份贵州大树茶分为4个类群,第Ⅰ类为20份来自惠水的大树茶种质,其EC和ECG含量极显著高于其他3类;第Ⅱ类包括16份大树茶种质,其ECG含量显著低于其他3类;第Ⅲ类包括9份大树茶种质,多数来自惠水,其表没食子儿茶素(EGC)含量极显著高于其他3类;第Ⅳ类包括76份大树茶种质,主要来自习水、桐梓、道真和务川,其咖啡碱、可可碱、茶叶碱、EGCG、C和没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(GCG)含量显著或极显著高于其他3类。以14个生化性状开展主成分分析,共提取了3个主成分,累计贡献率达80.94%,第1主成分中的决定生化因子EGCG、生物碱总量和酯型儿茶素是评价贵州大树茶生化品质的关键。【结论】贵州大树茶种质形态学性状及生化性状均具有丰富的遗传多样性;来自黔南的惠水大树茶种质与黔北6县(市)大树茶种质形态表型及生化表型均差异较大;GT-XS-08、GT-TZ-11、GT-DZ-06、GT-DZ-13和GT-TZ-03是生化品质综合评价较优且生化成分含量优异的大树茶种质,可作为高潜力育种材料以选育茶树新品种。

关键词: 贵州, 茶, 大树茶, 遗传多样性, 主成分分析, 聚类分析


【Objective】 The aim of this study was to elucidate the morphological and biochemical characteristics of Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms in different regions, so as to provide the scientific basis for the conservation, development and utilization of Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms.【Method】In this study, 121 Dashu tea germplasms from seven counties in Guizhou were selected as materials to determine their morphological and biochemical traits. Multivariate statistical methods, including correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis were applied to comprehensively evaluate the genetic diversity of Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms. 【Result】The genetic diversity of biochemical traits was higher than morphological traits in Guizhou Dashu tea. The coefficient of variation (CV) for the 7 morphological traits ranged from 11.30% (length-width ratio) to 145.61% (ovary pubescence), with a mean CV of 41.12%. The index of genetic diversity (H') for them ranged from 0.47 (axillary pubescence) to 2.07 (length- width ratio), with an average value of 1.43. The CV of the 14 biochemical traits ranged from 23.15% (total catechins) to 99.54% (gallic acid), with an average value of 54.71%, and the H' ranged from 1.36 (epicatechin, EC) to 2.07 (total catechins), with a mean of 1.89. Most Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms were characterized by hairy axillary buds, glabrous ovaries, large or middle leaves, and long elliptical or elliptical leaf shape. The biochemical content of Guizhou Dashu tea from different regions were distributed uniform relatively, and 8 biochemical traits, including caffeine, theophylline, catechin (C), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), total alkaloids, non-galloylated catechins, galloylated catechins and total catechins, showed a gentle and symmetrical normal distribution trend. Most of the morphological and biochemical traits of Guizhou Dashu tea were significant (P<0.05) or extremely significant (P<0.01) correlated with geographical location and climate factors. With the increase of altitude and latitude and the decrease of annual average temperature, the leaf of Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms were wider and rounder, and the content of purine alkaloids, such as caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, were higher. Based on orthogonal partial least squares discrimination analysis (OPLS-DA), 10 key traits, including total catechins, gallic acid, total alkaloids, gallated catechins, EC, caffeine, epigallocatechin gallate (ECG), EGCG, theobromine and axillary pubescence, with VIP >1 were screened out which could be used to distinguish Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms in different counties. Cluster analysis based on 10 biochemical components showed that the 121 Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms could be divided into 4 categories. There were 20 Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms in Group I, all from Huishui, had extremely significant higher content of EC and ECG than those in other three categories. 16 Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms in Group Ⅱ and the content of ECG was significant lower than that in other three categories. 9 Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms in Group Ⅲ, most of them came from Huishui, and the content of epicatechin-3-gallate (EGC) was significantly higher than that in other three categories. 76 Dashu tea germplasms in Group Ⅳ, mainly from Xishui, Tongzi, Daozhen and Wuchuan, and the content of caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, EGCG, C, and gallocatechin-3-gallate (GCG) were significant or extremely significant higher than those in other three categories. PCA was carried out with 14 biochemical traits, and a total of 3 principal components (PC1, PC2, and PC3) were extracted, with a cumulative contribution of 80.94%. The determinants of biochemical factors EGCG, total alkaloids and ester catechins in the PC1 were the key to evaluate the biochemical qualities of Guizhou Dashu tea.【Conclusion】Guizhou Dashu tea germplasms had abundant genetic diversity in morphological and biochemical traits. There were significant differences in morphological and biochemical characteristics between Dashu tea germplasms from Huishui, which located in southern Guizhou and those from other 6 counties, which located in northern Guizhou. Among them, GT-XS-08, GT-TZ-11, GT-DZ-06, GT-DZ-13, and GT-TZ-03 were Dashu tea germplasms with both superior biochemical quality and excellent biochemical content, which could be used as high potential breeding materials to select new tea varieties.

Key words: Guizhou, tea, Dashu tea, genetic diversity, principal component analysis, cluster analysis