中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (17): 3350-3365.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.17.004

• 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


翁文安1(), 邢志鹏1, 胡群1, 魏海燕1, 史扬杰2, 奚小波2, 李秀丽3, 刘桂云3, 陈娟3, 袁风萍3, 孟轶1, 廖萍1(), 高辉1, 张洪程1()   

  1. 1 扬州大学/江苏省作物栽培生理重点实验室/江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心/水稻产业工程技术研究院,江苏扬州 225009
    2 扬州大学机械工程学院,江苏扬州 225009
    3 大中农场集团有限公司农业科技研究所,江苏大丰 224135
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-25 接受日期:2024-07-17 出版日期:2024-09-01 发布日期:2024-09-04
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 翁文安,。
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省重点研发计划(BE2022338); 江苏省学位与研究生教育教学改革课题(KYCX23_3574)

Effects of Unmanned Dry Direct-Seeded Mode on Yield, Grain Quality of Rice and Its Economic Benefits

WENG WenAn1(), XING ZhiPeng1, HU Qun1, WEI HaiYan1, SHI YangJie2, XI XiaoBo2, LI XiuLi3, LIU GuiYun3, CHEN Juan3, YUAN FengPing3, MENG Yi1, LIAO Ping1(), GAO Hui1, ZHANG HongCheng1()   

  1. 1 Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
    2 College of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
    3 Agricultural Science and Technology Research Institute of Jiangsu Dazhong Farm Group Co., Ltd., Dafeng 224135, Jiangsu
  • Received:2024-01-25 Accepted:2024-07-17 Published:2024-09-01 Online:2024-09-04


【目的】为创新水稻绿色丰产优质高效的无人化旱直播栽培技术提供理论依据和技术支撑。【方法】于2020-2022年连续3年,以中熟中粳优质稻南粳5718为材料,以无人化毯苗机插和常规毯苗机插为对照,对3种栽培方式下水稻生育进程、产量形成、稻米品质特征和经济效益进行比较研究。【结果】(1)小麦收获后,较对照提前2—3 d进行无人化旱直播,水稻全生育期将缩短12—13 d,其中播种至拔节阶段生育期缩短是全生育期缩短的主要原因。(2)2020—2022年,无人化旱直播水稻年平均产量为10.5 t·hm-2,与常规毯苗机插相比增产3.0%,但二者差异不显著;与无人化毯苗机插相比,显著减产5.4%,减产的主要原因是每穗粒数减少导致总颖花量的减少,以及抽穗至成熟阶段干物质积累和转运能力下降。(3)与常规毯苗机插相比,无人化旱直播水稻加工品质、直链淀粉含量和蛋白质含量均降低但差异不显著;垩白粒率和垩白度显著降低;食味值增加但差异不显著。与无人化毯苗机插相比,无人化旱直播水稻整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度和直链淀粉含量均显著降低;蛋白质含量降低但差异不显著;RVA峰值黏度增高,食味值显著增加。(4)无人化旱直播模式下水稻种植成本降低,净收益较无人化毯苗机插和常规毯苗机插分别增加了1.15×103和0.93×103 元/hm2。【结论】麦茬无人化旱直播可以实现水稻丰产与增收协同,同时改善了稻米外观品质和蒸煮食味品质,后续仍需进一步优化无人化旱直播栽培技术,以提高水稻群体颖花量,促进灌浆结实期干物质积累和各器官干物质向穗部转运,最终实现智慧化水稻丰产优质高效协同的目标。

关键词: 水稻, 无人化, 旱直播, 产量, 稻米品质, 经济效益


【Objective】This study aimed to provide the theoretical and technical support for the innovation of green, high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency unmanned dry direct-seeded (UDDS) cultivation technology of rice.【Method】Medium-maturing medium japonica rice (Nanjing 5718) was selected as the experimental material, with unmanned carpet seedling mechanical transplantated (UCSMT), and conventional carpet seedling mechanical transplantated (CSMT) serving as control methods. A three-year field experiment was conducted to assess the impact of UDDS on growth, yield formation, quality characteristics of rice, and its economic benefits.【Result】(1) Although UDDS was carried out with 2-3 days earlier than the control, it exhibited a full growth cycle that was 12-13 days shorter than those of UCSMT and CSMT, primarily due to the shortened period from sowing to jointing stage. (2) The average yield under UDDS from 2020 to 2022 was 10.5 t·hm-2, representing a 3.0% increase than that of CSMT, although this difference was not statistically significant. In comparison with UCSMT, UDDS exhibited a significant yield reduction of 5.4%, and this decrease could be attributed to a reduction in the spikelet number per panicle, resulting in fewer total spikelet numbers and a decrease in dry matter accumulation and transport capacity from heading to maturity. (3) Compared with CSMT, UDDS exhibited slightly reduced processing quality, amylose, and protein contents, with no significant differences were observed. However, the significant reductions in chalkiness percentage and degree were noted, while the taste value increased, though not significantly. Compared with UCSMT, UDDS demonstrated a significant decrease in head milled rice rate, chalkiness percentage, degree, and amylose content, and protein content also decreased, though not significantly. Additionally, UDDS exhibited higher RVA peak viscosity and a significant improvement in taste value. (4) Under the UDDS mode, the cost of rice planting decreased, and the net income increased by 1.15 × 103 yuan·hm-2 and 0.93 × 103 yuan·hm-2, than that under UCSMT and CSMT, respectively.【Conclusion】In the rice-wheat rotation system, UDDS realized the synergy of high yield and income increase, and improved the appearance quality and cooking and eating quality of rice, the UDDS cultivation technology should be optimized in terms of improving the total spikelet number, accumulation and translocation of dry matter during filling stage, thereby getting the goals of high rice yield, great quality, and efficient synergy, simultaneously.

Key words: rice, unmanned, dry direct-seeded, grain yield, rice quality, economic benefit