中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (16): 3537-3548.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.16.015

• 畜牧·兽医·资源昆虫 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1兰州大学草地农业生态系统国家重点试验室/兰州大学农业农村部草牧业创新重点试验室/兰州大学草地农业科技学院反刍动物研究所,兰州 730020
    2中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,兰州 730050
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-29 接受日期:2021-01-25 出版日期:2021-08-16 发布日期:2021-08-24
  • 通讯作者: 王虎成,杨博辉
  • 作者简介:王晨,E-mail:,|张宏伟,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Energy and Protein Requirements of Alpine Merino Growing Sheep

WANG Chen1(),ZHANG HongWei1(),WANG HuCheng1(),SUN XiaoPing2,LI FaDi1,YANG BoHui2()   

  1. 1State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, Lanzhou University/Key Laboratory of Grassland Livestock Industry Innovation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of ruminant research, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020
    2Lanzhou Institute of Animal Science & Veterinary Pharmaceutics, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730050
  • Received:2020-06-29 Accepted:2021-01-25 Online:2021-08-16 Published:2021-08-24
  • Contact: HuCheng WANG,BoHui YANG


【目的】研究高山美利奴育成羊的能量与蛋白质需要量,为制定其饲养标准提供基础数据和理论支撑。【方法】试验选取健康、体况良好的14月龄高山美利奴育成公羊(46.50±2.12 kg)和母羊(35.75±2.31 kg)各24只作为供试动物。试验共计40 d,包括5 d过渡期,10 d预试期和25 d正试期;过渡期每天早晚饲喂燕麦干草,中午饲喂少量全混合颗粒料;预试期试验羊单栏自由采食全混合颗粒料,并记录采食量;正试期根据预试期羊只的采食量进行分组并单栏饲养,育成公羊和育成母羊各分为4组,按照自由采食(AL组),自由采食量的80%(IR80组),自由采食量的60%(IR60组)和自由采食量的40%(IR40组)4个水平饲喂,每组6个重复,每个重复1只羊。采用全收粪尿法于正试期最后5d连续进行消化代谢试验,在这期间准确记录并收集每只羊每天的饲料、粪和尿,并于最后2d采用呼吸面具间接测热法进行呼吸测热试验,测定其生长性能,能量利用和氮平衡指标,通过回归分析得出高山美利奴育成羊的能量和蛋白质需要量参数及预测模型。【结果】育成公羊和育成母羊的初重在各饲喂水平间无显著差异(P>0.05)。随着饲喂水平的降低,育成羊的末重、平均日增重、干物质采食量、食入总能、粪能、消化能、代谢能、能量沉积量、氮采食量、粪氮、消化氮、沉积氮、沉积氮/氮采食量和沉积氮/消化氮显著降低,即AL组>IR80组>IR60组>IR40组(P<0.05)。但饲喂水平对高山美利奴育成母羊的气体排放有显著影响(P<0.05),IR40组的氧气消耗量和二氧化碳产生量显著低于其余3组(P<0.05)。随着饲喂水平的降低,育成公羊的总能消化率、总能代谢率和氮表观消化率显著升高(P<0.05)。高山美利奴育成公羊和育成母羊的维持净能(NEm)需要量分别为227和213 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,维持代谢能(MEm)需要量分别为283和279 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,代谢能维持利用效率(Km)分别为0.80和0.76,当ADG为1 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1时,消化能(DE)需要量分别为760和830 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,代谢能(ME)需要量分别为570和750 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,净能(NE)需要量分别为290和370 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1。高山美利奴育成公羊和育成母羊的维持净氮需要量分别为220.8和190.4 mg·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,维持净氮需要量乘以6.25即维持净蛋白(NPm)需要量分别为1.38和1.19 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,当ADG为1 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1时,粗蛋白(CPI)需要量分别为7.75和6.55 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1,可消化蛋白(DCP)需要量分别为6.02和4.38 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1。【结论】高山美利奴育成羊的能量和蛋白质需要量与既定的绵羊推荐值存在差异,可能是与品种、生理状况、年龄阶段和环境等因素有关。此外,本研究所建立的模型可用于估算高山美利奴育成羊的能量和蛋白质需要量。

关键词: 高山美利奴育成羊, 生长性能, 能量, 蛋白质, 需要量


【Objective】The objective of this study was to determine the energy and protein requirements of Alpine Merino growing sheep, which could provide basic data and theoretical support for the formulation of feeding standards. 【Method】 It was selected that forty eight 14-month old Alpine Merino growing male sheep (n = 24, an initial body weight of 42.96 ± 3.13 kg) and female sheep (n = 24, an initial body weight of 32.85 ± 3.21 kg). The experiment lasted for 40 days, including 5-day transition period, 10-day pre-trial period and 25-day formal period. In the transition period, oat hay was fed in the morning and evening every day, and a small amount of total mixed pellet feed was fed at noon to realize the transition from forage to pellet feed; in the pre-trial period, the sheep were free to eat the whole mixed pellet feed in a single pen, and the feed intake was recorded; in the formal period, the sheep were grouped according to the feed intake of the pre-trial period feeding, growing male and female sheep were divided into 4 groups, fed with 4 levels of free feeding (AL group), 80% (IR80 group), 60% (IR60 group) and 40% (IR40 group) with 6 replicates in each group and 1 sheep in each replicate. In the last five days of the formal period, the digestion and metabolism trials were carried out continuously with the method of total collection of feces and urine. During this period, the feeds, feces and urine of each sheep were accurately recorded and collected. In the last two days, the respiratory calorimetry was carried out by the indirect calorimetry of respiratory mask to determine the growth performance, energy utilization and nitrogen balance indexes. The energy and protein requirements of Alpine Merino growing sheep were obtained by regression analysis. 【Result】 There was no significant difference in the initial weight between the growing male and female sheep (P>0.05). With the decrease of feed intake level, the final weight, average daily gain, dry matter intake, gross energy intake, fecal energy, digestible energy, metabolic energy, retained energy, nitrogen intake, fecal nitrogen, digestible nitrogen, retained nitrogen, retained nitrogen/nitrogen intake and retained nitrogen/digestible nitrogen decreased significantly, that is, AL>IR80>IR60>IR40 (P<0.05). However, feed intake level had significant effect on gas emission of Alpine Merino growing female sheep (P<0.05). Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production of IR40 group were significantly lower than those of the other three groups (P<0.05). With the decrease of feed intake level, the total energy digestibility, total energy metabolic rate and nitrogen apparent digestibility of male sheep increased significantly (P<0.05). The maintenance requirements of NE, ME, the efficiencies of ME utilisation for maintenance, every 1 g·kg -1BW0.75·d-1 body weight gain, DE, ME and NE of Alpine Merino growing male and female sheep were 227, 213 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, 283, 279 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, 0.80, 0.76, 760, 830 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, 570, 750 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, and 290, 370 kJ·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, respectively. Every 1 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1 body weight gain, the maintenance requirements of net nitrogen, NPm, CPI and DCP of Alpine Merino growing male and female sheep were 220.8, 190.4 mg·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, 1.38, 1.19 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, 7.75, 6.55 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, 6.02, and 4.38 g·kg-1BW0.75·d-1, respectively. 【Conclusion】The results of this study showed that the energy and protein requirements of Alpine Merino sheep were different from the established sheep recommended values, which might be related to factors such as breed, physiological condition, age and environment. In addition, the model established in this study could be used to estimate the energy and protein requirements of Alpine Merino sheep.

Key words: Alpine Merino growing sheep, growth performance, energy, protein, requirements