中国农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (8): 1510-1523.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.08.002
WANG LiuYan,WANG RuiLi,YE Sang,GAO HuanHuan,LEI Wei,CHEN LiuYi,WU JiaYi,MENG LiJiao,YUAN Fang,TANG ZhangLin,LI JiaNa,ZHOU QingYuan(),CUI Cui()
QingYuan ZHOU,Cui CUI
【目的】寻找苯磺隆胁迫下油菜种子萌发性状相关的QTL及其耐性基因,为筛选与培育耐苯磺隆油菜种质以及探究油菜种子萌发过程中苯磺隆耐性分子机理奠定基础。【方法】用0.15 mg·kg -1苯磺隆溶液处理由人工合成甘蓝型油菜10D130和甘蓝型油菜常规品种ZS11构建的包含175个株系的高世代重组自交系(RIL)群体,进行种子发芽试验,以蒸馏水为对照,分别测定其相对发芽势、相对发芽率、相对根长和相对干重。然后,利用油菜6K SNP芯片对该RIL群体进行基因分型,通过JoinMap4.0软件构建高密度遗传连锁图谱。基于该遗传图谱,利用MapQTL软件多QTL作图法对4个性状的相对值进行QTL定位,根据各QTL置信区间查找甘蓝型油菜的基因序列,并依次与拟南芥基因组序列进行BLAST,筛选可能与耐苯磺隆胁迫相关的候选基因。【结果】频数分布表明4个相对性状的变异范围较大,且呈连续性分布,符合数量性状表现特征,适宜进行QTL遗传分析。相关分析表明,相对发芽率和相对发芽势呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.587。构建的遗传图谱包含1 897个多态性SNP标记,覆盖甘蓝型油菜基因组3 214.19 cM,标记之间的平均图距为1.69 cM。利用此图谱共检测到22个相关QTL,表型贡献率变幅为6.4%—12.6%。其中,与相对发芽势、相对发芽率相关的QTL分别有6个和3个,与相对根长和相对干重有关的QTL分别为8个和5个。在A01染色体64.857 cM、55.935 cM和56.645 cM处检测到的相对发芽势与相对发芽率QTL的置信区间完全或者部分重叠。通过分析QTL置信区间上甘蓝型油菜对应的区间序列,筛选到30个可能与油菜耐苯磺隆有关的候选基因,其中包括18个细胞色素P450家族成员、5个糖基转移酶家族基因、1个GSTF相关基因、1个ABC转运蛋白相关基因和1个ALS基因,这些基因均与除草剂抗性机制有关,尤其ALS为磺酰脲类除草剂靶位点酶;另外筛选到1个BHLH和1个JAZ6基因,BHLH与JAZ蛋白可通过相互作用来防御胁迫;检测到1个LSU2蛋白相关基因和1个MATE家族成员,前者参与细胞氧化剂解毒及植物防御反应,后者参与类黄酮、生物碱、金属离子、其他多种代谢物的转运及有毒物质引起的植物胁迫响应。【结论】检测到与相关QTL共22个,筛选出可能与苯磺隆耐性有关的候选基因30个。这些基因通过加速毒性分子的转运与代谢从而响应有毒物质引起的胁迫反应,可能参与植物对苯磺隆的抗性调节与反应机制。
王刘艳,王瑞莉,叶桑,郜欢欢,雷维,陈柳依,吴家怡,孟丽姣,袁芳,唐章林,李加纳,周清元,崔翠. 苯磺隆胁迫下甘蓝型油菜萌发期关联性状的QTL定位及候选基因筛选[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(8): 1510-1523.
WANG LiuYan,WANG RuiLi,YE Sang,GAO HuanHuan,LEI Wei,CHEN LiuYi,WU JiaYi,MENG LiJiao,YUAN Fang,TANG ZhangLin,LI JiaNa,ZHOU QingYuan,CUI Cui. QTL Mapping and Candidate Genes Screening of Related Traits in Brassica napus L. During the Germination Under Tribenuron-Methyl Stress[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(8): 1510-1523.
浓度Concentration (mg·kg-1) | ZS11 | 10D130 | ||||
均值 Mean (cm) | 显著性检验 Significant (P<0.05) | 降幅 Percentage reduction (%) | 均值 Mean (cm) | 显著性检验 Significant (P<0.05) | 降幅 Percentage reduction (%) | |
CK | 7.88 | a | — | 6.78 | a | — |
0.075 | 7.08 | a | -10.15 | 5.71 | a | -15.78 |
0.15 | 6.91 | a | -12.31 | 4.16 | b | -38.64 |
0.25 | 4.25 | b | -46.07 | 2.12 | c | -68.73 |
0.50 | 2.77 | c | -64.85 | 0.86 | c | -87.32 |
性状 Trait | 重复间差异性 Inter repetition difference | 株系间差异性 Difference among strains | ||||
自由度df | F | 显著性Significant | 自由度df | F | 显著性Significant | |
相对发芽势RGV | 2 | 0.597 | 0.551 | 174 | 3.356 | 3.8E-22 |
相对发芽率RGR | 2 | 1.136 | 0.322 | 174 | 3.707 | 1.2E-25 |
相对根长RRL | 2 | 0.009 | 0.991 | 174 | 36.920 | 2.5E-157 |
相对干重RDW | 2 | 0.766 | 0.466 | 174 | 3.175 | 2.5E-20 |
性状 Trait | 位点 Loci | 左标记 Left marker | 右标记 Right marker | 染色体 Chr. | 位置 Position (cM) | 阈值 LOD | 贡献率 Expl. (%) | 置信区间 Confidence interval (cM) |
相对发芽势 RGV | qRGVC02-1 | / | AX-86224097 | C02 | 0.000 | 3.04 | 7.7 | 0.000—0.468 |
qRGVC03-1 | AX-95665263 | AX-177835191 | C03 | 68.724 | 2.88 | 7.3 | 67.838—69.724 | |
qRGVC07-1 | AX-177830550 | AX-95503939 | C07 | 79.903 | 2.82 | 7.1 | 72.776—80.784 | |
qRGVA01-1 | AX-95656842 | AX-182125504 | A01 | 55.935 | 2.61 | 6.6 | 54.426—56.645 | |
qRGVA01-2 | AX-182153395 | AX-182155384 | A01 | 64.857 | 2.65 | 6.7 | 62.861—67.428 | |
qRGVA06-1 | AX-95501842 | AX-177829720 | A06 | 106.205 | 2.62 | 6.7 | 105.840—108.202 | |
相对发芽率 RGR | qRGRA01-1 | AX-95509232 | AX-177830916 | A01 | 56.645 | 4.31 | 10.7 | 55.935—57.420 |
qRGRA01-2 | AX-182153395 | AX-182155384 | A01 | 64.857 | 2.95 | 7.5 | 62.861—67.428 | |
qRGRA03-1 | AX-95508795 | AX-95509572 | A03 | 127.616 | 2.82 | 7.2 | 125.682—129.203 | |
相对根长 RRL | qRRLA04-1 | AX-182176371 | AX-95505772 | A04 | 94.698 | 4.51 | 11.2 | 88.608—97.938 |
qRRLA04-2 | AX-95507645 | AX-177833715 | A04 | 113.308 | 5.12 | 12.6 | 108.264—114.008 | |
qRRLA04-3 | AX-177827854 | AX-95503983 | A04 | 132.285 | 2.89 | 7.3 | 130.443—134.464 | |
qRRLA06-1 | AX-95664740 | AX-95506250 | A06 | 98.667 | 3.46 | 8.7 | 97.389—101.050 | |
qRRLA06-2 | AX-105306485 | AX-95664864 | A06 | 113.134 | 3.35 | 8.4 | 112.441—113.682 | |
qRRLA06-3 | AX-95656835 | AX-105307005 | A06 | 124.073 | 4.01 | 10.0 | 123.077—130.636 | |
qRRLA09-1 | AX-105307894 | AX-177910950 | A09 | 284.516 | 3.06 | 7.7 | 283.174—285.872 | |
qRRLC01-1 | AX-105335237 | AX-105335655 | C01 | 45.715 | 2.51 | 6.4 | 42.779—47.043 | |
相对干重 RDW | qRDWA03-1 | AX-95663919 | AX-95638137 | A03 | 98.052 | 2.98 | 7.5 | 97.681—99.234 |
qRDWA04-1 | AX-95662645 | AX-182137198 | A04 | 17.105 | 3.2 | 8.1 | 12.178—19.860 | |
qRDWA04-2 | AX-179307304 | AX-95664963 | A04 | 39.299 | 2.93 | 7.4 | 38.667—41.328 | |
qRDWA02-1 | AX-179307763 | AX-177832049 | A02 | 125.116 | 2.65 | 6.7 | 121.653—129.830 | |
qRDWC03-1 | AX-105338724 | AX-105308542 | C03 | 187.649 | 2.52 | 6.4 | 185.306—188.940 |
性状 Trait | 位点 Loci | 染色体 Chr. | 物理区间 Physical interval (bp) | 候选基因 Candidate gene | 拟南芥基因 Arabidopsis gene | 基因 Gene | 描述 Description |
相对发 芽势 RGV | qRGVC07-1 | C07 | 33957781—34814007 | BnaC07g29830D | AT5G24660 | LSU2 | 细胞氧化剂解毒;对防御反应调控 Cellular oxidant detoxification; Regulation of defense response |
qRGVA01-1 | A01 | 6196365—6753945 | BnaA01g12870D | AT4G23030 | / | MATE家族蛋白 MATE efflux family protein | |
相对发 芽率 RGR | qRGRA01-1 | A01 | 6196365—6753945 | BnaA01g12870D | AT4G23030 | / | MATE家族蛋白 MATE efflux family protein |
qRGRA03-1 | A03 | 14987907—15498700 | BnaA03g31340D | AT3G10670 | ABCI6 | 参与生物发生或修复氧化破坏的Fe-S簇 Involved in the biogenesis or repair of oxidatively damaged Fe-S clusters. | |
相对 根长 RRL | qRRLA04-1 | A04 | 14446411—15117001 | BnaA04g19030D | AT2G32740 | GT13 | 半乳糖基转移酶13 Galactosyltransferase 13 |
BnaA04g17910D | AT2G30860 | GSTF9 | 编码GST phi类谷胱甘肽转移酶 Encodes glutathione transferase belonging to the phi class of GSTs | ||||
BnaA04g18440D | AT2G31790 | UGT | UDP-糖基转移酶超家族蛋白 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein | ||||
qRRLA04-2 | A04 | 15913314—16484458 | BnaA04g21090D | AT2G36760 | UGT73C2 | UDP-葡萄糖基转移酶73C2 UDP-glucosyl transferase 73C2 | |
qRRLA04-3 | A04 | 17814614—17923085 | BnaA04g24370D | AT2G42250 | CYP712A1 | CYP712A的成员 Member of CYP712A | |
qRRLA06-1 | A06 | 21396095—21528844 | BnaA06g31960D | AT4G39510 | CYP96A12 | CYP96A的成员 Member of CYP96A | |
BnaA06g32050D | AT4G27710 | CYP709B3 | CYP709B的成员 Member of CYP709B | ||||
qRRLA06-2 | A06 | 21528844—22092492 | BnaA06g32370D | AT3G25180 | CYP82G1 | 编码细胞色素P450单加氧酶 Encodes a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase | |
BnaA06g32970D | AT3G26290 | CYP71B26 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g32980D | AT2G02580 | CYP71B9 | CYP71B的成员 Member of CYP71B | ||||
BnaA06g32990D | AT3G26300 | CYP71B34 | 细胞色P450 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g33000D | AT3G48560 | ALS | 催化乙酰乳酸的形成;被磺酰脲类除草剂抑制等 Catalyzing the formation of acetolactate; Inhibited by the sulphonylurea herbicide. etc | ||||
BnaA06g33010D | AT3G26220 | CYP71B3 | 细胞色素P450单加氧酶 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase | ||||
BnaA06g33020D | AT3G26210 | CYP71B23 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g33030D | AT3G26200 | CYP71B22 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g33040D | AT3G26190 | CYP71B21 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g33060D | AT3G26170 | CYP71B19 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g33050D | AT3G26180 | CYP71B20 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450 | ||||
BnaA06g33070D | AT3G26165 | CYP71B18 | 细胞色素P450成员 Putative cytochrome P450. | ||||
qRRLC01-1 | C01 | 3631449—3936101 | BnaC01g06930D | AT1G13080 | CYP71B2 | 细胞色素P450单加氧酶 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase | |
相对 干重 RDW | qRDWA02-1 | A02 | 8524524—9460659 | BnaA02g15990D | AT1G72450 | JAZ6 | 调节防御反应及茉莉酸介导的信号传导途径Regulation of defense response and jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway |
BnaA03g22720D | AT1G72210 | BHLH96 | BHLH DNA结合超家族蛋白 BHLH DNA-binding superfamily protein | ||||
BnaA02g15580D | AT2G46960 | CYP709B1 | CYP709B的成员 Member of CYP709B | ||||
qRDWA03-2 | A03 | 10805287—12106754 | BnaA03g22720D | AT2G26480 | UGT76D1 | UDP-葡萄糖基转移酶76D1 UDP-glucosyl transferase 76D1 | |
BnaA03g25050D | AT4G12320 | CYP706A6 | CYP706A的成员 Member of CYP706A | ||||
qRDWA04-1 | A04 | 1637957—2461363 | BnaA04g03050D | AT3G57220 | GT | 糖基转移酶家族蛋白 Glycosyl transferase family 4 protein | |
qRDWC03-1 | C03 | 47920601—48510329 | BnaC03g59160D | AT2G25160 | CYP82F1 | 细胞色素P450成员 Cytochrome P450, family 82, subfamily F, |
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