中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (5): 977-990.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.05.011
王慧玲,E-mail: 基金资助:
WANG HuiLing1(),YAN AiLing2,SUN Lei3,ZHANG GuoJun1,WANG XiaoYue1,REN JianCheng1,XU HaiYing1(
HaiYing XU
【目的】通过对鲜食葡萄果实单萜合成关键基因进行eQTL定位及候选基因挖掘,深入了解单萜合成调控机制,为优良玫瑰香味葡萄新品种培育及种质改良奠定基础。【方法】以‘摩尔多瓦’ב瑞都香玉’F1代群体及亲本为供试材料,分别在转色期和成熟期采集葡萄果实样品;利用实时荧光定量qPCR技术对7个单萜合成途径基因(VvDXS1、VvDXS3、VvDXR、VvHDR、VvLiner、VvTerp和VvGermD)的表达量进行检测获得表达性状表型数据;基于区间作图法,采用MapQTL6.0软件,对单萜基因表达性状进行eQTL定位分析;将eQTL连锁标记定位到基因组区域,通过Ensembl Plants和NCBI数据库进行基因注释;利用葡萄全基因组芯片技术检测不同发育时期亲本果实样品中候选基因的表达谱。【结果】7个单萜合成基因表达量在F1代群体中呈现连续分布数量遗传特征;各个单萜基因表达之间具有显著的相关性;在转色期,7个表达性状一共定位到13个eQTL,主要位于1号、6号、14号、16号、17号、10号和12号等染色体上,表型解释率介于12.2%—23.5%。其中位于14号染色体的eQTL(qDXS1-v14、qHDR-v14-1和qTerp-v14)覆盖相同的遗传区间57.582—76.979 cM,qLiner-v10、qTerp-v10和qGermD-v10共定位到10号染色体相同的遗传区间;在成熟期,共检测到16个eQTL,主要位于1号、6号、12号、8号、13号和19号等染色体。qDXS1-m6-2、qDXR-m6-2、qLiner-m6和qGermD-m6共定位到6号染色体139.212—143.161 cM遗传区间;针对成熟期与转色期各个基因的表达量比值变化进行定位分析,共检测到18个eQTL,分别位于1号、3号、7号、10号、12号、15号和19号等染色体。定位于12号染色体的qDXS1-r12-1、qDXR-r12-1、qHDR-r12、qLiner-r12和qGermD-r12覆盖相同的遗传区间6.330—6.967 cM。对多个基因表达性状共定位的eQTL区域进行基因注释,共筛选到90个转录因子基因,表达谱及相关性分析最终确定11候选基因。其中4个候选基因(VIT_06s0009g01380、VIT_14s0006g02290、VIT_12s0028g01170和VIT_15s0046g00290)与激素信号通路调控相关,一个候选基因(VIT_12s0028g01110)编码光敏色素作用因子与光响应相关,还有一些编码Myb类、WRKY类转录因子或者未知功能蛋白基因。【结论】在两个不同的生长发育期共检测到37个与单萜合成基因表达性状连锁的eQTL,主要定位于6号、10号、12号和14号染色体。基于基因注释和表达谱分析结果,确定了包含VIT_06s0009g01380和VIT_14s0006g02290在内的11个可能的候选基因,这些候选基因与多个单萜基因表达高度相关。
王慧玲, 闫爱玲, 孙磊, 张国军, 王晓玥, 任建成, 徐海英. 鲜食葡萄果实单萜合成关键基因的eQTL分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(5): 977-990.
WANG HuiLing, YAN AiLing, SUN Lei, ZHANG GuoJun, WANG XiaoYue, REN JianCheng, XU HaiYing. eQTL Analysis of Key Monoterpene Biosynthesis Genes in Table Grape[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(5): 977-990.
性状Traits | eDXS1 | eDXS3 | eDXR | eHDR | eLiner | eTerp | eGermD |
eDXS1 | 0.65** | 0.89** | 0.91** | 0.86** | 0.80** | 0.71** | |
eDXS3 | 0.34** | 0.53** | 0.55** | 0.54** | 0.49** | 0.40** | |
eDXR | 0.90** | 0.47** | 0.85** | 0.86** | 0.85** | 0.79** | |
eHDR | 0.76** | 0.41** | 0.72** | 0.80** | 0.77** | 0.75** | |
eLiner | 0.85** | 0.36** | 0.81** | 0.54** | 0.91** | 0.80** | |
eTerp | 0.85** | 0.35** | 0.79** | 0.55** | 0.94** | 0.85** | |
eGermD | 0.77** | 0.34** | 0.74** | 0.52** | 0.80** | 0.78** |
时期 Stage | 性状 Trait | eQTL | 染色体 Chr | 遗传区间 Genetic interval (cM) | 连锁标记 Flanking markers | LOD | 贡献率 PVE (%) |
转色期 Verasion stage | eDXS1 | qDXS1-v1 | 1 | 82.774-84.732 | Marker 2482511-2542941 | 3.40 | 17.0 |
qDXS1-v6 | 6 | 142.161-144.209 | Marker1008751-945452 | 3.34 | 15.7 | ||
qDXS1-v14 | 14 | 57.582-76.979 | Marker3121221-2890139 | 3.25 | 15.9 | ||
eDXS3 | qDXS3-v12 | 12 | 19.009-32.463 | Marker2115844-2041250 | 3.31 | 16.4 | |
qDXS3-v16 | 16 | 101.122-119.350 | Marker3956150-4116611 | 3.89 | 23.5 | ||
qDXS3-v17 | 17 | 150.480-166.103 | Marker99497-145961 | 4.32 | 23.1 | ||
eDXR | qDXR-v17 | 17 | 159.789-171.002 | Marker179340-108104 | 3.48 | 14.4 | |
eHDR | qHDR-v14-1 | 14 | 55.582-77.612 | Marker3121221-3072285 | 3.47 | 16.7 | |
qHDR-v14-2 | 14 | 118.734-126.198 | Marker3063685-2947572 | 3.27 | 15.6 | ||
eLiner | qLiner-v10 | 10 | 146.183-148.835 | Marker352188-357432 | 3.06 | 14.8 | |
eTerp | qTerp-v10 | 10 | 141.902-158.171 | Marker368243-378995 | 2.74 | 13.7 | |
qTerp-v14 | 14 | 53.582-77.612 | Marker2969612-3072285 | 2.58 | 12.2 | ||
eGermD | qGermD-v10 | 10 | 145.183-148.835 | Marker352188-357432 | 3.17 | 16.0 | |
成熟期 Mature stage | eDXS1 | qDXS1-m1 | 1 | 76.426-80.809 | Marker2437047-2596447 | 3.66 | 17.7 |
qDXS1-m6-1 | 6 | 93.373-106.403 | Marker924262-876360 | 3.55 | 17.2 | ||
qDXS1-m6-2 | 6 | 139.212-146.773 | Marker930737-877032 | 3.82 | 18.3 | ||
qDXS1-m12 | 12 | 17.659-19.009 | Marker2187251-2115844 | 3.54 | 17.1 | ||
eDXS3 | qDXS3-m3 | 3 | 175.011-175.191 | Marker831346-700177 | 3.07 | 13.9 | |
eDXR | qDXR-m1 | 1 | 78.832-81.788 | Marker2560950-2467293 | 3.88 | 18.3 | |
qDXR-m6-1 | 6 | 93.373-114.095 | Marker924262-1008711 | 3.74 | 18.7 | ||
qDXR-m6-2 | 6 | 138.212-147.119 | Marker990833-871012 | 3.68 | 17.7 | ||
qDXR-m12 | 12 | 16.435-19.009 | Marker2088221-2115844 | 3.78 | 18.2 | ||
eHDR | qHDR-m8 | 8 | 152.133-176.371 | Marker1386586-1434785 | 3.4 | 15.1 | |
qHDR-m13 | 13 | 25.115-36.319 | Marker1631867-1651434 | 3.52 | 18.6 | ||
eLiner | qLiner-m6 | 6 | 139.495-141.161 | Marker930737-930878 | 3.53 | 17.1 | |
qLiner-m12 | 12 | 6.330-6.967 | Marker2067228-2134286 | 3.57 | 17.2 | ||
eTerp | qTerp-m7 | 7 | 92.355 | Marker2374114 | 3.52 | 17.5 | |
qTerp-m19 | 19 | 158.927-163.008 | Marker3714935-r3520942 | 3.79 | 18.2 | ||
eGermD | qGermD-m6 | 6 | 139.212-143.161 | Marker930737-930878 | 3.66 | 17.7 | |
成熟期/转色期 Mature/Verasion | eDXS1 | qDXS1-r7 | 7 | 92.355-100.371 | Marker2345090-Marker2198875 | 3.72 | 15.5 |
qDXS1-r12-1 | 12 | 4.153-11.756 | Marker2118601-2076541 | 3.86 | 15.7 | ||
qDXS1-r12-2 | 12 | 13.602-19.660 | Marker2083394-2088370 | 3.66 | 14.4 | ||
eDXS3 | qDXS3-r1 | 1 | 146.688-148.053 | Marker2438419-2557770 | 3.85 | 15.3 | |
qDXS3-r3 | 3 | 180.498-180.525 | Marker751963-733688 | 3.65 | 13.6 | ||
eDXR | qDXR-r7 | 7 | 92.355 | Marker2345090-2374114 | 3.59 | 14.1 | |
qDXR-r12-1 | 12 | 6.330-6.967 | Marker2067228-2134286 | 3.54 | 13.2 | ||
qDXR-r12-2 | 12 | 13.602-18.491 | Marker2083394-2178064 | 3.5 | 12.5 | ||
eHDR | qHDR-r10 | 10 | 120.227-130.912 | Marker237117-341831 | 3.8 | 18.8 | |
qHDR-r12 | 12 | 9.490-10.127 | Marker2051100-2158802 | 3.53 | 11.0 | ||
qHDR-r15 | 15 | 103.260-123.35 | Marker1985545-1825916 | 3.75 | 14.9 | ||
eLiner | qLiner-r12 | 12 | 5.419-10.756 | Marker2067228-2076541 | 3.73 | 12.9 | |
qLiner-r19 | 19 | 159.927-160.217 | Marker3714935-3690871 | 3.58 | 12.2 | ||
eTerp | qTerp-r7 | 7 | 92.355-100.371 | Marker2345090-2198875 | 3.65 | 16.0 | |
qTerp-r19 | 19 | 158.927-163.008 | Marker3714935-3520942 | 3.86 | 14.8 | ||
eGermD | qGermD-r3 | 3 | 178.095-180.525 | Marker738834-733688 | 3.66 | 15.1 | |
qGermD-r12 | 12 | 6.330-6.967 | Marker2067228-2134286 | 3.55 | 14.6 |
染色体Chromosome | 基因ID Gene ID | 基因注释 Gene annotation |
6 | VIT_06s0009g00880 | 轴向调控蛋白YABBY2 PREDICTED: Putative axial regulator YABBY 2 [Vitis vinifera] |
VIT_06s0004g05120 | 未知功能Myb类蛋白LOC100253567 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC100253567 [Vitis vinifera] Myb-like | |
VIT_06s0009g01380 | 乙烯不敏感类蛋白3 PREDICTED: Protein ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 3-like [Vitis vinifera] | |
14 | VIT_14s0006g01280 | 未知功能蛋白LOC100265568 Uncharacterized protein LOC100265568 [Vitis vinifera] |
VIT_14s0006g01620 | 转录抑制因子MYB4 PREDICTED: Transcription repressor MYB4 [Vitis vinifera] | |
VIT_14s0006g01340 | 未命名Myb类蛋白 Unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Myb-like | |
VIT_14s0006g02290 | 类乙烯响应转录因子ERF034 PREDICTED: Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF034-like [Vitis vinifera] | |
10 | VIT_10s0116g01200 | 类WRKY 6转录因子 PREDICTED: WRKY transcription factor 6-like [Vitis vinifera] |
12 | VIT_12s0028g01110 | 类光敏色素作用因子PIF5 PREDICTED: Transcription factor PIF5-like [Vitis vinifera] |
VIT_12s0028g01170 | 类生长素响应因子6 PREDICTED: Auxin response factor 6-like [Vitis vinifera] | |
15 | VIT_15s0046g00290 | 类生长素响应因子18 PREDICTED: Auxin response factor 18-like [Vitis vinifera] |
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