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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2024, Vol. 23 Issue (3): 1022-1033    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.12.019
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Irrigation and nitrogen fertiliser optimisation in protected vegetable fields of northern China: Achieving environmental and agronomic sustainability

Bingqian Fan1, Yitao Zhang2, Owen Fenton3, Karen Daly3, Jungai Li1, Hongyuan Wang1#, Limei Zhai1, Xiaosheng Luo4, Qiuliang Lei1, Shuxia Wu1, Hongbin Liu1#

1 State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/Key Laboratory of Nonpoint  Source  Pollution Control, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,  Chinese  Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China

2 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

3 Teagasc, Environmental Research Centre, Wexford Y35, Ireland

4 Institute of Plant Nutrition, Resources and Environmental Sciences, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China

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      在全球范围内,氮肥和高氮含量灌溉水的不合理使用导致设施菜田中大量硝酸盐(NO3-)流失。为减少氮素损失,不同土壤类型的设施菜田需因地制宜优化氮肥用量和灌溉方式本研究通过4年大田定位试验,利用田间渗漏池法监测了我国华北地区18个设施菜田的氮素淋溶损失。每个试验点有3个处理:分别是a)高氮肥用量+高灌溉处理(HNHI);b)低氮肥用量+高灌溉处理(LNHI;c)低氮肥用量+低灌溉处理(LNLI)。试验结果表明,在我国北方潮土区,HNHILNHILNLI三个处理的氮素淋溶量分别是325294257 kg N ha-1在褐土区HNHILNHILNLI三个处理的氮素淋溶量分别是11410078 kg N ha-1;在黑土区HNHILNHILNLI三个处理的氮素淋溶量分别是796857 kg N ha-1研究还发现,潮土区灌溉水中总氮含量是褐土区的8.26倍。结构方程模型显示,氮肥投入量与灌溉水淋溶量分别解释了14.7%81.8%的氮素淋溶损失。相应地,灌溉水量减少21.5%使素淋溶损失减少了20.9%,而粪肥氮和化学氮投入量分别减少22%25%仅减少了9.5%的素淋溶损失本研究结果表明我国北方潮土区是设施菜田管理氮素淋溶的优先区。


Globally, sub-optimal use of nitrogen (N) fertiliser and elevated N irrigation groundwater have led to high leached nitrate (NO3) losses from protected vegetable field systems.  Optimising fertiliser and irrigation management in different soil types is crucial to reduce future N loads from such systems.  The present 4-year study examined leached N loads from lysimeter monitoring arrays set up across 18 protected vegetable system sites encompassing the dominant soil types of northern China.  The treatments applied at each field site were: 1) a high N and high irrigation input treatment (HNHI); 2) a low N but high irrigation input treatment (LNHI) and 3) a low N with low irrigation input treatment (LNLI).  Results showed that the mean annual leached total nitrogen loads from the HNHI, LNHI and LNLI treatments were 325, 294 and 257 kg N ha–1 in the fluvo-aquic soil, 114, 100 and 78 kg N ha–1 in the cinnamon soil and 79, 68 and 57 kg N ha–1 in the black soil, respectively.  The N dissolved in irrigation water in the fluvo-aquic soil areas was 8.26-fold higher than in the cinnamon areas.  A structural equation model showed that N fertiliser inputs and leaching water amounts explained 14.7 and 81.8% of the variation of leached N loads, respectively.  Correspondingly, reducing irrigation water by 21.5% decreased leached N loads by 20.9%, while reducing manure N and chemical N inputs by 22 and 25% decreased leached N loads by only 9.5%.  This study highlights that protected vegetable fields dominated by fluvo-aquic soil need management to curtail leached N losses in northern China.

Keywords:  agriculture       water quality       nitrate       groundwater       irrigation management   
Received: 28 February 2023   Accepted: 01 December 2023
Fund: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFD1700900), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31972519), the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2060302-05-956-1) and the Project for the Government’s Purchase Service, China (13210186).  
About author:  #Correspondence Hongyuan Wang, E-mail:; Hongbin Liu, E-mail:

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Bingqian Fan, Yitao Zhang, Owen Fenton, Karen Daly, Jungai Li, Hongyuan Wang, Limei Zhai, Xiaosheng Luo, Qiuliang Lei, Shuxia Wu, Hongbin Liu. 2024.

Irrigation and nitrogen fertiliser optimisation in protected vegetable fields of northern China: Achieving environmental and agronomic sustainability . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(3): 1022-1033.

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