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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2015, Vol. 14 Issue (6): 1045-1056    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60988-6
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Economic evaluation of agricultural pollution control options for China
 David Abler
Agricultural, Environmental & Regional Economics and Demography, Penn State University, PA 16802, USA
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摘要  Environmental sustainability has become a policy priority in China. In agriculture, China has had major success in rehabilitating desertified lands through programs to convert steeply-sloped cropland to forest and limit grazing on sensitive grasslands. However, little has been done in terms of policies for agricultural nutrient management. Runoff and leaching of nutrients in chemical fertilizers and livestock manure are widely acknowledged as significant problems in China. This paper presents an evaluation of agricultural nonpoint pollution control options for China. Options analyzed include design standards (command & control), performance standards, and design and performance incentives. Evaluation criteria include economic efficiency and effectiveness, environmental impact and risk, and social criteria such as equity and food security. The evaluation indicates that the best options for China involve subsidies to farmers for changing production practices in order to reduce nonpoint emissions, combined with appropriate farmer education and technical assistance.

Abstract  Environmental sustainability has become a policy priority in China. In agriculture, China has had major success in rehabilitating desertified lands through programs to convert steeply-sloped cropland to forest and limit grazing on sensitive grasslands. However, little has been done in terms of policies for agricultural nutrient management. Runoff and leaching of nutrients in chemical fertilizers and livestock manure are widely acknowledged as significant problems in China. This paper presents an evaluation of agricultural nonpoint pollution control options for China. Options analyzed include design standards (command & control), performance standards, and design and performance incentives. Evaluation criteria include economic efficiency and effectiveness, environmental impact and risk, and social criteria such as equity and food security. The evaluation indicates that the best options for China involve subsidies to farmers for changing production practices in order to reduce nonpoint emissions, combined with appropriate farmer education and technical assistance.
Keywords:  nonpoint pollution       agriculture       water quality       policy evaluation       China  
Received: 05 January 2014   Accepted:
About author:  David Abler, Tel: +1-814-8638630, E-mail:

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David Abler. 2015. Economic evaluation of agricultural pollution control options for China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(6): 1045-1056.

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