Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (13): 2769-2780.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.13.007

• PLANT PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Control Effect of Orius similis on Frankliniella occidentalis Based on the Two-Sex Life Table and the Age-Stage-Specific Predation Rate

HU ChangXiong1(),FAN Wei1,ZHANG Qian1,CHEN GuoHua1,YIN HongHui2,XU TianYang2,YANG JinBo3,YANG Hang3,WU DaoHui1,ZHANG XiaoMing1()   

  1. 1College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Yunnan Biological Resources Protection and Utilization, Kunming 650201
    2Wenshan Branch of Yunnan Tobacco Company, Wenshan 663000, Yunnan
    3Yunnan Gerui Biological Technology Co., Ltd., Midu 675602, Yunnan
  • Received:2020-09-04 Revised:2020-10-13 Online:2021-07-01 Published:2021-07-12
  • Contact: XiaoMing ZHANG;


【Objective】Frankliniella occidentalis is an important agricultural invasive pest, and Orius similis is the dominant predator species in China. The objective of this study is to systematically evaluate the control effect of O. similis on F. occidentalis and the biological differences between this two species in the same area.【Method】O. similis and F. occidentalis were collected from open field Capsicum annuum, then reared by fresh shoots with flowers of C. annuum for 2-3 generations under indoor condition, and the 2nd instar nymphs of F. occidentalis were feed to O. similis in the experiment. Growth, reproductive rate, predation rate were tested in Yunnan populations of O. similis and F. occidentalis using the two-sex life table and the age-stage-specific predation rate methods.【Result】The different insect periods of O. similis and F. occidentalis have different levels of overlap during their developmental stages, and the survival rate of female adults of both insect species was higher than that of male adults. O. similis nymph has 5 instars, while F. occidentalis has 4 instars. Compared with F. occidentalis, O. similis has a longer nymph duration and shorter adult lifespan, and the survival rate of each developmental period was lower than that ofF. occidentalis, especially the survival rate of female adults was obviously lower than that of F. occidentalis. The probability of O. similis successfully developing from egg to female adult and male adult was 32.67% and 20.67%, respectively, which was lower than that ofF. occidentalis’s 46.67% and 16.67%.F. occidentalis has a higher proportion of females within its population. The reproductive parameters (fx) of O. similis and F. occidentalis peaked at 22 d and 16 d during the whole developmental stages, respectively. O. similis has an average egg production of 42.00 eggs per female, which was significantly lower than that of theF. occidentalis (59.86 eggs). The population net reproduction rate (R0), gross reproduction rate (GRR), intrinsic rate of increase (r) and finite rate of increase (λ) in O. similis were lower than those ofF. occidentalis, while the mean generation time (T) and population doubling time (DT) in O. similis were longer than those of F. occidentalis. The population prediction results showed that the individuals of F. occidentalis reached 9.66 times than that of O. similis after 90 days of population growth and development, and the number of female adults reached 17.15 times. The predation rate of O. similis on the 2nd instar nymphs of F. occidentalis gradually increases with age, and the population characteristic net predation rate (C0) of F. occidentalis was 140.81, and the transformation rate (Qp) was 9.05. The average predation of female and male adult O. similis to F. occidentalis 2nd instar nymphs was 159.67 and 86.00 individuals, respectively.【Conclusion】O. similis population can finish its life history and has stable population growth when fed by F. occidentalis. F. occidentalis has a stronger population growth potential than that of O. similis under the same conditions. As an important natural enemy of F. occidentalis biological control, O. similisshould be released 10-20 d before F. occidentalis outbreak and continuous released during F. occidentalis outbreak, this can achieve better control effects to F. occidentalis.

Key words: Orius similis, Frankliniella occidentalis, two-sex life table, predation rate, biological control

Table 1

The developmental duration and adult lifespan of O. similis and F. occidentalis (d) "

O. similis
占总世代百分比 Percentage of total generation (%) 数量
F. occidentalis
占总世代百分比 Percentage of total generation (%)
卵期 Egg 150 3.79±0.05 13.04 150 2.78±0.02 10.35
1龄若虫 1st instar 116 2.71±0.05 9.33 134 2.96±0.03 11.02
2龄若虫 2nd instar 110 1.95±0.04 6.71 117 2.72±0.03 10.12
3龄若虫(预蛹期)3rd instar (prepupa) 104 2.16±0.05 7.43 103 1.38±0.03 5.14
4龄若虫(蛹期)4th instar (pupa) 85 2.35±0.06 8.09 95 1.50±0.03 5.58
5龄若虫 5th instar 82 3.32±0.05 11.42 - - -
未成熟虫期 Immature stage 82 16.25±0.15 55.92 95 11.34±0.08 42.20
雌成虫期 Female adult 51 12.78±0.38 43.98 75 18.35±0.42 68.29
雄成虫期 Male adult 31 9.73±0.50 33.48 20 15.53±0.58 57.80

Fig. 1

The age-stage-specific survival rate (Sxj) of O. similis (A) and F. occidentalis (B) "

Table 2

The fecundity of O. similis and F. occidentalis "

繁殖力参数 Fertility parameter 南方小花蝽 O. similis 西花蓟马 F. occidentalis
雌成虫寿命Longevity of female adult (d) 12.78±0.38 18.12±0.46
平均产卵期 Average oviposition period (d) 7.84±0.27 13.06±0.36
平均产卵量 Average eggs per female 42.00±1.37 59.86±1.61
性比(雌/雄)Sex ratio (female/male) 1.65 2.85
雌成虫产卵前期 Adult pre-oviposition period of female adult (d) 2.67±0.06 1.90±0.05
总产卵前期 Total pre-oviposition period of female counted from birth (d) 19.01±0.18 13.22±0.11

Fig. 2

Age-specific survival rate (lx), age-stage-specific fecundity (fx), and age-specific fecundity (mx) of O. similis (A) and F. occidentalis (B) "

Table 3

Population parameters of O. similis and F. occidentalis "

Population parameter
O. similis
F. occidentalis
Net reproductive rate (R0)
14.29±1.70 27.94±2.54
Gross reproduction rate (GRR)
39.38±3.71 52.62±2.84
Intrinsic rate of increase (r, per day)
0.12±0.01 0.18±0.01
Finite rate of increase (λ,per day)
1.12±0.01 1.19±0.01
Mean generation time (d)
23.05±0.24 18.74±0.16
Doubling time (d)
6.02 3.90

Fig. 3

Life expectancy of each insect stage (Exj) of O. similis (A) and F. occidentalis (B) "

Fig. 4

Simulation of population growth of O. similis (A) and F. occidentalis (B) "

Table 4

The predation quantity and predation parameters of O. similis on F. occidentalis "

Mean daily predation
Mean total predation
Predation rate parameter
Parameter value
1龄若虫 1st instar 1.68±0.14 4.86±0.23 平均捕食率Mean predation rate 140.93±18.36
2龄若虫 2nd instar 2.83±0.23 5.77±0.33 种群净捕食率Net predation rate (C0) 140.81±18.22
3龄若虫 3rd instar 6.32±0.52 13.96±0.71 转化率Transformation rate (Qp) 9.05±1.65
4龄若虫 4th instar 8.82±0.73 21.43±1.25 周限捕食率Finite predation rate (FP) 3.45±0.25
5龄若虫 5th instar 10.43±0.86 34.78±1.31 稳定捕食率Stable predation rate (Psi) 3.07±0.20
雌成虫 Female adult 12.13±1.00 159.67±3.46 - -
雄成虫 Male adult 8.90±0.73 86.00±2.45 - -

Fig. 5

Age-stage-specific predation rate (Cxj) of O. similis after preying on the 2nd instar nymph of F. occidentalis "

Fig. 6

Age-specific survival rate (lx), age-specific predation rate (kx) and age-specific net predation rate (qx) of O. similis after preying on 2nd instar nymphs of F. occidentalis "

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