中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (19): 3758-3769.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.19.004

• 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘涵1(), 丁迪1, 汪江涛1, 郑宾1, 王笑笑1, 朱晨旭1, 刘娟2, 刘领1, 付国占1, 焦念元1()   

  1. 1 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地农业工程技术研究中心,河南洛阳 471023
    2 河南省农业科学院花生研究所,郑州 450002
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-11 接受日期:2024-08-26 出版日期:2024-10-01 发布日期:2024-10-09
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 刘涵,。
  • 基金资助:

Coordinated Effects of Maize Ear Type and Planting Density on Interspecific Competition in Maize-Peanut Intercropping System

LIU Han1(), DING Di1, WANG JiangTao1, ZHENG Bin1, WANG XiaoXiao1, ZHU ChenXu1, LIU Juan2, LIU Ling1, FU GuoZhan1, JIAO NianYuan1()   

  1. 1 College of Agriculture, Henan University of Science and Technology/Henan Dryland Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center, Luoyang 471023, Henan
    2 Institute of Peanut, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002
  • Received:2024-03-11 Accepted:2024-08-26 Published:2024-10-01 Online:2024-10-09


【目的】针对玉米(Zea mays L.)花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)间作(玉米||花生)共处后期种间竞争抑制间作优势进一步提高的问题,探究玉米穗型与种植密度对玉米||花生种间竞争的协调效应及机理,确定合理的间作玉米品种与种植密度,为玉米||花生高产提供理论依据和技术支撑。【方法】试验于2022—2023年在河南科技大学农场进行,采用大田随机区组试验,选用中穗型玉米品种‘郑单958’和大穗型玉米品种‘MC4520’,在间作玉米5.00万株/hm2(D1)和4.55万株/hm2(D2)2个种植密度下,研究玉米穗型与种植密度对玉米||花生种间竞争和间作优势的影响。【结果】2年试验结果均表明,与D1密度下中穗型玉米‘郑单958’花生间作(MD1ZD||P)相比,D2密度下中穗型玉米‘郑单958’花生间作(MD2ZD||P)和D2密度下大穗型玉米‘MC4520’花生间作(MD2MC||P)均能增强共处后期花生冠层日均光照强度,提高花生叶面积指数和最大生长速率;MD2MC||P促进玉米和花生群体干物质积累,尤其在玉米籽粒和花生荚果中分别提高26.41%—30.11%和8.06%—8.25%;MD2ZD||P和MD2MC||P均能提高花生种间竞争力,在MD2MC||P共处后期花生种间竞争力指数ApCRpKp分别提高7.55%—19.10%、4.23%—9.12%和9.05%—9.60%;MD2ZD||P中玉米产量降低8.09%—8.19%,其间作体系产量和间作优势分别降低2.23%—2.58%和7.55%—13.29%,MD2MC||P能提高玉米和花生产量,其间作体系产量和间作优势分别显著提高6.28%—7.45%和11.85%—27.18%(P<0.05)。【结论】在该试验区,相比中穗型玉米品种‘郑单958’以密度5.00万株/hm2与花生间作,大穗型玉米品种‘MC4520’以密度4.55万株/hm2与花生间作,可充分发挥玉米个体生产潜力,确保玉米产量不降低,关键更有利于协调玉米||花生共处后期种间光竞争,增强花生种间竞争力,提高花生产量,从而提高间作体系产量和间作优势。

关键词: 玉米花生间作, 玉米穗型, 种植密度, 种间竞争, 间作优势


【Objective】The interspecific competition during the late coexisting period of maize (Zea mays L.) intercropping with peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (maize||peanut) is the main problem of inhibition to further the intercropping advantage. The aim of this study was to investigate coordinated effects and mechanism of maize ear type and planting density on interspecific competition in maize||peanut, and to determine the reasonably variety and planting density of intercropped maize, so as to provide a theoretical basis and technical support for achieving high yield of maize||peanut production. 【Method】The experiment was conducted on the farm of Henan University of Science and Technology from 2022 to 2023, utilizing a field randomized block design. The selected maize varieties were ‘Zhengdan 958’ for medium-ear type and ‘MC4520’ for large-ear type, with two planting densities of 5.00×104 plants/hm2 (D1) and 4.55×104 plants/hm2 (D2) for intercropping. The effects of maize ear type and planting density on interspecific competition and intercropping advantage of maize||peanut were studied. 【Result】The results of the 2-year experiment showed that compared with D1 density medium-ear type ‘Zhengdan 958’ intercropped with peanut (MD1ZD||P), D2 density medium-ear type ‘Zhengdan 958’ intercropped with peanut (MD2ZD||P) and D2 density large-ear type ‘MC4520’ intercropped with peanut (MD2MC||P) could enhance the canopy daily light intensity of peanut during the late coexisting period, and increase the leaf area index and maximum growth rate of peanut. MD2MC||P increased dry matter accumulation in maize and peanut populations, especially in maize grains and peanut pods by 26.41%-30.11% and 8.06%-8.25%, respectively. MD2ZD||P and MD2MC||P could improve the interspecific competitiveness of peanut, and the interspecific competitiveness index Ap, CRp and Kp were increased by 7.55%-19.10%, 4.23%-9.12% and 9.05%-9.60%, respectively, during MD2MC||P later coexistence. MD2ZD||P decreased maize yield by 8.09%-8.19%, decreased the yield of intercropping system and intercropping advantage by 2.23%-2.58% and 7.55%-13.29%, respectively. MD2MC||P could increase the yield of maize and peanut, and the yield of intercropping system and intercropping advantage were significantly increased by 6.28%-7.45% and 11.85%-27.18%, respectively (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】In this experimental area, compared with the medium-ear type ‘Zhengdan 958’ with a density of 5.00×104 plants/hm2 intercropping with peanut, the large-ear type ‘MC4520’ with a density of 4.55×104 plants/hm2 intercropping with peanut could exert the individual production potential of maize and ensure that the yield of maize was not reduced. Simultaneously, it was more conducive to the coordination of interspecific light competition during the latter coexisting period of maize||peanut, which improved the interspecific competitiveness of peanut, and increased the yield of peanut. Therefore, this planting pattern was conductive to increase the yield of intercropping system and intercropping advantages.

Key words: maize-peanut intercropping, maize ear type, planting density, interspecific competition, intercropping advantages