中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (17): 3318-3334.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.17.002
武玉花1(), 翟杉杉1, 普豪祯1,2, 高鸿飞1, 张华3, 李俊1, 李允静1, 肖芳1, 吴刚1, 徐利群3(
WU YuHua1(), ZHAI ShanShan1, PU HaoZhen1,2, GAO HongFei1, ZHANG Hua3, LI Jun1, LI YunJing1, XIAO Fang1, WU Gang1, XU LiQun3(
武玉花, 翟杉杉, 普豪祯, 高鸿飞, 张华, 李俊, 李允静, 肖芳, 吴刚, 徐利群. 农业用植物基因编辑产品检测方法研究进展[J]. 中国农业科学, 2024, 57(17): 3318-3334.
WU YuHua, ZHAI ShanShan, PU HaoZhen, GAO HongFei, ZHANG Hua, LI Jun, LI YunJing, XIAO Fang, WU Gang, XU LiQun. Progress on Detection Methods for Gene-Edited Organisms[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2024, 57(17): 3318-3334.
序号 No. | 方法种类 Classification | 方法名称 Method | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage |
1 | PCR-电泳检测方法 PCR-electrophoresis detection method | PCR-电泳法 PCR-electrophoresis method | 只需常规设备,操作门槛低,适用于编辑产品的筛查 Requires only routine equipment, a low operational threshold, and suitable for the screening of edited products | 操作步骤繁琐,PCR反应后,还需要电泳等操作;受限于电泳的分辨率,不能检测单碱基或相同大小片段的替换;不能进行特异基因编辑产品的识别检测 The procedure is quite cumbersome, requiring additional steps after PCR, such as electrophoresis; it is limited by the resolution of the electrophoresis, which cannot detect single base substitutions or replacements of identically sized fragments; and it cannot perform specific identification of gene- edited products |
PCR-酶切-电泳法 PCR-digestion- electrophoresis method | 操作步骤繁琐;依赖酶切位点的有无;不能进行特异编辑产品的识别检测 The operation steps are cumbersome; it relies on the presence or absence of enzyme sites; it cannot perform specific identification of GE products | |||
2 | 基于测序的检测方法 Sequencing-based detection method | Sanger测序法 Sanger sequencing method | 通用性强,可检测一切变异 Universal, capable of detecting all types of variations | 通常依赖第三方测序公司,耗时 Relies on third-party sequencing companies, time- consuming |
高通量测序法 High-throughput sequencing method | 适用范围广,可检测脱靶及载体骨架残留 A broad range of applications, capable of detecting off-target as well as residual vector backbone | 通常依赖第三方测序公司,耗时;数据分析复杂 Relies on third-party sequencing companies, time- consuming, and the data analysis is complex | ||
焦磷酸测序法 Pyrophosphate sequencing method | 准确性高,速度快 High accuracy and fast speed | 通常依赖第三方测序公司,耗时;检测瞬时发光,通量受限;只能测短序列 Relies on third-party sequencing companies, time- consuming, detecting transient luminescence, the throughput is limited and only capable of measuring short sequences | ||
3 | 基于实时荧光PCR的检测方法 Real-time PCR-based detection method | TaqMan探针法 TaqMan probe method | 特异性强、灵敏度高、速度快、不易交错污染;设计不同的TaqMan探针,可进行编辑产品的筛查和特异识别;可定量检测 Strong specificity, high sensitivity, rapid speed, and low risk of cross-contamination; it allows for the screening and specific identification of GE products by designing different TaqMan probes; and it enables quantitative detection | 1—2个碱基的变异,难以设计满足特异性要求的TaqMan探针 Variations of 1-2 bp make it difficult to design TaqMan probes that meet the specificity requirements |
高分辨率熔解曲线法 High-resolution melting analysis | 采用荧光染料,成本低;分析荧光曲线,速度快;可进行编辑产品的筛查 Using fluorescent dyes, low cost; analyzing the fluorescence curve is fast; allows for the screening of GE products | 不能识别熔解曲线相似的不同产品;只能筛查样品是否被编辑,不能对特定的基因编辑产品进行鉴定 It cannot distinguish between different products with similar melting curves; it can only screen whether the sample has been edited, but cannot identify specific GE products | ||
KASP方法 KASP method | 采用通用性探针,成本低;检测荧光信号,速度快;适合单碱基变异基因编辑产品的检测;对野生型和编辑型同步检测 Using universal probes, low cost; rapid speed; suitable for the detection of GE products with SNV; and it allows for simultaneous detection of both wild-type and edited type | 引物设计位点受限,部分序列难以设计特异性引物;只有一种野生型或编辑型模板时,有非特异性扩增信号,与低含量产品难区分 Primer design sites are limited, and it is difficult to design specific primers for some sequences; when only wild-type or edited template is present in PCR, there can be non-specific amplification, making it difficult to distinguish from low-level products | ||
ARMs-qPCR法 ARMs-qPCR method | 特异性提高,能识别单碱基变异基因编辑产品 Specificity is enhanced, allowing the identification of GE products with SNVs | 引物设计位点受限,部分序列难以设计引物;引入错配碱基,导致方法的灵敏度下降 Primer design is site-limited, making it difficult to design primers for some sequences; the introduction of mismatched bases can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the method | ||
rhPCR法 rhPCR method | 特异性强,灵敏度高,速度快,能识别单碱基变异基因编辑产品 Strong specificity, high sensitivity, fast speed, capable of identifying GE products with SNVs | 引物成本较高;对发生单碱基缺失的基因编辑产品,难以设计引物 Primer costs are relatively high; it is difficult to design primers for GE products with a single base deletion | ||
4 | 基于数字PCR的检测方法 Digital PCR-based detection method | TaqMan探针法 TaqMan probe method | 与基于实时荧光PCR的TaqMan探针法兼容;适用于基因编辑产品的精准定量检测;适用于评价动物细胞的编辑效率 Compatible with the TaqMan probe method based on qPCR; suitable for precise quantitative detection of GE products; suitable for evaluating the editing efficiency of animal cells | 当前成本高;1—2个碱基的变异,难以设计满足特异性要求的TaqMan探针 Current costs are high; variations of 1-2 base pairs make it difficult to design TaqMan probes that meet the specificity requirements |
5 | 基于可编程内切酶的检测方法 Cas-based detection method | 基于Cas9的检测技术 Cas9-based method | 能识别单碱基变异基因编辑产品 Capable of identifying GE products with SNVs | 受限于突变位点附近PAM位点的有无;酶切产物需要进一步分析,操作步骤比较繁琐 Limited by the presence or absence of PAM sites near the mutation site; the digestion products require further analysis, making the operational steps more cumbersome |
基于Cas12、Cas13、Cas14的检测技术 Cas12, Cas13 and Cas14-based method | 能识别单碱基变异基因编辑产品;通过反式切割信号分子发出信号,适合与核酸预扩增集成,适用于现场检测 Capable of identifying GE products with SNVs; it emits fluorescent signal by a trans-cleavage of signaling molecule, suitable for on-site testing by integrating with pre-amplification of DNA | 受限于突变位点附近PAM位点的有无 Limited by the presence or absence of PAM sites near the mutation site | ||
6 | 基于仪器的检测方法 Instrument-based detection method | 基因芯片法、质谱法等 Gene chip method, mass spectrometry, etc | 自动化分析,通量高,速度快 Automated analysis, high throughput, and fast speed | 设备昂贵,成本高昂 The equipment is expensive, resulting in high costs |
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