中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (5): 890-906.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.05.005
冯子恒,E-mail: 基金资助:
FENG ZiHeng1,3(),SONG Li2,ZHANG ShaoHua2,JING YuHang2,DUAN JianZhao2,HE Li2,3,YIN Fei1(
),FENG Wei2,3(
【目的】白粉病严重危害小麦生长及制约产量形成,确立实时监测小麦白粉病的多源数据融合方法,为精确防控及保证国家粮食安全提供技术支撑。【方法】在小麦开花和灌浆期,使用同时搭载多光谱仪和热成像仪的六旋翼无人机作为遥感数据获取平台,通过ENVI软件从小麦白粉病遥感影像中提取植被指数、纹理特征以及冠层温度信息,进而利用多元线性回归(MLR)、后向传播神经网络(BP)、随机森林(RF)、极限学习机(ELM)算法将植被指数(VIs)、纹理特征(TFs)和温度特征(T)进行结合,以构建小麦白粉病病情指数的监测模型。【结果】无论是单数据源建模,还是多数据源建模,随机森林(RF)的精度均高于其他模型;3种数据源中植被指数的RF模型(VIs-RF,R2=0.667,RMSE =5.712,RPD=1.572)更适宜白粉病监测,其次是温度特征(T-RF,R2=0.559,RMSE =6.563,RPD=1.430),而纹理特征(TFs-RF,R2=0.495,RMSE =7.014,RPD=1.348)效果最差;多数据源协同建模间比较,RF协同植被指数和纹理特征的模型R2为0.701(VIs&TFs-RF,R2=0.701,RMSE =5.308,RPD=1.724),仅比VIs-RF模型R2提升5.101%,RMSE降低7.073%,RPD提高9.672%,而RF协同植被指数和温度特征模型(VIs&T-RF)以及协同3种数据源模型(VIs&TFs&T-RF)的精度分别为R2=0.750,RMSE=4.704,RPD=1.912和R2=0.820,RMSE =4.677,RPD=1.996,较VIs-RF模型R2分别提升12.453%和23.181%,RMSE分别降低17.640%和18.113%,RPD分别提高21.667%和26.981%。同时对不同模型进行10折交叉验证,进一步证实了RF模型在多数据源融合建模中性能稳定,估算效果最好。【结论】采用多数据源协同建模能够提升小麦白粉病遥感监测精度,研究结果为实现大面积高精度遥感监测作物病害状况提供了思路与方法。
冯子恒,宋莉,张少华,井宇航,段剑钊,贺利,尹飞,冯伟. 基于无人机多光谱和热红外影像信息融合的小麦白粉病监测[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(5): 890-906.
FENG ZiHeng,SONG Li,ZHANG ShaoHua,JING YuHang,DUAN JianZhao,HE Li,YIN Fei,FENG Wei. Wheat Powdery Mildew Monitoring Based on Information Fusion of Multi-Spectral and Thermal Infrared Images Acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(5): 890-906.
植被指数 Vegetation index | 计算公式 Calculation formula | 参考文献References |
绿度归一化植被指数GNDVI | GNDVI=(RNIR-RGreen)/(RNIR+RGreen) | [ |
氮反应指数NRI | NRI=(RGreen-RRed)/(RGreen+RRed) | [ |
花青素反射指数ARI | ARI=(1/RGreen)-(1/RRed) | [ |
叶斑病指数 CLSI | CLSI=(RRe-RGreen)/(RRe+RGreen)-RRe | [ |
植物色素比例PPR | PPR=(RGreen-RBlue)/(RGreen+RBlue) | [ |
绿度指数GI | GI=RGreen/RRed | [ |
优化土壤调节植被指数TCARI | TCARI=3×[(RNIR-RRed)-0.2×(RNIR-RGreen)×RNIR/RRed] | [ |
可见光大气阻抗指数VARI | VARI=(RGreen-RRed)/(RGreen+RRed-RBlue) | [ |
植被衰减指数PSRI | PSRI=(RRed-RGreen)/RNIR | [ |
光谱参数 Spectral parameter | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient (r) | 光谱参数 Spectral parameter | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient (r) |
R450 | 0.352** | ARI | 0.580** |
R550 | 0.489** | CLSI | 0.586** |
R685 | 0.413** | PPR | -0.578** |
R725 | 0.286* | GI | -0.614** |
R780 | -0.321** | TCARI | -0.568** |
GNDVI | 0.504** | VARI | -0.552** |
NRI | -0.602** | PSRI | 0.640** |
自变量类型 Independent variable type | 变量个数 Number of variables | 模型算法 Model algorithm | 训练集 Training set | 验证集Validation set | ||||
R2 | RMSE | RPD | R2 | RMSE | RPD | |||
植被指数VIs | 9 | MLR | 0.509 | 5.796 | 1.437 | 0.528 | 8.594 | 0.957 |
BP | 0.613 | 5.780 | 1.450 | 0.596 | 6.917 | 1.353 | ||
ELM | 0.637 | 5.581 | 1.517 | 0.624 | 6.663 | 1.413 | ||
RF | 0.672 | 5.398 | 1.580 | 0.661 | 6.025 | 1.563 | ||
纹理特征TFs | 4 | MLR | 0.247 | 7.651 | 1.210 | 0.216 | 10.515 | 0.703 |
BP | 0.279 | 8.004 | 1.064 | 0.289 | 9.241 | 0.864 | ||
ELM | 0.466 | 6.461 | 1.354 | 0.420 | 9.698 | 0.796 | ||
RF | 0.499 | 7.534 | 1.242 | 0.491 | 6.493 | 1.453 | ||
温度特征T | 2 | MLR | 0.351 | 7.550 | 1.249 | 0.416 | 9.114 | 0.834 |
BP | 0.431 | 6.944 | 1.322 | 0.404 | 8.154 | 1.061 | ||
ELM | 0.540 | 6.065 | 1.368 | 0.495 | 8.495 | 0.980 | ||
RF | 0.556 | 6.988 | 1.324 | 0.561 | 6.138 | 1.536 |
自变量 Independent variable type | 变量个数 Number of variables | 模型算法 Model algorithm | 训练集Training set | 验证集Validation set | ||||
R2 | RMSE | RPD | R2 | RMSE | RPD | |||
温度特征结合纹理特征T&TFs | 6 | MLR | 0.504 | 7.527 | 1.251 | 0.501 | 7.492 | 1.217 |
BP | 0.563 | 6.205 | 1.407 | 0.601 | 6.384 | 1.478 | ||
ELM | 0.620 | 5.821 | 1.489 | 0.613 | 7.124 | 1.304 | ||
RF | 0.667 | 6.180 | 1.474 | 0.647 | 6.565 | 1.436 | ||
植被指数结合纹理特征VIs&TFs | 13 | MLR | 0.555 | 6.600 | 1.516 | 0.541 | 6.861 | 1.366 |
BP | 0.587 | 5.274 | 1.725 | 0.607 | 6.187 | 1.525 | ||
ELM | 0.649 | 5.381 | 1.717 | 0.652 | 5.830 | 1.609 | ||
RF | 0.725 | 5.242 | 1.730 | 0.676 | 5.373 | 1.717 | ||
植被指数结合温度特征VIs&T | 11 | MLR | 0.618 | 6.120 | 1.645 | 0.613 | 5.367 | 1.718 |
BP | 0.627 | 6.110 | 1.646 | 0.705 | 5.907 | 1.591 | ||
ELM | 0.695 | 5.924 | 1.736 | 0.744 | 6.190 | 1.574 | ||
RF | 0.741 | 4.686 | 1.953 | 0.758 | 4.722 | 1.871 | ||
植被指数结合温度和纹理特征VIs&T&TFs | 15 | MLR | 0.603 | 6.499 | 1.694 | 0.638 | 4.932 | 1.821 |
BP | 0.667 | 5.404 | 1.896 | 0.718 | 5.820 | 1.796 | ||
ELM | 0.753 | 4.754 | 1.972 | 0.786 | 5.445 | 1.812 | ||
RF | 0.806 | 4.853 | 1.968 | 0.836 | 4.501 | 2.023 |
模型算法 Model algorithm | 训练集Training set | 验证集Validation set | |||||
R2 | RMSE | RPD | R2 | RMSE | RPD | ||
多元线性回归MLR | 最优模型Optimal model | 0.739 | 4.956 | 1.607 | 0.705 | 4.753 | 1.832 |
均值Mean | 0.637 | 5.733 | 1.567 | 0.616 | 5.947 | 1.548 | |
方差Variance | 0.044 | 0.391 | 0.105 | 0.081 | 1.348 | 0.319 | |
极差Range | 0.167 | 1.189 | 0.387 | 0.238 | 4.215 | 1.145 | |
反向传播神经网络BP | 最优模型Optimal model | 0.757 | 5.417 | 1.874 | 0.765 | 5.405 | 2.081 |
均值Mean | 0.706 | 5.411 | 1.628 | 0.725 | 5.226 | 1.626 | |
方差Variance | 0.036 | 0.265 | 0.129 | 0.031 | 1.391 | 0.319 | |
极差Range | 0.097 | 0.760 | 0.509 | 0.094 | 4.391 | 1.030 | |
极限学习机ELM | 最优模型Optimal model | 0.767 | 4.657 | 1.819 | 0.803 | 4.780 | 2.206 |
均值Mean | 0.745 | 4.796 | 1.738 | 0.785 | 5.195 | 1.720 | |
方差Variance | 0.020 | 0.195 | 0.088 | 0.046 | 1.384 | 0.377 | |
极差Range | 0.062 | 0.622 | 0.268 | 0.160 | 4.217 | 1.001 | |
随机森林RF | 最优模型Optimal model | 0.847 | 4.026 | 1.937 | 0.852 | 2.638 | 2.505 |
均值Mean | 0.841 | 4.055 | 1.813 | 0.863 | 4.183 | 1.843 | |
方差Variance | 0.013 | 0.122 | 0.077 | 0.028 | 0.805 | 0.315 | |
极差Range | 0.039 | 0.354 | 0.230 | 0.094 | 3.012 | 1.063 |
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