中国农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (13): 2243-2255.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.13.005
DOU WanFu,QI JingJing,HU AnHua,CHEN ShanChun,PENG AiHong,XU LanZhen,LEI TianGang,YAO LiXiao,HE YongRui(),LI Qiang()
YongRui HE,Qiang LI
【目的】CsBZIP40是一个与溃疡病抗性相关的转录因子,本研究旨在筛选转录因子CsBZIP40在响应柑橘溃疡病菌(Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri,Xcc)侵染过程中的互作蛋白,对CsBZIP40的互作网络进行分析,为柑橘抗溃疡病的分子育种提供理论依据。【方法】采用GST pull-down技术筛选柑橘在溃疡病菌侵染过程中CsBZIP40的互作蛋白。首先,构建带有GST标签的CsBZIP40蛋白融合表达载体,经IPTG(异丙基硫代半乳糖苷)诱导表达、纯化后获得GST-CsBZIP40融合蛋白作为诱饵蛋白;然后,将GST-CsBZIP40融合蛋白固定在谷胱甘肽亲和磁珠上,用固定在亲和磁珠的GST-CsBZIP40诱饵蛋白与接种溃疡病菌或LB培养基后柑橘叶片总蛋白进行孵育,与GST-CsBZIP40诱饵蛋白结合的蛋白复合物洗脱收集后进行SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳验证。将验证成功的样品洗脱液进行液相色谱串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)检测,鉴定出未侵染和侵染状态下CsBZIP40的互作蛋白,将检测到的蛋白利用甜橙基因组数据库进行注释,筛选出在溃疡病菌侵染过程中与CsBZIP40特异结合的蛋白,并进行GO、KEGG和互作网络分析。【结果】过表达CsBZIP40的转基因植株表型正常,与对照植株无明显差异。过表达CsBZIP40的转基因植株溃疡病抗性评价中病斑面积、病情指数均显著小于野生型植株,分别为野生型的45%和54%。以该转基因植株为材料成功提取出侵染溃疡病菌后和未接种溃疡病菌状态下的柑橘叶片总蛋白。成功构建出GST-CsBZIP40诱饵蛋白表达载体,诱导表达纯化出GST-BZIP40诱饵蛋白。利用GST-CsBZIP40诱饵蛋白从侵染溃疡病菌后柑橘总蛋白和未接菌柑橘总蛋白中成功钓取蛋白,并用LC-MS/MS检测。经过比对、注释和筛选,在柑橘溃疡病菌侵染过程中与GST-BZIP40特异结合的蛋白有53个,这些蛋白参与多个分子功能和通路。在这53个蛋白中,有6个蛋白(Cs1g02310、Cs3g05280、Cs3g23950、Cs6g13880、Cs7g12130、orange1.1t04973)可能与植物抗病性密切相关。数据库中已经证明53个蛋白中44个与CsBZIP40有直接或间接的互作关系。【结论】溃疡病菌侵染过程中有53个蛋白与CsBZIP40互作,根据注释6个蛋白与植物抗病性密切相关,这些蛋白可能在提高柑橘生物胁迫抗逆性方面发挥着重要的作用。
窦万福,祁静静,胡安华,陈善春,彭爱红,许兰珍,雷天刚,姚利晓,何永睿,李强. GST pull-down联合LC-MS/MS筛选柑橘抗溃疡病转录因子CsBZIP40的互作蛋白[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(13): 2243-2255.
DOU WanFu,QI JingJing,HU AnHua,CHEN ShanChun,PENG AiHong,XU LanZhen,LEI TianGang,YAO LiXiao,HE YongRui,LI Qiang. Screening of Interacting Proteins of Anti-Canker Transcription Factor CsBZIP40 in Citrus by GST Pull-Down Combined with LC-MS/MS[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(13): 2243-2255.
过表达CsBZIP40柑橘植株验证和溃疡病抗性评价 A:过表达CsBZIP40转基因植株表型 Phenotypes of CsBZIP40 overexpression lines。B:转基因植株系中CsBZIP40的阳性检测The positive detection of CsBZIP40 in transgenic lines;M:Marker;1:阳性检测条带Positive detection band。C:过表达CsBZIP40的相对表达量 The relative expression of overexpressed CsBZIP40。D:接种溃疡病菌的转基因植株和野生型对照叶片 Disease spots of transgenic lines and the wild-type (WT) inoculated with LB and Xcc。E:接种溃疡病菌的转基因植株和野生型对照病斑面积 Lesion area of transgenic lines and the wild-type inoculated with Xcc;F:接种溃疡病菌的转基因植株和野生型对照病情指数 Disease index of transgenic lines and the wild-type inoculated with Xcc"
融合表达载体构建。 A:CsBZIP40的PCR扩增 PCR amplification of CsBZIP40;M:2000 bp分子量标记2000 bp molecular marker;1:扩增产物,约1 530 bp Amplified product, about 1 530 bp。B:CsBZIP40-GST融合表达载体的构建 Construction of CsBZIP40-GST fusion expression vector。C:融合表达载体的酶切验证Enzymic digestion of CsBZIP40-GST vector;1:完整质粒条带The complete plasmid band;2:CsBZIP40-GST;M:10 000 bp分子量标记10 000 bp molecular marker"
融合蛋白诱导表达、纯化检测 A:GST-CsBZIP40融合蛋白表达 Expression of GST-CsBZIP40;M1:Marker;1:无IPTG诱导表达对照Expression of GST-CsBZIP40 without IPTG;2:15℃加IPTG诱导表达IPTG and 15℃ induced expression。B:诱饵蛋白纯化Bait protein purification;3:全菌破碎离心后上清Supernatant after centrifugation;4:上清同GST孵育后流出液Supernatant after incubation with GST;M2:Marker;5、6:40 HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" mmol?L-1洗脱GST-CsBZIP40 40 HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" mmol?L-1 eluent GST-CsBZIP40。C:诱饵蛋白纯化后浓度检测Concentration detection after purification of bait protein;M3:SDS-PAGE Marker;7:标准BSA Standard BSA;8:GST-CsBZIP40。D:诱饵蛋白纯化后纯度检测Fineness detection after purification of bait protein;M4:WB Marker;9:GST-CsBZIP40"
基因 ID Gene ID | 功能预测 Predicted protein function | 等电点 PI | 分子量 Molecular weight (kD) | 染色体位置 Chromosomal loci |
Cs1g02310 | TGA1 resistance (SAR) via its interaction with NPR1 | 7.07 | 40.83 | chr1:1,637,432..1,643,794 |
Cs3g05280 | Disease resistance protein | 5.83 | 130.03 | chr3:6,932,350..6,936,297 |
Cs3g23950 | Transcription factor MYB | 8.75 | 28.06 | chr3:26,088,190..26,089,510 |
Cs6g13880 | Peroxiredoxin-2 | 8.49 | 29.50 | chr6:15,280,950..15,284,180 |
Cs7g12130 | Heat shock protein 83 | 5.34 | 90.12 | chr7:8,048,239..8,054,656 |
orange1.1t04973 | Death-associated protein kinase 1 | 5.85 | 35.14 | chrUn:40,320,115..40,324,317 |
CsBZIP40结合蛋白互作分析 节点代表溃疡病菌侵染过程中CsBZIP40的结合蛋白,圆圈中的图案为预测的蛋白三级结构,空白表示三级结构未知。不同颜色的连线表示不同数据来源 The circle in the figure is the binding protein of CsBZIP40. The pattern in the circle is the predicted protein tertiary structure, and the blank indicates that the tertiary structure is unknown. Line segments indicate that there is a clear link between the two proteins that has been proven or reported"
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