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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2016, Vol. 15 Issue (12): 2921-2930    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61332-1
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Accumulation characteristic of protein bodies in different regions of wheat endosperm under drought stress
CHEN Xin-yu1, LI Bo2, SHAO Shan-shan1, WANG Lei-lei1, ZHU Xiao-wei1, YANG yang1, WANG Wen-jun1, YU Xu-run1, XIONG Fei1
1 Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, P.R.China
2 Jiangsu Yanjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Nantong 226541, P.R.China
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Abstract      The structural characteristics of protein body accumulation in different endosperm regions of hard wheat cultivar (XM33) and soft wheat cultivar (NM13) under drought stress were investigated. Drought stress treatment was implemented from plant regreening to the caryopsis mature stage. Microscope images of endosperm cells were obtained using resin semi-thin slice technology to observe the distribution and relative area of protein body (PB). Compared with NM13, relative PB area of XM33 was significantly higher in sub-aleurone endosperm region. The amount of accumulation, including the size and relative area of PB, in two wheat cultivars was higher in sub-aleurone region than that in central region at 18 days post anthesis (DPA). Drought stress significantly enhanced the sizes and relative areas of PBs in the dorsal and abdominal endosperms in two wheat cultivars. Particularly for dorsal endosperm, drought stress enhanced the relative PB area at 18 DPA and NM13 (5.0% vs. 6.73%) showed less enhancement than XM33 (5.49% vs. 8.96%). However, NM13 (9.58% vs. 12.02%) showed greater enhancement than XM33 (10.25% vs. 11.7%) at 28 DPA. The protein content in the dorsal and abdominal endosperms of the two wheat cultivars decreased at 12 DPA and then increased until 38 DPA. Drought stress significantly increased the protein contents in the two main regions. From 12 to 38 DPA, the amount of PB accumulation and the protein content were higher in XM33 than those in NM13. The results revealed that PB distribution varied in different endosperm tissues and that the amount of PB accumulation was remarkably augmented by drought stress.
Keywords:  wheat        protein bodies        distribution        accumulation        drought stress  
Received: 20 November 2015   Accepted:

This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31171482, 31571573), a project funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, China (PAPD), the Foundation of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Yangzhou University, China and the Jiangsu Province College Students Innovation Training Program in 2015, China (201511117063Y).

Corresponding Authors:  XIONG Fei, Tel: +86-514-87979030, E-mail:   
About author:  CHEN Xin-yu, E-mail:

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CHEN Xin-yu, LI Bo, SHAO Shan-shan, WANG Lei-lei, ZHU Xiao-wei, YANG yang, WANG Wen-jun, YU Xu-run, XIONG Fei. 2016. Accumulation characteristic of protein bodies in different regions of wheat endosperm under drought stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15(12): 2921-2930.

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