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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2024, Vol. 23 Issue (3): 769-780    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.05.010
Special Issue: 水稻遗传育种合辑Rice Genetics · Breeding · Germplasm Resources
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Artificial selection of the Green Revolution gene Semidwarf 1 is implicated in upland rice breeding

Shuliang Jiao1*, Qinyan Li1*, Fan Zhang2*, Yonghong Tao3, Yingzhen Yu1, Fan Yao1, Qingmao Li1, Fengyi Hu1#, Liyu Huang1#

1 Key Laboratory of Biology and Germplasm Innovation of Perennial Rice, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/School of Agriculture, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China

2 State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Breeding, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China

3 Wenshan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wenshan 663000, China

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半矮化育种大大促进了作物产量,被称为第一次绿色革命。第一次绿色革命基因Semidwarf 1 (SD1)通过调节赤霉素的合成来发挥调控水稻株高的作用,该基因的突变能导致水稻株高降低从而促进抗倒伏和耐肥性,因此大大提高了水稻籽粒产量。株高有利于特定环境下的籽粒产量,但是SD1能否促进陆稻的适应性和产量还不清楚。本文对比分析了水田和旱地两种环境条件下水、陆稻种质资源株高和产量的关系。结果显示,植株通过降低高度来应对旱地的水分胁迫,并且两种条件下陆稻群体比水稻群体均具有更高的株高,适当地降低株高可以促进对旱地环境的适应性和维持籽粒产量。另外,陆稻本身具有较粗的茎杆和抗倒伏能力,而敲除陆稻品种IRAT104降低了株高和产量,表明通过SD1调节株高可以维持陆稻旱地条件下的籽粒产量。遗传多样性分析证明SD1单倍型变异可以引起株高的表型差异;从农家种到现代水稻品种育种历史进程中,SD1等位变异被选择利用,通过降低株高进而提高了水稻产量。对5SD1已知等位突变在农家种和现代育成种的分布情况进行分析,证明了陆稻更需要有功能的SD1以维持相当的籽粒产量。上述结果表明,SD1可能在陆稻群体中受到正向的人工选择,并进一步提出了陆稻育种需要较高株高的新观点。


Semidwarf breeding has boosted crop production and is a well-known outcome from the first Green Revolution.  The Green Revolution gene Semidwarf 1 (SD1), which modulates gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis, plays a principal role in determining rice plant height.  Mutations in SD1 reduce rice plant height and promote lodging resistance and fertilizer tolerance to increase grain production.  The plant height mediated by SD1 also favors grain yield under certain conditions.  However, it is not yet known whether the function of SD1 in upland rice promotes adaptation and grain production.  In this study, the plant height and grain yield of irrigated and upland rice were comparatively analyzed under paddy and dryland conditions.  In response to dryland environments, rice requires a reduction in plant height to cope with water deficits.  Upland rice accessions had greater plant heights than their irrigated counterparts under both paddy and dryland conditions, and appropriately reducing plant height could improve adaptability to dryland environments and maintain high grain yield formation.  Moreover, upland rice cultivars with thicker stem diameters had stronger lodging resistance, which addresses the lodging problem.  Knockout of SD1 in the upland rice cultivar IRAT104 reduced the plant height and grain yield, demonstrating that the adjustment of plant height mediated by SD1 could increase grain production in dryland fields.  In addition, an SD1 genetic diversity analysis verified that haplotype variation causes phenotypic variation in plant height.  During the breeding history of rice, SD1 allelic mutations were selected from landraces to improve the grain yield of irrigated rice cultivars, and this selection was accompanied by a reduction in plant height.  Thus, five known mutant alleles were analyzed to verify that functional SD1 is required for upland rice production.  All these results suggest that SD1 might have undergone artificial positive selection in upland rice, which provides further insights concerning greater plant height in upland rice breeding.

Keywords:  Green Revolution        Semidwarf 1        high-yield breeding        upland rice        plant height
Received: 12 February 2023   Accepted: 23 March 2023

This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32272079 and 32060474) and the Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department, China (202101AS070001 and 202201BF070001-011).

About author:  #Correspondence Liyu Huang, Tel: +86-871-65031539, E-mail:; Fengyi Hu, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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Shuliang Jiao, Qinyan Li, Fan Zhang, Yonghong Tao, Yingzhen Yu, Fan Yao, Qingmao Li, Fengyi Hu, Liyu Huang. 2024.

Artificial selection of the Green Revolution gene Semidwarf 1 is implicated in upland rice breeding . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(3): 769-780.

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