Special Issue:
园艺-分子生物合辑Horticulture — Genetics · Breeding
Effects of exogenous paclobutrazol and sampling time on the
efficiency of in vitro embryo rescue in the breeding of new seedless
grape varieties |
XU Teng-fei1*, GUO Yu-rui2*, YUAN Xiao-jian1, CHU Yan-nan1, WANG Xiao-wei1, HAN Yu-lei1, WANG Wen-yuan1, WANG Yue-jin1, SONG Rui3, FANG Yu-lin3, WANG Lu-jun4, XU Yan1
1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, P.R.China
2 College of Plant Science, Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University, Nyingchi, Tibet 860000, P.R.China
3 Institute for China Wine Industry Technology, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750000, P.R.China
4 Institute for Weinan Grape Research, Weinan, Shaanxi 714099, P.R.China
本研究调查了香味和抗寒无核品种选育中不同浓度的多效唑及胚采集时期对胚形成、萌发和成苗率的影响。结果显示,不同浓度的多效唑对不同葡萄品种子房和胚的发育影响不一致。红无籽露×北冰红和昆香无核×泰山-2组合在1.5 mg L-1多效唑处理下胚形成率最高。红无籽露×北冰红组合在1.0 μmol L-1多效唑处理下萌芽率和成苗率最高,但红无籽露×昆香无核组合在0.2 μmol L-1多效唑处理下萌芽率最好。不同的杂交组合取胚时间也不同。火焰无核×玫瑰香最佳取胚时间为授粉后39 d,昆香无核×北冰红为授粉后46 d,红宝石无核×北冰红及奇妙无核×双优为授粉后41 d。另外,向培养基中补充0.5 mg L-1吲哚丁酸可以帮助畸形苗恢复为正常幼苗并获得生长健壮的子代。研究结果将为利用胚挽救技术选育无核葡萄新品种奠定基础。
Embryo rescue technology plays an important role in seedless grape breeding. However, the efficiency of embryo rescue, including the embryo formation, germination, and seedling rates, is closely related to the parental genotypes, degree of abortion, growth medium, and plant growth regulators. In this study, we investigated the effects of different concentrations of paclobutrazol (PAC), a plant growth regulator, and embryo collection times on the embryo formation, germination, and seedling rates for different hybrid combinations of grape breeding varieties used for their aroma and cold-resistance traits. The results showed that the different PAC concentrations had varying impacts on the development of ovules and embryos from the different grape varieties. The embryo formation rates of the ‘Sultanina Rose’בBeibinghong’ and ‘Kunxiang Seedless’בTaishan-2’ crosses were the highest under the 5.1 μmol L–1 PAC treatment. The 1.0 μmol L–1 PAC treatment was optimal for the germination and seedling development of the ‘Sultanina Rose’בBeibinghong’ embryos, whereas the 0.2 μmol L–1 PAC treatment induced the highest germination rate for the ‘Sultanina Rose’בKunxiang Seedless’ cross. The optimal sampling times for each cross varied as 39 d after pollination (DAP) for the ‘Flame Seedless’בMuscat Hamburg’ cross, 46 DAP for the ‘Kunxiang Seedless’בBeibinghong’ cross, and 41 DAP for the ‘Ruby Seedless’בBeibinghong’ and ‘Fantasy Seedless’בShuangyou’ crosses. Moreover, the medium modified with 0.5 g L–1 of indole-3-butyric acid allowed the malformed seedlings to develop into plantlets and achieve larger progenies. This study provides a useful basis for further studies into grape embryo rescue and could improve breeding efforts for new seedless grape varieties.
Received: 01 February 2021
Accepted: 01 August 2021
This research was supported by the Key Industry Chain of Innovation Project in Shaanxi Province, China (2021ZDLNY04–08), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (2452019016), the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (CARS–30-yz-7), and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Flexible Introduction of Scientific and Technological Innovation Team, China (2020RXTDLX08).
About author: Correspondence XU Yan, Tel: +86-29-87082522, Fax: +86-29-87082149, E-mail: yan.xu@nwafu.edu.cn
* These authors contributed equally to this study. |
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XU Teng-fei, GUO Yu-rui, YUAN Xiao-jian, CHU Yan-nan, WANG Xiao-wei, HAN Yu-lei, WANG Wen-yuan, WANG Yue-jin, SONG Rui, FANG Yu-lin, WANG Lu-jun, XU Yan.
Effects of exogenous paclobutrazol and sampling time on the
efficiency of in vitro embryo rescue in the breeding of new seedless
grape varieties. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(6): 1633-1644.
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