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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2022, Vol. 21 Issue (6): 1551-1562    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63602-4
Special Issue: 麦类遗传育种合辑Triticeae Crops Genetics · Breeding · Germplasm Resources
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A major and stable QTL for wheat spikelet number per spike validated in different genetic backgrounds
DING Pu-yang1*, MO Zi-qiang1*, TANG Hua-ping1*, MU Yang1, DENG Mei1, JIANG Qian-tao1, LIU Ya-xi1, CHEN Guang-deng2, CHEN Guo-yue1, WANG Ji-rui1, LI Wei3, QI Peng-fei1, JIANG Yun-feng1, KANG Hou-yang1, YAN Gui-jun4, Wei Yu-ming1, ZHENG You-liang1, LAN Xiu-jin1, MA Jian1
1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Exploration and Utilization in Southwest China, Ministry of Science and Technology/Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, P.R.China 
2 College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, P.R.China 
3 College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, P.R.China 
4 University of Western Australia School of Agriculture and Environment and the UWA Institute of Agriculture, Faculty of Science, University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Australia
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本研究基于小麦Wheat55K SNP芯片鉴定到两个主效且稳定表达的小穗数QTL。其中,QSns.sau-2SY-2D.1在之前的研究中已经被报道,而本研究中新鉴定到一个QTL(QSns.sau-2SY-7A),我们对其进行了深入分析。QSns.sau-2SY-7A的LOD值较高,介于4.46至16.00之间,解释10.21-40.78%的表型变异。QSns.sau-2SY-7A位于染色体臂7AL上4.75-cM的区间,侧翼标记为AX-110518554AX-110094527。我们对两个主效QTL的贡献和相互作用进行了深入的分析和讨论。我们进一步开发一个与QSns.sau-2SY-7A紧密连锁的KASP标记,在一个F2:3群体和一个包含101个小麦高代育种品系的自然群体中对该QTL的效应进行了验证。此外,在QSns.sau-2SY-7A定位区间中,预测到一个水稻中报道的调控小穗数的同源基因WAPO1,结合前人报道,该基因很有可能是该位点的候选基因。综上所述,本研究系统揭示了被广泛用于育种亲本的品系‘20828’的多小穗数遗传基础,并开发获得紧密连锁标记,有助于后续主效QTL的精细定位和育种利用

Abstract  The spikelet number per spike (SNS) contributes greatly to grain yield in wheat.  Identifying various genes that control wheat SNS is vital for yield improvement.  This study used a recombinant inbred line population genotyped by the Wheat55K single-nucleotide polymorphism array to identify two major and stably expressed quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for SNS.  One of them (QSns.sau-2SY-2D.1) was reported previously, while the other (QSns.sau-2SY-7A) was newly detected and further analyzed in this study.  QSns.sau-2SY-7A had a high LOD value ranging from 4.46 to 16.00 and explained 10.21–40.78% of the phenotypic variances.  QSns.sau-2SY-7A was flanked by the markers AX-110518554 and AX-110094527 in a 4.75-cM interval on chromosome arm 7AL.  The contributions and interactions of both major QTLs were further analyzed and discussed.  The effect of QSns.sau-2SY-7A was successfully validated by developing a tightly linked kompetitive allele specific PCR marker in an F2:3 population and a panel of 101 high-generation breeding wheat lines.  Furthermore, several genes including the previously reported WHEAT ORTHOLOG OF APO1 (WAPO1), an ortholog of the rice gene ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION 1 (APO1) related to SNS, were predicted in the interval of QSns.sau-2SY-7A.  In summary, these results revealed the genetic basis of the multi-spikelet genotype of wheat line 20828 and will facilitate subsequent fine mapping and breeding utilization of the major QTLs.
Keywords:  yield potential       QTL detection       QTL validation       predicated genes       tightly linked KASP marker  
Received: 23 September 2020   Accepted: 17 December 2020
Fund: This work was supported by the projects from the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, China (2020YJ0140 and 2021YJ0503), the International Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchanges Program of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, China (2021YFH0083 and 2022YFH0053), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31971937 and 31970243), and the Key Projects of Scientific and Technological Activities for Overseas Students of Sichuan Province, China. 
About author:  Correspondence MA Jian, Tel: +86-28-86293115, Fax: +86-28-82650350, E-mail:; LAN Xiu-jin, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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DING Pu-yang, MO Zi-qiang, TANG Hua-ping, MU Yang, DENG Mei, JIANG Qian-tao, LIU Ya-xi, CHEN Guang-deng, CHEN Guo-yue, WANG Ji-rui, LI Wei, QI Peng-fei, JIANG Yun-feng, KANG Hou-yang, YAN Gui-jun, Wei Yu-ming, ZHENG You-liang, LAN Xiu-jin, MA Jian. 2022. A major and stable QTL for wheat spikelet number per spike validated in different genetic backgrounds. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(6): 1551-1562.

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