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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2015, Vol. 14 Issue (11): 2231-2242    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61123-6
Section 2: Detection methods and technologies Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Emerging frontier technologies for food safety analysis and risk assessment
 DONG Yi-yang, LIU Jia-hui, WANG Sai, CHEN Qi-long, GUO Tian-yang, ZHANG Li-ya, JIN Yong, SU Hai-jia, TAN Tian-wei
1、Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioprocess, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029, P.R.China
2、Institute of Food Safety, Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Beijing 100176, P.R.China
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摘要  Access to security and safe food is a basic human necessity and essential for a sustainable world. To perform hi-end food safety analysis and risk assessment with state of the art technologies is of utmost importance thereof. With applications as exemplified by microfluidic immunoassay, aptasensor, direct analysis in real time, high resolution mass spectrometry, benchmark dose and chemical specific adjustment factor, this review presents frontier food safety analysis and risk assessment technologies, from which both food quality and public health will benefit undoubtedly in a foreseeable future.

Abstract  Access to security and safe food is a basic human necessity and essential for a sustainable world. To perform hi-end food safety analysis and risk assessment with state of the art technologies is of utmost importance thereof. With applications as exemplified by microfluidic immunoassay, aptasensor, direct analysis in real time, high resolution mass spectrometry, benchmark dose and chemical specific adjustment factor, this review presents frontier food safety analysis and risk assessment technologies, from which both food quality and public health will benefit undoubtedly in a foreseeable future.
Keywords:  food safety       microfluidic immunoassay       aptasensor       direct analysis in real time       high resolution mass spectrometry       benchmark dose       chemical specific adjustment factor  
Received: 08 October 2014   Accepted:

This review was financially supported by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project, China (Z131110000613066), the Educational and Teaching Reform Project for Graduate Students, China (G-JG-XJ201408) and the Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioprocess, China.

About author:  DONG Yi-yang, Tel: +86-10-64446260, Fax: +86-10-64445535,E-mail:

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DONG Yi-yang, LIU Jia-hui, WANG Sai, CHEN Qi-long, GUO Tian-yang, ZHANG Li-ya, JIN Yong, SU Hai-jia, TAN Tian-wei. 2015. Emerging frontier technologies for food safety analysis and risk assessment. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(11): 2231-2242.

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