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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2013, Vol. 12 Issue (4): 694-710    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60288-9
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Long-Term Effect of Fertilizer and Rice Straw on Mineral Composition and Potassium Adsorption in a Reddish Paddy Soil
 LIAO Yu-lin, ZHENG Sheng-xian, NIE Jun, XIE Jian, LU Yan-hong , QIN Xiao-bo
1.Soil and Fertilizer Institute of Hunan Province, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Arable Land Conservation (Hunan), Ministry of Agriculture, Changsha 410125, P.R.China
2.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/The Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
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摘要  Increasing K+ adsorption can be an effective alternative in building an available K pool in soils to optimize crop recovery and minimize losses into the environment. We hypothesized that long-term fertilization might change K+ adsorption because of changes in the chemical and mineralogical properties of a rice (Oryza sativa L.). The aims of this study were (i) to determine clay minerals in paddy soil clay size fractions using X-ray diffraction methods and a numerical diagramdecomposition method; (ii) to measure K+ adsorption isotherms before and after H2O2 oxidation of organic matter, and (iii) to investigate whether K+ adsorption is correlated with changes in soil chemical and mineral properties. The 30-yr longterm fertilization treatments caused little change in soil organic C (SOC) but a large variation in soil mineral composition. The whole-clay fraction (<5 μm) corresponded more to the fertilization treatment than the fine-clay fraction (<1 μm) in terms of percentage of illite peak area. The total percentage of vermiculite-chlorite peak area was significantly negatively correlated with the total percentage of illite peak area in the <5 μm soil particles (R=-0.946, P<0.0006). Different fertilization treatments gave significantly different results in K+ adsorption. The SOC oxidation test showed positive effects of SOC on K+ adsorption at lower K+ concentration ( 120 mg L-1) and negative effects at higher K+ concentration (240 mg L-1). The K+ adsorption by soil clay minerals after SOC oxidization accounted for 60-158% of that by unoxidized soils, suggesting a more important role of soil minerals than SOC on K+ adsorption. The K+ adsorption potential was significantly correlated to the amount of poorly crystallized illite present (R=0.879, P=0.012). The availability of adsorbed K+ for plant growth needs further study.

Abstract  Increasing K+ adsorption can be an effective alternative in building an available K pool in soils to optimize crop recovery and minimize losses into the environment. We hypothesized that long-term fertilization might change K+ adsorption because of changes in the chemical and mineralogical properties of a rice (Oryza sativa L.). The aims of this study were (i) to determine clay minerals in paddy soil clay size fractions using X-ray diffraction methods and a numerical diagramdecomposition method; (ii) to measure K+ adsorption isotherms before and after H2O2 oxidation of organic matter, and (iii) to investigate whether K+ adsorption is correlated with changes in soil chemical and mineral properties. The 30-yr longterm fertilization treatments caused little change in soil organic C (SOC) but a large variation in soil mineral composition. The whole-clay fraction (<5 μm) corresponded more to the fertilization treatment than the fine-clay fraction (<1 μm) in terms of percentage of illite peak area. The total percentage of vermiculite-chlorite peak area was significantly negatively correlated with the total percentage of illite peak area in the <5 μm soil particles (R=-0.946, P<0.0006). Different fertilization treatments gave significantly different results in K+ adsorption. The SOC oxidation test showed positive effects of SOC on K+ adsorption at lower K+ concentration ( 120 mg L-1) and negative effects at higher K+ concentration (240 mg L-1). The K+ adsorption by soil clay minerals after SOC oxidization accounted for 60-158% of that by unoxidized soils, suggesting a more important role of soil minerals than SOC on K+ adsorption. The K+ adsorption potential was significantly correlated to the amount of poorly crystallized illite present (R=0.879, P=0.012). The availability of adsorbed K+ for plant growth needs further study.
Keywords:  long-term experiment       mineral composition       potassium adsorption       reddish paddy soil  
Received: 16 June 2012   Accepted:

This research was funded by the the Public Service Sectors (Agriculture) Research Special Funds, China (201203013-06). The work was also supported in partial by the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI China Program: Hunan-16) and the Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-Year-Plan period (2012BAD05B05-3).

Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence ZHENG Sheng-xian, Tel: +86-731-84691576, Fax: +86-731-84691581,     E-mail:
About author:  LIAO Yu-lin, Tel: +86-731-84693197, E-mail:;

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LIAO Yu-lin, ZHENG Sheng-xian, NIE Jun, XIE Jian, LU Yan-hong , QIN Xiao-bo. 2013. Long-Term Effect of Fertilizer and Rice Straw on Mineral Composition and Potassium Adsorption in a Reddish Paddy Soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(4): 694-710.

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