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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2013, Vol. 12 Issue (4): 561-570    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60273-7
Crop Genetics · Breeding · Germplasm Resources Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Improvement of Yield and Its Related Traits for Backbone Hybrid Rice Parent Minghui 86 Using Advanced Backcross Breeding Strategies
 ZHANG  Hong-jun, WANG  Hui, YE  Guo-you, QIAN  Yi-liang, SHI  Ying-yao, XIA  Jia-fa, LI  Ze-fu, ZHU  Ling-hua, GAO  Yong-ming, LI  Zhi-kang
1.National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Ministry of Agriculture & National Development and Reform
Commission/Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2.Rice Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anhui 230031, P.R.China
3.International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Philippines
4.College of Agriculture, Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui 230036, P.R.China
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摘要  How to overcome yield stagnation is a big challenge to rice breeders. An effective method for quickly developing new cultivars is to further improve an outstanding cultivar. In this study, three advanced backcross populations under yield selection that consist of 123 BC2F2:4 introgression lines (ILs) were developed by crossing Minghui 86 (recurrent parent, RP) with three high-yielding varieties (donors), namely, ZDZ057, Fuhui 838, and Teqing, respectively. The progeny testing allowed the identification of 12 promising ILs that had significantly higher mean grain yields than Minghui 86 in two environments. A total of 55 QTLs that affect grain yield and its related traits were identified, which included 50 QTLs that were detected using the likelihood ratio test based on stepwise regression (RSTEP-LRT) method, and eight grain yield per plant (GY) QTLs were detected using chi-squared (c2) test. Among these QTLs, five QTLs were simultaneously detected in different populations and 22 QTLs were detected in both environments. The beneficial donor alleles for increased GY and its related traits were identified in 63.6% (35 out of 55) of the QTLs. These promising ILs and QTLs identified will provide the elite breeding materials and genetic information for further improvement of the grain yield for Minghui 86 through pyramiding breeding.

Abstract  How to overcome yield stagnation is a big challenge to rice breeders. An effective method for quickly developing new cultivars is to further improve an outstanding cultivar. In this study, three advanced backcross populations under yield selection that consist of 123 BC2F2:4 introgression lines (ILs) were developed by crossing Minghui 86 (recurrent parent, RP) with three high-yielding varieties (donors), namely, ZDZ057, Fuhui 838, and Teqing, respectively. The progeny testing allowed the identification of 12 promising ILs that had significantly higher mean grain yields than Minghui 86 in two environments. A total of 55 QTLs that affect grain yield and its related traits were identified, which included 50 QTLs that were detected using the likelihood ratio test based on stepwise regression (RSTEP-LRT) method, and eight grain yield per plant (GY) QTLs were detected using chi-squared (c2) test. Among these QTLs, five QTLs were simultaneously detected in different populations and 22 QTLs were detected in both environments. The beneficial donor alleles for increased GY and its related traits were identified in 63.6% (35 out of 55) of the QTLs. These promising ILs and QTLs identified will provide the elite breeding materials and genetic information for further improvement of the grain yield for Minghui 86 through pyramiding breeding.
Keywords:  rice (Qryza sativa L.)       quantitative trait locus (QTL)       selective introgression population       yield  
Received: 01 July 2012   Accepted:

The study was funded by the National High-Tech R&D Program of China (2010AA101806) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA (OPP51587).

Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence GAO Yong-ming, Tel: +86-10-82106697,Fax: +86-10-82108559, E-mail:     E-mail:
About author:  ZHANG Hong-jun, E-mail:; WANG Hui, E-mail:;

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ZHANG Hong-jun, WANG Hui, YE Guo-you, QIAN Yi-liang, SHI Ying-yao, XIA Jia-fa, LI Ze-fu, ZHU Ling-hua, GAO Yong-ming, LI Zhi-kang. 2013. Improvement of Yield and Its Related Traits for Backbone Hybrid Rice Parent Minghui 86 Using Advanced Backcross Breeding Strategies. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(4): 561-570.

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