Constructing the Ontology for Modeling the Fish Production in Pearl River Basin |
HE Qi-yun, ZHENG Ye-lu, XU Jian-ning |
Institute of Science and Technology Information, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, P.R.China |
摘要 This paper puts forward a construction method based on ontology for the Pearl River Basin fish production, to facilitate the domain knowledge analysis and information retrieval. By converting the concepts and terms in domain ordinally, the fish production ontology was constructed with the definition of classes, properties, instances, and relationships. The developed ontology model of the fish production knowledge is proposed and applied in the system of fish diseases diagnosis primarily. The research lays the semantic foundation for the further efficient knowledge management and practical application.
Abstract This paper puts forward a construction method based on ontology for the Pearl River Basin fish production, to facilitate the domain knowledge analysis and information retrieval. By converting the concepts and terms in domain ordinally, the fish production ontology was constructed with the definition of classes, properties, instances, and relationships. The developed ontology model of the fish production knowledge is proposed and applied in the system of fish diseases diagnosis primarily. The research lays the semantic foundation for the further efficient knowledge management and practical application.
Received: 28 June 2011
Fund: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2006AA10Z239) and the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2006BAD10A0501). |
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Correspondence HE Qi-yun, Mobile: 13822122169, E-mail: hqykk@126.com
E-mail: hqykk@126.com
About author: HE Qi-yun, Mobile: 13822122169, E-mail: hqykk@126.com |
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HE Qi-yun, ZHENG Ye-lu, XU Jian-ning.
Constructing the Ontology for Modeling the Fish Production in Pearl River Basin. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(5): 760-768.
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