Scientia Agricultura Sinica

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Eliminating Negative Factors of Soil, Keeping High Yield in Lateritic Rice Paddy

CHEN Fu-xing, ZHANG Ma-xiang, CHEN Yong-an   

  1. Agricultural Resource and Regional Planning Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
  • Online:2007-12-31 Published:2007-12-31

Abstract: The process from the low yield to the high yield in lateritic rice paddy actually is the process that the nutritive elements were supplied to the soil and the negative factors of soil are eliminated unceasingly. The research indicated that the shortage of phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, potassium, zinc, oxygen and the poison of arsenic will affected the yield of paddy rice. Moreover the functions of the nutritive elements in soil also were studied. Some agricultural technologies can be used to promote the fertility of the soil, such as adding phosphorus fertilizer to the soil, planting green manure, using zinc fertilizer, moistening the root, preventing and controlling cotton and paddy rice physiological disease, building the ridges in rice paddy, transplanting rice seedlings in water and managing the seedlings by dry land style, eliminating the poison aroused by lack of oxygen. Furthermore a system about soil management, crops cultivation and fertilizer was advanced by unified all kinds of cultivation measures, and the system played an important role in enhancing rice yield.

Key words: Red soil paddy field , As toxic land , Reductive substance , Aging seedling , Sustainable high yield

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