糯玉米粉,糊化特性,拔节期追氮量,播期," /> 糯玉米粉,糊化特性,拔节期追氮量,播期,"/> waxy maize flour,pasting property,nitrogen top-dressing amount at jointing stage,sown dates
,"/> <font face="Verdana">Effects of Nitrogen Top-Dressing at Jointing Stage on Pasting Properties of Spring and Autumn Sown Waxy Maize Flour #br# </font>

Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2009, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 3096-3103 .doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2009.09.010


Effects of Nitrogen Top-Dressing at Jointing Stage on Pasting Properties of Spring and Autumn Sown Waxy Maize Flour #br#

LU Da-lei, JING Li-quan, WANG De-cheng, HAN qing, GUO Huan-fen, ZHAO Jiu-ran, LU Wei-ping#br#   

  1. (扬州大学农学院/江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/农业部长江中下游作物生理生态与栽培重点开放实验室)
  • Received:2008-11-10 Revised:2009-02-28 Online:2009-09-10 Published:2009-09-10
  • Contact: LU Wei-ping


【Objective】 The aim of the study is to understand the effects of nitrogen top-dressing amount at jointing stage on flour pasting properties of spring and autumn sown waxy maize varieties. 【Method】 Research was carried out at the Experiment Farm of Yangzhou University in 2008. Three varieties (Suyunuo 5, Kennian 1 and Suyunuo 1, the controls of Chinese waxy maize in regional test) were used in the study. The effects of nitrogen top-dressing amount (0, 150 and 300 kg?hm-2) at jointing stage on flour pasting properties of spring and autumn sown waxy maize were clarified by Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA). 【Result】 Waxy maize flour pasting properties were significantly affected by the single factor and interactions of nitrogen top-dressing amount at jointing stage, sown dates and varieties. In general, the flour present higher peak viscosity, breakdown, trough viscosity and final viscosity, shorter peak time and lower pasting temperature when nitrogen top-dressing amount was 150 kg?hm-2 and in autumn-sown treatment, and those RVA characteristics were better for Suyunuo 5. Significantly positive correlations were observed among peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown and final viscosity, and those four parameters were negatively correlated to peak time and pasting temperature. In addition, peak time was observed positively correlated to pasting temperature, and setback was positively correlated to final viscosity. 【Conclusion】Considering the pasting properties in different treatments, the autumn sown waxy maize varieties and nitrogen top-dressing amount at jointing stage was suitable (150 kg?hm-2 in this experiment) and could got the flour with higher peak viscosity and breakdown, shorter peak time and lower pasting temperature.

Key words: waxy maize flour')">waxy maize flour, pasting property, nitrogen top-dressing amount at jointing stage, sown dates

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