中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (23): 4626-4639.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.23.005
ZHANG Jie(),JIANG ChangYue,WANG YueJin*(
摘要: 目的 欧洲葡萄作为世界葡萄主栽品种,具有产量高、品质佳的优点,但对病害抵抗能力差。白粉病是严重危害葡萄栽培的一种真菌性病害,中国野生葡萄资源丰富,可为抗病育种提供充足种质资源。论文旨在筛选调控抗白粉病的葡萄转录因子基因,探究转录因子基因调控抗白粉病的作用机理,为选育葡萄抗病品种提供优质的基因资源。方法 从中国野生毛葡萄‘商-24’中克隆得到转录因子基因VqWRKY6,使用DANMAN和MEGA-X软件对序列进行分析。利用PEG介导转化拟南芥原生质体进行亚细胞定位分析发挥转录调控作用的位置,利用酵母双杂交和双分子荧光互补试验证明VqWRKY6能够和转录因子VqbZIP1互作形成转录复合体。以感病葡萄‘赤霞珠’叶片为试材,通过农杆菌介导法瞬时转化到‘赤霞珠’葡萄叶片,叶片进行白粉菌(Uncinula necator)接种后,观察发病症状,用台盼蓝染色在显微镜下观察菌丝发育进程,使用DAB染色观察活性氧积累,比较共同过表达VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1的葡萄叶片、单独过表达VqWRKY6的葡萄叶片、单独过表达VqbZIP1的葡萄叶片和对照组叶片的差异。使用实时荧光定量PCR技术对抗病基因在白粉菌诱导下的表达水平进行分析。结果 VqWRKY6定位于葡萄2号染色体,编码342个氨基酸,属于WRKY家族的group Ⅲ亚家族。亚细胞定位和酵母转录激活试验证明,VqWRKY6在细胞核内发挥转录调控功能且在酵母中有转录激活活性。‘赤霞珠’叶片共同过表达VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1后,叶片表面白粉菌菌丝扩繁速率显著慢于单独过表达VqWRKY6和单独过表达VqbZIP1的叶片,共同过表达VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1的叶片组织中活性氧含量显著高于单独过表达VqWRKY6和单独过表达VqbZIP1的叶片;此外,VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1的协同调控能够激活茉莉酸(JA)途径的PR3、PR4,基因表达量显著上调。结论 VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1协同作用可能通过激活JA抗病途径,促进活性氧产生,增强抗病基因表达,抑制白粉菌的生长,从而提高葡萄对白粉病的抗性。因此,中国野生毛葡萄‘商-24’是重要的抗病种质资源,而VqWRKY6与VqbZIP1可作为重要的抗病基因资源。
张洁, 姜长岳, 王跃进. 中国野生毛葡萄转录因子VqWRKY6与VqbZIP1互作调控抗白粉病功能分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(23): 4626-4639.
ZHANG Jie, JIANG ChangYue, WANG YueJin. Functional Analysis of the Interaction Between Transcription Factors VqWRKY6 and VqbZIP1 in Regulating the Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Chinese Wild Vitis quinquangularis[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(23): 4626-4639.
引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列 Primer sequence (5′-3′) | 用途 Use |
不同葡萄叶片中WRKY6响应白粉菌诱导表达分析 a:商-24 Shang-24;b:白河-35-1 Baihe-35-1;c:赤霞珠Cabernet Sauvignon;d:无核白Thompson Seedless。Mock:无菌水处理葡萄叶片Grape leaves treated with sterile water;PM-inoculation:白粉菌接种后葡萄叶片Grape leaves inoculated with U. necator Expression analysis of WRKY6 in response to U. necator induction in different grape materials 显著性分析使用SPSS 26.0数据处理系统ANOVA单因素方差分析进行LSD检验Significance analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA for LSD testing of SPSS 26.0 data processing system (* P<0.05; ** P<0.01)。图7同The same as Fig. 7"
中国野生毛葡萄VqWRKY6克隆及序列分析 a:M:DNA Marker;1:VqWRKY6克隆VqWRKY6 clone (1029 bp)。b:VqWRKY6定位于葡萄2号染色体,红色标注区域为WRKY结构域VqWRKY6 is located on the grape chromosome 2, and the red labeled area is the WRKY domain。c:中国野生毛葡萄VqWRKY6和欧洲葡萄VvWRKY6氨基酸序列对比,深蓝色部分表示序列一致,黄色方框标注处表示氨基酸序列突变位置,红色方框标注处为WRKY结构域Comparison of the amino acid sequences of Chinese wild V. quinquangularis VqWRKY6 and V. vinifera VvWRKY6, the dark blue part indicates the same sequence, the yellow box indicates the mutation position of the amino acid sequence, and the red box indicates the WRKY domain。d:中国野生毛葡萄转录因子VqWRKY6与欧洲葡萄和拟南芥WRKY家族成员聚类分析。VqWRKY6用红色箭头和红色字体标注,欧洲葡萄WRKY成员用紫色字体标注,拟南芥WRKY成员用黄色字体标注Cluster analysis of VqWRKY6 with WRKY family members from V. vinifera and A. thaliana. VqWRKY6 is marked with red arrow and red font, V. vinifera WRKY members are marked in purple font, and the WRKY members in A. thaliana are marked in yellow font"
中国野生毛葡萄转录因子VqWRKY6转录激活及亚细胞定位分析 a:VqWRKY6在酵母中转录激活功能分析,序列短截后的VqWRKY6转录自激活分析Function analysis of transcriptional activation on VqWRKY6 in yeast, and transcription activation analysis on VqWRKY6 after sequence short-cutting;b:短截后的VqWRKY6与全长VqWRKY6的序列比对分析Alignment of VqWRKY6 sequence in short-cutting and full-length;c:VqWRKY6在拟南芥原生质体中的亚细胞定位Subcellular localization of VqWRKY6 in A. thaliana protoplasts。GFP:绿色荧光信号Green fluorescence signal;mCherry:红色荧光信号Red fluorescence signal;Chloroplast:叶绿体自发荧光Chloroplast autofluorescence;Bright field:明场图Bright field plot;Merged:组合图Combined graph"
双分子荧光互补技术验证中国野生毛葡萄中转录因子VqWRKY6与VqbZIP1蛋白互作 a:M:DNA Marker;1:VqbZIP1克隆VqbZIP1 clone (900 bp)。b:酵母双杂交验证VqWRKY6与VqbZIP1的互作The yeast two-hybrid was carried out to verify the interaction between VqWRKY6 and VqbZIP1。c:双分子荧光互补技术验证VqWRKY6与VqbZIP1的互作。pSPYNE-VqWRKY6和pSPYCE-VqbZIP1共转入拟南芥原生质体,以pSPYNE-VqWRKY6和pSPYCE共转入拟南芥原生质体作为对照To confirm the interaction between VqbZIP1 and VqWRKY6, the assay of bimolecular fluorescence complementation was performed. pSPYNE-VqWRKY6 and pSPYCE-VqbZIP1 were co-transferred to A. thaliana protoplasts, and pSPYNE-VqWRKY6 and pSPYCE were co-transferred to A. thaliana protoplasts as control"
葡萄叶片中过表达VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1增强对白粉病的抗性 a:取瞬时转化后24 h的葡萄叶片进行人工接种白粉菌,对接种后0—120 h的叶片进行观察,红色方框标示白粉菌菌丝体Grape leaves were inoculated with U. necator at 24 h after transient transformation, the observation on leaves was performed at 0-120 h after inoculation; Red box indicates the mycelium of U. necator;EV:空载体对照Empty vector control;OE-VqbZIP1:单独过表达VqbZIP1 Overexpressing of VqbZIP1 alone;OE-VqWRKY6:单独过表达VqWRKY6 Overexpressing of VqWRKY6 alone;OE-VqWRKY6+OE-VqbZIP1:共同过表达VqWRKY6和VqbZIP1 Co-overexpressing of VqWRKY6 and VqbZIP1;hpi:白粉菌接种后时间Hours post inoculation。b:对瞬时转化后24 h的葡萄叶片进行人工接种白粉菌,显微观察菌丝发育生长进程Grape leaves were inoculated with U. necator at 24 h after transient transformation, and hyphae development and growth process were microscopically observed;c:分生孢子Conidium;hp:初级菌丝Primary hypha。c:DAB染色检测葡萄叶片组织中H2O2含量DAB staining is used to detect H2O2 content in grape tissues"
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