中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (21): 4328-4341.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.21.012

• 园艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵海娟(), 张玉萍, 张玉君, 刘宁, 徐铭, 刘家成, 王碧君, 刘威生, 刘硕()   

  1. 辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁营口 115009
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-11 接受日期:2024-07-31 出版日期:2024-11-01 发布日期:2024-11-10
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 赵海娟,。
  • 基金资助:
    辽宁省种质创新藏粮于技专项计划(2023JH1/10200005); 国家园艺作物种质基础服务平台项目(NHGRC2023-NH10); 农业种质资源普查收集、保护鉴定服务项目(19230698); 兴辽英才计划(XLYC2203061); 营口市企业博士双创计划项目(YKSCJH2023-29)

Evaluation of Fruit Aroma in Chinese Plum Germplasm Based on Electronic Nose Technology

ZHAO HaiJuan(), ZHANG YuPing, ZHANG YuJun, LIU Ning, XU Ming, LIU JiaCheng, WANG BiJun, LIU WeiSheng, LIU Shuo()   

  1. Liaoning Institute of Pomology, Yingkou 115009, Liaoning
  • Received:2024-03-11 Accepted:2024-07-31 Published:2024-11-01 Online:2024-11-10


【背景】李是全球分布和栽培最广泛的果树之一,中国李(Prunus salicina L.)起源于中国,美丽、芳香、多汁且营养丰富,具有十分突出的遗传异质性和果实性状多样性。近年来,人们对李果实气味的感官品质要求不断提高,育种者也越来越重视鉴定和筛选具有特殊气味的种质。果实气味的常规检测方法存在预处理过程复杂、测试成本高、操作技术要求高等问题。此外,这些方法缺乏快速响应和高检测速度的优势,也难以实现无损检测,从而无法准确模拟消费者的嗅觉感受。【目的】利用电子鼻技术对中国李种质资源的气味构成开展多样性评价,为我国李育种研究和生产实践提供重要的材料和数据支撑。【方法】通过电子鼻技术,利用10个气味传感器对94份中国李种质资源的果实不同气味进行鉴定,并根据K-means聚类结果进行分组评价。【结果】整体上不同气味通道之间存在明显的差异。其中,W1W的气味响应值最大,而W1C的气味响应值最小。此外,针对不同气味通道的方差分析发现,W1W的气味响应值离散程度最高,W5S次之,W1C、W3C、W5C和W3S的离散程度则较低且分布相对集中。94份中国李果实的气味数据通过K-means聚类分析被划分为6个组,每个分组代表了具有特定气味特征的李果实。分组1为富含芳香烷烃成分的李种质,分组2为富含乙醇类和氮氧化物类成分的李种质,分组3为缺乏氢气类成分的李种质,分组4是含有中等量氢气类和芳香烷烃类成分的李种质,分组5为芳香烷烃类成分较低的李种质,而分组6则是硫化氢类成分含量较高的李种质。这些分组为中国李果实的气味成分和感官品质进一步研究提供了重要线索。各分组间不同气味的最大响应值、最小响应值、中位数存在显著差异。进一步的相关性分析发现,部分气味间存在着显著的正相关或负相关关系。采用主成分分析(PCA)、线性判别分析(LDA)、均匀流形近似和投影(UMAP)3种方法对气味数据进行降维和可视化分析,结果显示这些方法可以不同程度地区分供试李种质并对应其聚类分组结果,在特征提取和数据可视化方面具有不同程度的优势和劣势。根据特定气味物质敏感性的研究,筛选出了一批气味性状突出的李资源,包括‘五香李’‘早熟李’‘李水红’‘龙南李’和‘香蕉李(复县)’。【结论】本研究利用电子鼻技术对中国李种质资源的气味构成和分布进行了分析,揭示了果实气味中W1W、W1S和W5S的响应值较高,这些通道主要对硫化氢类、甲烷类和氮氧化物类挥发性物质敏感。6组中国李具有不同的气味特征,分组6与其他组之间的平均值差异显著,表明分组6在这些响应值方面具有独特的特征。

关键词: 中国李, 种质资源, 电子鼻, 气味分析, K-means聚类


【Background】 The plum is one of the most widely distributed and cultivated fruit trees globally. The Chinese plum (Prunus salicina L.), originating from China, is known for its beauty, fragrance, juiciness, and rich nutritional value. It exhibits significant genetic heterogeneity and diversity in fruit traits. In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for the sensory quality of plum fruit aroma, prompting breeders to place greater emphasis on identifying and selecting germplasm with unique aromas. Those onventional methods for detecting fruit aroma involve complex preprocessing, high testing costs, and require high technical skills for operation. Additionally, these methods lack the advantages of rapid response and high detection speed, making non-destructive testing difficult and unable to accurately simulate consumer olfactory experiences. 【Objective】 The aim of this study aimed to use electronic nose technology to evaluate the diversity of aroma composition in Chinese plum germplasm, so as to provid essential materials and data support for plum breeding research and production practices in China. 【Method】 Using electronic nose technology, ten odor sensors were employed to identify the different fruit fragrances of 94 Chinese plum germplasm resources. The samples were then grouped and evaluated based on the results of K-means clustering. 【Result】Overall, the average values of different odors showed a normal distribution, but significant differences existed between different odor channels. The W1W channel exhibited the highest odor response value, while the W1C channel had the lowest value. Additionally, variance analysis of different odor channels revealed that W1W had the highest degree of dispersion in odor response values, followed by W5S, while W1C, W3C, W5C, and W3S showed lower dispersion and relatively concentrated distribution. The aroma data of 94 Chinese plum samples were divided into six groups using K-means clustering analysis, each representing plum fruits with specific aroma characteristics. Group one included germplasm sensitive to aromatic hydrocarbons, Group two to ethanol and nitrogen oxides, Group three to hydrogen, Group four to hydrogen and aromatic hydrocarbons, Group five showed low sensitivity to aromatic hydrocarbons, and Group six to hydrogen sulfide. These groupings provided important insights for further research on the aroma components and sensory quality of Chinese plum fruits. Significant differences in maximum, minimum, and median values of different odors were observed between groups. Further correlation analysis revealed significant positive or negative relationships between some odors. Principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) were used for dimensionality reduction and visualization of aroma data, and the results indicated that these methods could distinguish the tested plum germplasm to varying degrees and correspond to their cluster groupings, each with different advantages and disadvantages in feature extraction and data visualization. Particularly, the independent use of LDA analysis had certain limitations and shortcomings. This study screened a batch of plum resources with prominent aroma characteristics, including ‘Wuxiangli’ ‘Zaoshuli’ ‘Lishuihong’ ‘Longnanli’ and ‘Xiangjiaoli (Fuxian)’. 【Conclusion】This study utilized electronic nose technology to analyze the aroma composition and distribution of Chinese plum germplasm, revealing that the W1W, W1S, and W5S channels had higher response values, primarily sensitive to volatile compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methane, and nitrogen oxides. Six Chinese plum groups had different distinct aroma characteristics. In several response values, the mean difference between cluster 6 and the other five groups was significant, indicating that cluster 6 had unique characteristics in these response values.

Key words: Chinese plum, germplasm resource, electronic nose, aroma analysis, K-means clustering