中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (19): 4097-4109.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.19.006

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所/广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室,广州 510640
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-01 接受日期:2021-04-15 出版日期:2021-10-01 发布日期:2021-10-12
  • 通讯作者: 佘小漫,何自福
  • 作者简介:张丽,E-mail:。|汤亚飞,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Molecular Characteristic of Squash Leaf Curl China Virus (SLCCNV) Infecting Cucurbitaceae Crops in Guangdong Province

ZHANG Li(),TANG YaFei(),LI ZhengGang,YU Lin,LAN GuoBing,SHE XiaoMan(),HE ZiFu()   

  1. Plant Protection Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of High Technology for Plant Protection, Guangzhou 510640
  • Received:2021-03-01 Accepted:2021-04-15 Online:2021-10-01 Published:2021-10-12
  • Contact: XiaoMan SHE,ZiFu HE


【目的】中国南瓜曲叶病毒(squash leaf curl China virus,SLCCNV)是危害葫芦科作物的主要病毒之一,可侵染南瓜、葫芦、冬瓜、黄瓜、甜瓜、哈密瓜,严重影响葫芦科作物生产。论文旨在探究SLCCNV广东分离物的分子特征、亲缘关系及其致病性,为SLCCNV的防控提供科学依据。【方法】从广东省湛江市雷州市和徐闻县、惠州市博罗县、河源市源城区以及佛山市高明区共采集53份疑似感染菜豆金色黄花叶病毒属(Begomovirus)病毒的葫芦科作物病样,提取总DNA,利用菜豆金色黄花叶病毒属通用引物AV494/CoPR进行PCR检测。选取PCR检测为阳性的样品进行RCA扩增、酶切、克隆及测序,获得各分离物基因组A组分(DNA-A)的全长序列;同时利用背向引物PCR扩增、克隆及测序,获得各分离物基因组B组分(DNA-B)的全长序列。将得到的SLCCNV广东分离物DNA-A和DNA-B全长序列在NCBI中进行BLAST分析,利用SDT1.2软件MUSCLE alignment方法对序列相似性作进一步比较分析,应用MEGA7软件对获得的SLCCNV广东分离物及已报道的SLCCNV分离物进行系统发育分析。采用同源重组技术,构建SLCCNV河源南瓜分离物的侵染性克隆,通过农杆菌介导注射接种南瓜子叶,测定其致病性。【结果】PCR检测结果表明,53份疑似病样中有52份感染了菜豆金色黄花叶病毒属病毒;进一步从南瓜、葫芦、冬瓜以及白瓜4种葫芦科作物病样中分别克隆获得8个SLCCNV广东分离物基因组全序列,DNA-A组分全长大小为2 735—2 739 nt,含有6个ORF,与已报道SLCCNV相同。DNA-B组分大小为2 701—2 721 nt,含有2个ORF,分别编码与病毒运动相关的蛋白BC1和BV1。序列相似性比较结果显示,广东不同分离物DNA-A组分核苷酸序列相似性在94.9%以上,与已报道的SLCCNV其他分离物的相似性在88%以上;所获得的DNA-B组分核苷酸序列相似性在86.7%以上,与已报道的SLCCNV其他分离物的相似性在83%以上。系统发育分析结果显示,8个广东分离物与来自中国广西、河南、海南、越南、泰国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚的分离物亲缘关系近,同属于一个分支,而与来自印度的分离物亲缘关系较远。致病性测定结果表明,接种后15 d(dpi),接种南瓜植株的新叶开始出现了皱缩症状;30 dpi,接种南瓜植株表现典型的曲叶病症状,PCR检测均为阳性,Western blot检测进一步验证了上述结果。【结论】在广东检测到SLCCNV侵染多种葫芦科作物,SLCCNV是引起广东南瓜曲叶病的病原。SLCCNV广东分离物与广西、海南等分离物亲缘关系近,同属于一个分支,而与来自印度的分离物亲缘关系较远。

关键词: 中国南瓜曲叶病毒, 广东省, 分子特征, 侵染性克隆, 致病性


【Objective】Squash leaf curl China virus (SLCCNV) is one of the main viruses infecting Cucurbitaceae crops, which can infect pumpkin, cucurbits, wax gourd, cucumber, muskmelon and honeydew melon, and severely affect Cucurbitaceae crop production. The objective of this study is to investigate the molecular characteristics, genetic relationship and pathogenicity of SLCCNV Guangdong isolates, and to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of SLCCNV.【Method】Fifty-three suspected samples infected by Begomovirus were collected from Leizhou City and Xuwen County of Zhanjiang City, Boluo County of Huizhou City, Yuancheng District of Heyuan City and Gaoming District of Foshan City, Guangdong Province. Total DNA was extracted from all suspected samples, respectively, and used as template for PCR amplification with degenerate begomovirus primers AV494/CoPR. The full-length DNA-A sequence of each isolate was obtained by RCA amplification, gene cloning and sequencing from positive samples by PCR detection. The full-length DNA-B sequence of each isolate was obtained by PCR amplification using designed abutting primers. All full-length sequences of SLCCNV obtained from Guangdong Province were analyzed with BLAST in NCBI. The similarity was compared using MUSCLE alignment of SDT1.2 software. Phylogenetic analysis between SLCCNV Guangdong isolates and the other SLCCNV isolates was performed using MEGA7. Infectious clone of SLCCNV isolate HYNG was constructed using homologous recombination technology. The infectious clone was inoculated to the cotyledon of pumpkin plants by agro-inoculation.【Result】The PCR detection result showed that 52 out of 53 suspected samples were infected by Begomovirus. The full-length sequences of eight isolates of SLCCNV from Guangdong Province were obtained from pumpkin, cucurbits, wax gourd and white melon, respectively. The full DNA-A sequences of eight isolates ranged from 2 735 to 2 739 nt in size, contained six ORFs, which were identical to the reported SLCCNV. The full DNA-B sequences of eight Guangdong isolates of SLCCNV ranged from 2 701 to 2 721 nt in size, contained two ORFs, encoding proteins associated with viral movement BC1 and BV1, respectively. The similarity analysis of the full sequence showed that the DNA-A of eight isolates from Guangdong shared >94.9% nt identities with each other, and shared >88% nt identities with other isolates of SLCCNV in GenBank database, and the DNA-B of eight isolates from Guangdong shared >86.7% nt identities with each other, and shared >83% nt identities with isolates of SLCCNV in GenBank database. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the eight Guangdong isolates clustered with SLCCNV isolates from Guangxi, Henan, Hainan of China, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia to form one branch, and the isolates from India clustered to form the other branch. Pathogenicity results showed that the new leaves of pumpkin inoculated with infectious clones of SLCCNV displayed crimple symptoms at 15 days post-inoculation (dpi), and more severe symptoms at 30 dpi. SLCCNV could be detected by PCR from the symptomatic plants, Western blot detection further verified the above results.【Conclusion】SLCCNV was detected infecting Cucurbitaceae crops in Guangdong Province. The SLCCNV is the pathogen causing pumpkin curl leaf disease in Guangdong Province. The SLCCNV isolates from Guangdong are closely related to isolates from Guangxi, Hainan etc., belonging to the same branch, while it is more distantly related to isolates from India.

Key words: squash leaf curl China virus (SLCCNV), Guangdong Province, molecular characteristic, infectious clone, pathogenicity