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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2019, Vol. 18 Issue (11): 2628-2643    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62615-8
Agro-ecosystem & Environment Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Winter wheat identification by integrating spectral and temporal information derived from multi-resolution remote sensing data
ZHANG Xi-wang1, 3, 5, LIU Jian-feng4, Zhenyue Qin2, QIN Fen1, 3   
1 Key Laboratory of Geospatial Technology for Middle and Lower Yellow River Regions, Ministry of Education, Kaifeng 475004, P.R.China
2 Research School of Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra 2601, Australia
3 College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, P.R.China
4 Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, Kaifeng 475004, P.R.China
5 Institute of Urban Big Data, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, P.R.China
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Timely crop acreage and distribution information are the basic data which drive many agriculture related applications.  For identifying crop types based on remote sensing, methods using only a single image type have significant limitations.  Current research that integrates fine and coarser spatial resolution images, using techniques such as unmixing methods, regression models, and others, usually results in coarse resolution abundance without sufficient detail within pixels, and limited attention has been paid to the spatial relationship between the pixels from these two kinds of images.  Here we propose a new solution to identify winter wheat by integrating spectral and temporal information derived from multi-resolution remote sensing data and determine the spatial distribution of sub-pixels within the coarse resolution pixels.  Firstly, the membership of pixels which belong to winter wheat is calculated using a 25-m resolution resampled Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image based on the Bayesian equation.  Then, the winter wheat abundance (acreage fraction in a pixel) is assessed by using a multiple regression model based on the unique temporal change features from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) time series data.  Finally, winter wheat is identified by the proposed Abundance-Membership (AM) model based on the spatial relationship between the two types of pixels.  Specifically, winter wheat is identified by comparing the spatially corresponding 10×10 membership pixels of each abundance pixel.  In other words, this method takes advantage of the relative size of membership in a local space, rather than the absolute size in the entire study area.  This method is tested in the major agricultural area of Yiluo Basin, China, and the results show that acreage accuracy (Aa) is 93.01% and sampling accuracy (As) is 91.40%.  Confusion matrix shows that overall accuracy (OA) is 91.4% and the kappa coefficient (Kappa) is 0.755.  These values are significantly improved compared to the traditional Maximum Likelihood classification (MLC) and Random Forest classification (RFC) which rely on spectral features.  The results demonstrate that the identification accuracy can be improved by integrating spectral and temporal information.  Since the identification of winter wheat is performed in the space corresponding to each MODIS pixel, the influence of differences of environmental conditions is greatly reduced.  This advantage allows the proposed method to be effectively applied in other places.
Keywords:   temporal change characteristics        membership        abundance        winter wheat        multi-resolution remote sensing
Received: 02 July 2018   Accepted:
Fund: We acknowledge the financial support provided by the National Science & Technology Infrastructure Construction Project of China (2005DKA32300), the Key Science and Technology Project of Henan Province, China (152102110047), the Major Research Project of the Ministry of Education, China(16JJD770019), the Major Scientific and Technological Special Project of Henan Province, China (121100111300), and the Cooperation Base Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Geospatial Technology for the Middle and Lower Yellow River regions and CPGIS (JOF 201602). 
Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence QIN Fen, Tel: +86-371-23881101, E-mail:   
About author:  ZHANG Xi-wang, Mobile: +86-13781189716, E-mail:;

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ZHANG Xi-wang, LIU Jian-feng, Zhenyue Qin, QIN Fen . 2019. Winter wheat identification by integrating spectral and temporal information derived from multi-resolution remote sensing data. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(11): 2628-2643.

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