Influence of lactic acid bacteria, cellulase, cellulase-producing Bacillus pumilus and their combinations on alfalfa silage quality |
LI Dong-xia1, NI Kui-kui1, ZHANG Ying-chao1, LIN Yan-li2, YANG Fu-yu1 |
1 College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, P.R.China
2 Beijing Sure Academy of Biosciences, Beijing 100085, P.R.China |
Abstract This study assessed the effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), cellulase, cellulase-producing Bacillus pumilus and their combinations on the fermentation characteristics, chemical composition, bacterial community and in vitro digestibility of alfalfa silage. A completely randomized design involving a 8 (silage additives)×3 or 2 (silage days) factorial arrangement of treatments was adopted in the present study. The 8 silage additive treatments were: untreated alfalfa (control); two commercial additives (GFJ and Chikuso-1); an originally selected LAB (Lactobacillus plantarum a214) isolated from alfalfa silage; a cellulase-producing Bacillus (CB) isolated from fresh alfalfa; cellulase (C); and the combined additives (a214+C and a214+CB). Silage fermentation characteristics, chemical composition and microorganism populations were analysed after 30, 60 and 65 days (60 days followed by exposure to air for five additional days). In vitro digestibility was analysed for 30 and 60 days. Compared with the other treatments, selected LAB a214, a214 combined with either C or CB, and Chikuso-1 had the decreased (P<0.001) pH and increased (P<0.001) lactic acid concentrations during the ensiling process, and there were no differences (P>0.05) among them. Fiber degradation was not significant (P≥0.054) in any C or CB treatments. The a214 treatment showed the highest (P=0.009) in vitro digestibility of dry matter (595.0 g kg–1 DM) after ensiling and the highest abundance of Lactobacillus (69.42 and 79.81%, respectively) on days 60 and 65, compared to all of other treatments. Overall, the silage quality of alfalfa was improved with the addition of a214, which indicates its potential as an alfalfa silage inoculant.
Received: 13 December 2017
Fund: This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFD0502102), the National Technology Leader “Ten Thousand People Plan” of China (201502510410040) and the National Key Technology R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-year Plan period of China (2011BAD17B02). |
Corresponding Authors:
Correspondence YANG Fu-yu, Tel: +86-10-62733052,E-mail: yfuyu@126.com
About author: LI Dong-xia, Tel: +86-10-62734252, E-mail: wanfeng89@163.com; |
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LI Dong-xia, NI Kui-kui, ZHANG Ying-chao, LIN Yan-li, YANG Fu-yu.
Influence of lactic acid bacteria, cellulase, cellulase-producing Bacillus pumilus and their combinations on alfalfa silage quality. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(12): 2768-2782.
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