Large-Scale Ontology Development and Agricultural Application Based on Knowledge Domain Framework |
MENG Xian-xue, SU Xiao-lu, HU Hai-yan, WANG Yi-qian |
1.Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2.National Library of Standards, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing 100088, P.R.China
3.Key Laboratory of Agri-Information Service Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, P.R.China |
摘要 The key activity to build semantic web is to build ontologies. But today, the theory and methodology of ontology construction is still far from ready. This paper proposed a theoretical framework for massive knowledge management - the knowledge domain framework (KDF), and introduces an integrated development environment (IDE) named large-scale ontology development environment (LODE), which implements the proposed theoretical framework. We also compared LODE with other popular ontology development environments in this paper. The practice of using LODE on management and development of agriculture ontologies shows that knowledge domain framework can handle the development activities of large scale ontologies. Application studies based on the principle of knowledge domain framework and LODE was described briefly.
Abstract The key activity to build semantic web is to build ontologies. But today, the theory and methodology of ontology construction is still far from ready. This paper proposed a theoretical framework for massive knowledge management - the knowledge domain framework (KDF), and introduces an integrated development environment (IDE) named large-scale ontology development environment (LODE), which implements the proposed theoretical framework. We also compared LODE with other popular ontology development environments in this paper. The practice of using LODE on management and development of agriculture ontologies shows that knowledge domain framework can handle the development activities of large scale ontologies. Application studies based on the principle of knowledge domain framework and LODE was described briefly.
Received: 22 February 2011
Fund: The research was supported by the Key Technology R&D Program of China during the12th Five-Year Plan period: Super-Class Scientific and Technical Thesaurus and Ontology Construction Faced the Foreign Scientific and Technical Literature (2011BAH10B01). |
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Correspondence SU Xiao-lu, Tel:+86-10-82109655, E-mail: suxiaolu@mail.caas.net.cn
E-mail: suxiaolu@mail.caas.net.cn
About author: MENG Xian-xue, Tel: +86-10-82109918, E-mail: meng@mail.caas.net.cn; LI Jing, Tel: +86-10-58811325, E-mail: lij@cnis.gov.cn; |
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MENG Xian-xue, SU Xiao-lu, HU Hai-yan, WANG Yi-qian.
Large-Scale Ontology Development and Agricultural Application Based on Knowledge Domain Framework. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(5): 808-822.
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