An Ontology-Based Information Retrieval Model for Vegetables E-Commerce |
TAO Teng-yang, ZHAO Ming |
College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, P.R.China |
摘要 With the rapid increment of the information on the web, traditional information retrieval based on the keywords is far from user’s satisfaction in recall and precision. In order to improve the recall ratio and the precision radio of IR engine in the vegetables e-commerce, an information retrieval model based on the vegetables e-commerce ontology is presented in this paper, vegetables e-commerce ontology was constructed by gathering and the analyzing vegetables e-commerce domain information on the web. The vegetables e-commerce ontology is composed of some kinds of vegetable classes and hierarchy relationship of vegetables classes. In the process of information retrieval, domain ontology helps to index information and information inference. An ontology-based information retrieval model is implemented, and which has more functions than the keyword-based web information retrieval engines. The experiment results show that the recall ratio and the precision ratio of ontology-based information retrieval model are higher than that of the information retrieval engine based on keyword at a certain extent.
Abstract With the rapid increment of the information on the web, traditional information retrieval based on the keywords is far from user’s satisfaction in recall and precision. In order to improve the recall ratio and the precision radio of IR engine in the vegetables e-commerce, an information retrieval model based on the vegetables e-commerce ontology is presented in this paper, vegetables e-commerce ontology was constructed by gathering and the analyzing vegetables e-commerce domain information on the web. The vegetables e-commerce ontology is composed of some kinds of vegetable classes and hierarchy relationship of vegetables classes. In the process of information retrieval, domain ontology helps to index information and information inference. An ontology-based information retrieval model is implemented, and which has more functions than the keyword-based web information retrieval engines. The experiment results show that the recall ratio and the precision ratio of ontology-based information retrieval model are higher than that of the information retrieval engine based on keyword at a certain extent.
Received: 28 June 2011
Fund: This research is supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2006AA10Z239). The authors are grateful for the anonymous reviewers who made constructive comments. |
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Correspondence ZHAO Ming, Tel: +86-10-62737855, E-mail: zhaoming@cau.edu.cn
E-mail: zhaoming@cau.edu.cn
Cite this article:
TAO Teng-yang, ZHAO Ming.
An Ontology-Based Information Retrieval Model for Vegetables E-Commerce. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(5): 800-807.
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