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Review and Prospects of Comprehensive Management of Red and Yellow Soils in Southern China

YANG Yan-sheng, HOU Xiang-yang, XU Ming-gang   

  1. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
  • Online:2007-12-31 Published:2007-12-31

Abstract: Comprehensive management research on red and yellow soil in southern China is a systematic and comprehensive management of low-yield areas, a sustainable agricultural development research and demonstration in red and yellow soil regions. This study aimes to develop new technologies for solving the key factors restricting agricultural development in the areas. The results proposed the erosion law of main types of red soil in south China, the erosion permission threshold in hilly area, the law of seasonal drought and the causes of climate drought, soil drought and crop drought. The research proposed an integrated technology against drought using the interception potential of hilly upland surface. The results proposed the mechanism of available phosphorus degradation of low-yielding fields in south China, the phenomena of lack of magnesium in the soil and the critical indicators of effective magnesium fertilizer. It was expounded systematically that the status, conditions, process, principles and the integrated control technology of soil degradation caused by soil erosion, soil acidification and attenuation of soil fertility. The results revealed new high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency farming technologies according to regional resource characteristics in south China. On the other hand, eight types of comprehensive agricultural development models were founded and developed in six types of regions according to regional resource characteristics. The achievements of this research have a great value for sustainable development of agriculture on red and yellow soil. Moreover, the achievements could be used as an important foundation of decision-making and management.

Key words: Red and yellow soil , Comprehensive management , Technology model

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