中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (9): 1993-2005.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.09.015
HU FeiFei1(),QIAN ShuYi1,HUANG Feng1,JIANG Wei1,QIANG Yu1,JIANG Feng2,HU HaiMei2,LI Xia1(),ZHANG ChunHui1
Xia LI
【目的】研究低压静电场(low voltage electrostatic field,LVEF)辅助短期冻藏(28 d)对猪肉品质的影响,为肉品新型贮藏保鲜技术开发提供理论依据。【方法】以猪背最长肌(Longissimus thoracis et lumborum)为试验材料,对比分析在-18、-12和-6℃的静电场(设备输出电压2 500 V,电流0.2 mA)和非静电场环境(对照)下冻藏0、7、14、21和28 d的菌落总数、TVB-N含量、色泽、贮藏损失、蒸煮损失、剪切力、TBARS、巯基含量、冰晶形态及水分分布等指标的变化。【结果】贮藏期间,静电场组肉样的菌落总数、TVB-N含量和TBARS值比对照显著下降(P<.05),且肉样持水力较高,色泽更鲜亮,肌肉中形成冰晶小且均匀,对肌肉微观结构破坏程度低。贮藏28 d时,静电场下-12℃冻藏肉样的菌落总数、TVB-N含量及TBARS值分别为4.50 lg(CFU/g)、8.73 mg/100 g和0.1691 mg MDA?kg-1,与-18℃对照组的4.48 lg(CFU/g)、8.91 mg/100g及0.1754 mg MDA?kg-1结果相比均无显著差异(P>0.05),两组肉样间的贮藏损失、剪切力及色泽差异也不显著(P>0.05)。【结论】低压静电场辅助冻藏可有效延缓猪肉在贮藏期间的品质劣变,且静电场辅助-12℃冻藏28 d内的肉品品质可达到-18℃常规冻藏的效果,低压静电场下-6℃冻藏肉样品质与-12℃非静电场冻藏效果也趋于一致。
胡斐斐,钱书意,黄峰,姜薇,强宇,江峰,胡海梅,李侠,张春晖. 低压静电场辅助短期冻藏对猪肉品质的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(9): 1993-2005.
HU FeiFei,QIAN ShuYi,HUANG Feng,JIANG Wei,QIANG Yu,JIANG Feng,HU HaiMei,LI Xia,ZHANG ChunHui. Effect of Low Voltage Electrostatic Field-Assisted Short-Term Frozen Storage on Quality of Pork[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(9): 1993-2005.
贮藏时间 Storage time (d) | 组别 Group | ||||||
-18L | -18 | -12L | -12 | -6L | -6 | ||
0 | L* | 54.11±0.81 | 54.11±0.81 | 54.11±0.81 | 54.11±0.81 | 54.11±0.81 | 54.11±0.81 |
a* | 7.55±0.21 | 7.55±0.21 | 7.55±0.21 | 7.55±0.21 | 7.55±0.21 | 7.55±0.21 | |
b* | 4.96±0.38 | 4.96±0.38 | 4.96±0.38 | 4.96±0.38 | 4.96±0.38 | 4.96±0.38 | |
7 | L* | 53.25±0.61a | 52.7±0.44a | 52.65±0.67a | 52.53±0.54a | 52.48±0.78a | 52.45±0.63a |
a* | 7.66±0.39a | 7.51±0.54a | 7.63±0.39a | 7.33±0.60a | 7.46±0.62a | 7.10±0.72a | |
b* | 5.48±1.03a | 5.56±0.83a | 5.62±1.05a | 5.21±0.87ab | 5.85±0.65a | 4.25±0.36b | |
14 | L* | 52.46±0.69a | 51.71±0.72a | 52.01±0.76a | 51.66±0.80a | 51.40±0.71a | 51.14±0.59a |
a* | 7.67±0.69a | 7.20±0.64a | 7.55±0.64a | 7.07±0.45a | 6.94±0.64a | 6.85±0.77a | |
b* | 5.08±0.46ab | 5.98±0.56a | 4.80±0.83ab | 5.63±0.76ab | 4.65±1.01b | 5.72±0.94ab | |
21 | L* | 52.22±0.49a | 51.61±0.76ab | 51.83±0.47a | 51.49±1.66ab | 51.09±0.54ab | 50.26±0.85b |
a* | 7.42±0.57a | 6.56±0.31bc | 6.74±0.67ab | 6.71±0.48ab | 6.12±0.46cd | 5.73±0.38d | |
b* | 4.89±0.66b | 6.12±0.49a | 3.67±0.30c | 5.96±0.99a | 4.39±0.65bc | 4.65±0.55b | |
28 | L* | 51.32±0.45a | 50.87±0.83ab | 50.76±0.77ab | 50.27±0.72abc | 50.05±0.78bc | 49.40±0.60c |
a* | 6.71±0.33a | 6.36±0.24a | 6.46±0.37a | 6.42±0.90a | 5.82±0.59a | 5.65±0.49a | |
b* | 4.94±0.58b | 5.15±0.42b | 3.49±0.57c | 4.62±0.45b | 4.55±0.57b | 6.22±0.76a |
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