中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (5): 969-979.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.05.009
XingXiang GAO1(),Jian LI1(),Shuai ZHANG2,YueLi ZHANG1,Feng FANG1,Mei LI1(),LianYang BAI3(),ShuangYing ZHANG4
Mei LI,LianYang BAI
【背景】节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)是小麦的野生近缘植物,是世界公认的十大恶性杂草之一,可安全有效防除节节麦的除草剂品种很少,目前只有ALS抑制剂类除草剂甲基二磺隆作为苗后茎叶处理剂能够应用,该药剂在小麦田应用多年,部分区域发现效果下降,这可能与抗性有关。【目的】明确山东省冬小麦田节节麦扩散蔓延规律以及对甲基二磺隆的抗性水平和抗性机理,为制定山东省冬小麦田节节麦精准区域防控策略提供理论依据。【方法】分别于2009—2010、2013—2014、2018—2019年3次田间调查节节麦在山东省冬小麦田的分布,分析其扩散蔓延规律,室内采用整株生物测定法测定62个节节麦种群对甲基二磺隆的抗性水平,对中等抗性种群进行靶标基因序列检测。【结果】节节麦在山东省冬小麦田10年间呈现快速增长趋势,分布区域逐渐扩大,相对优势度逐渐增大。2009—2010年度,节节麦主要分布在山东西北平原区、中部山区和北部滨海区,平均相对优势度为3.18,在所有杂草中位列第8位;2013—2014年度,节节麦已在山东西北平原区等5个区域广泛分布,平均相对优势度达到7.33,位列第5位;2018—2019年度,节节麦在山东省全境大面积发生,平均相对优势度为11.38,位列第4位。62个节节麦种群中有20个种群对甲基二磺隆产生一定程度的抗性,这些抗性种群分布在节节麦发生早且用药时间长的西北平原区、西南平洼区和中部山区,其他区域未见抗性种群。其中低抗、中抗种群分别为16个(相对抗性指数在5.00—10.00)、4个(相对抗性指数在10.00—15.00),分别占种群总数的25.81%和6.45%,最高相对抗性指数达到12.63,无高抗种群。对4个中抗种群进行靶标位点突变测定,未检测到位点突变。【结论】节节麦已在山东省7大种植区域大面积分布,且分布区域和相对优势度逐年提高。未有对甲基二磺隆高抗的节节麦种群产生,但已有32.26%种群产生低等或中等程度的抗性,未检测到靶标位点突变,可能是代谢酶引起的非靶标抗性。生产中应避免过分依赖甲基二磺隆进行节节麦防控,建议推广深翻、土壤封闭和苗后茎叶处理相结合的节节麦综合防控策略,延缓节节麦抗性发展。
高兴祥,李健,张帅,张悦丽,房锋,李美,柏连阳,张双应. 节节麦在山东省冬小麦田的扩散蔓延及对甲基二磺隆抗性测定[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(5): 969-979.
XingXiang GAO,Jian LI,Shuai ZHANG,YueLi ZHANG,Feng FANG,Mei LI,LianYang BAI,ShuangYing ZHANG. Spread and Resistance Level of Aegilops tauschii to Mesosulfuron- Methyl in Winter Wheat Field of Shandong Province[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(5): 969-979.
种植区域 Planting area | 种群编号 Population code | 采集地点 Collecting site | 种植区域 Planting area | 种群编号 Population code | 采集地点 Collecting site | |
西北平原区 The northwest plain region | DZ-BMC | 德州市夏津县白马城镇 Baimacheng Town, Xiajin County, Dezhou City | 中部山区 The middle mountain region | JNA-LS | 济南市章丘区龙山镇 Longshan Town, Zhangqiu District, Ji’nan City | |
DZ-DJ | 德州市宁津县杜集镇 Duji Town, Ningjin County, Dezhou City | JNA-TP | 济南市济阳区太平镇 Taiping Town, Jiyang District, Ji’nan City | |||
DZ-EC | 德州市平原县恩城镇 Encheng Town, Pingyuan County, Dezhou City | JNA-XZ | 济南市长清区夏张镇 Xiazhang Town, Changqing District, Ji’nan City | |||
DZ-FS | 德州市禹城区房寺镇 Fangsi Town, Yucheng District, Dezhou City | TA-CH | 泰安市宁阳县漕河镇 Caohe Town, Ningyang County, Taian City | |||
DZ-GJ | 德州市乐陵县郭家镇 Guojia Town, Laoling County, Dezhou City | TA-DY | 泰安市东平县大洋镇 Dayang Town, Dongping County, Taian City | |||
DZ-HJ | 德州市夏津县霍集镇 Huoji Town, Xiajin County, Dezhou City | TA-HJL | 泰安市肥城县胡家楼镇 Hujialou Town, Feicheng County, Taian City | |||
DZ-JMY | 德州市武城县甲马营镇 Jiamaying Town, Wucheng County, Dezhou City | TA-MZ | 泰安市岱岳区满庄镇 Manzhuang Town, Daiyue District, Taian City | |||
DZ-M | 德州市陵城区糜镇 Mi Town, Lingcheng District, Dezhou City | TA-SZ | 泰安市泰山区省庄镇 Shengzhuang Town, Taishan District, Taian City | |||
DZ-WC | 德州市武城县武城镇 Wucheng Town, Wucheng County, Dezhou City | ZB-QL | 淄博市临淄区齐陵镇 Qiling Town, Linzi District, Zibo City | |||
DZ-XSD | 德州市夏津县新盛店镇 Xinshengdian Town, Xiajin County, Dezhou City | 北部滨海区 The northern coastal region | ZB-QC | 淄博市高青县青城镇 Qingcheng Town, Gaoqing County, Zibo City | ||
LC-DYZ | 聊城市冠县定远寨镇 Dingyuanzhai Town, Guan County, Liaocheng City | BZ-TZ | 滨州市邹平县台子镇 Taizi Town, Zouping County, Binzhou City | |||
LC-HY | 聊城市东昌府区侯营镇 Houying Town, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng City | BZ-HJ | 滨州市惠民县胡集镇 Huji Town, Huimin County, Binzhou City | |||
LC-SD | 聊城市临清县尚店镇 Shangdian Town, Linqing County, Liaocheng City | BZ-LD | 滨州市阳信县劳店镇 Laodian Town, Yangxin County, Binzhou City | |||
LC-XH | 聊城市阳谷县西湖镇 Xihu Town, Yanggu County, Liaocheng City | DY-BS | 东营市利津县北宋镇 Beisong Town, Lijin County, Dongying City | |||
LC-YQH | 聊城市高唐县鱼邱湖办事处 Yuqiuhu Office, Gaotang County, Liaocheng City | 南部山区 The southern mountain region | LY-GQ | 临沂市沂水县高桥镇 Gaoqiao Town, Yishui County, Linyi City | ||
LC-ZZZ | 聊城市高唐县赵寨子镇 Zhaozhaizi Town, Gaotang County, Liaocheng City | LY-LZ | 临沂市兰陵县卢柞镇 Luzuo Town, Lanling County, Linyi City | |||
西南平洼区 The southwest plain region | HZ-DK | 菏泽市鄄城县董口镇 Dongkou Town, Juancheng County, Heze City | LY-QT | 临沂市沂南县青驼镇 Qingtuo Town, Yi’nan County, Linyi City | ||
HZ-HX | 菏泽市牡丹区皇乡镇 Huangxiang Town, Mudan District, Heze City | LY-SL | 临沂市郯城县胜利镇 Shengli Town, Tancheng County, Linyi City | |||
HZ-LH | 菏泽市单县莱河镇 Laihe Town, Shan County, Heze City | LY-TS | 临沂市平邑县铜石镇 Tongshi Town, Pingyi County, Linyi City | |||
HZ-SG | 菏泽市定陶县冉堌镇 Rangu Town, Dingtao County, Heze City | LY-TY | 临沂市费县探义镇 Tanyi Town, Fei County, Linyi City | |||
HZ-TZ | 菏泽市巨野县田庄镇 Tianzhuang Town, Juye County, Heze City | ZZ-ZW | 枣庄市滕州市张汪镇 Zhangwang Town, Tengzhou City, Zaozhuang City | |||
JNI-GC | 济宁市汶上县郭仓镇 Guocang Town, Wenshang County, Jining City | 胶东丘陵区 Hill regions of eastern Shandong | QD-HTD | 青岛市莱西市河头店镇 Hetoudian Town, Laixi City, Qingdao City | ||
JNI-HG | 济宁市梁山县韩岗镇 Hangang Town, Liangshan County, Jining City | QD-YS | 青岛市平度市云山镇 Yunshan Town, Pingdu City, Qingdao City | |||
JNI-LT | 济宁市鱼台县罗屯镇 Luotun Town, Yutai County, Jining City | RZ-KG | 日照市五莲县叩关镇 Kouguan Town, Wulian County, Rizhao City | |||
JNI-NZ | 济宁市任城区南张镇 Nanzhang Town, Rencheng District, Jining City | RZ-XD | 日照市莒县小店镇 Xiaodian Town, Ju County, Rizhao City | |||
JNI-TL | 济宁市嘉祥县瞳里镇 Tongli Town, Jiaxiang County, Jining City | YT-SH | 烟台市莱州市沙河镇 Shahe Town, Laizhou City, Yantai City | |||
JNI-WS | 济宁市汶上县汶上镇 Wenshang Town, Wenshang County, Jining City | 胶潍河谷平原区 Plain regions of middle Shandong | WF-BFZ | 潍坊市安丘市白芬子镇 Baifenzi Town, Anqiu City, Weifang City | ||
JNI-WZ | 济宁市曲阜市王庄镇 Wangzhuang Town, Qufu City, Jining City | WF-CG | 潍坊市高密市柴沟镇 Chaigou Town, Gaomi City, Weifang City | |||
JNI-XX | 济宁市曲阜市小雪镇 Xiaoxue Town, Qufu City, Jining City | WF-YQ | 潍坊市昌乐县营丘镇 Yingqiu Town, Changle County, Weifang City | |||
LW-K | 莱芜市莱城区口镇 Kou Town, Laicheng District, Laiwu City | WF-YS | 潍坊市临朐县沂山镇 Yishan Town, Linqu County, Weifang City | |||
JNA-GD | 济南市长清区归德镇 Guide Town, Changqing District, Ji’nan City | WF-ZG | 潍坊市诸城市枳沟镇 Zhigou Town, Zhucheng City, Weifang City |
区域 Region | 种群编号 Code name | 回归方程 Regression equation (y=) | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient | GR50 (95% CL) | 相对抗性指数 RI |
西北平原区 The northwest plain region | DZ-BMC | 1.6414+2.3823x | 0.9571 | 25.69 (19.64-37.22) | 5.75 |
DZ-DJ | 2.7510+1.7126x | 0.9625 | 20.57 (14.84-30.88) | 4.60 | |
DZ-EC | 0.8933+2.3445x | 0.9540 | 56.45 (43.99-79.63) | 12.63 | |
DZ-FS | 2.5721+1.9455x | 0.9801 | 17.00 (15.38-20.55) | 3.80 | |
DZ-GJ | 3.1395+1.3536x | 0.979 | 23.69 (19.48-29.72) | 5.30 | |
DZ-HJ | 2.9286+1.3574x | 0.9473 | 33.57 (21.89-67.27) | 7.51 | |
DZ-JMY | 1.8215+2.0327x | 0.9382 | 36.61 (30.40-46.21) | 8.19 | |
DZ-M | 2.9115+1.7662x | 0.9258 | 15.22 (9.26-25.92) | 3.40 | |
DZ-WC | 3.2068+1.3602x | 0.9760 | 20.81 (17.23-25.72) | 4.66 | |
DZ-XSD | 3.4077+0.9164x | 0.9777 | 54.64 (37.97-92.98) | 12.22 | |
LC-DYZ | 2.4271+1.9942x | 0.9035 | 19.51 (14.87-26.93) | 4.36 | |
LC-HY | 2.5370+1.8409x | 0.9956 | 21.77 (18.69-25.83) | 4.87 | |
LC-SD | 3.2928+1.5040x | 0.9649 | 13.65 (11.48-16.20) | 3.05 | |
LC-XH | 1.2459+2.7259x | 0.9480 | 23.83 (17.05-40.16) | 5.33 | |
LC-YQH | 2.3542+1.8971x | 0.9761 | 24.81 (21.22-29.72) | 5.55 | |
LC-ZZZ | 3.2431+1.1057x | 0.9897 | 38.81 (29.51-55.77) | 8.68 | |
西南平洼区 The southwest plain region | HZ-DK | 2.1165+1.6795x | 0.9280 | 52.11 (28.73-219.78) | 11.66 |
HZ-HX | 2.8763+1.7662x | 0.9791 | 15.94 (13.71-18.61) | 3.57 | |
HZ-LH | 2.5985+1.7662x | 0.9589 | 22.89 (15.62-39.02) | 5.12 | |
HZ-SG | 2.7730+1.7662x | 0.9669 | 18.23 (13.51-25.76) | 4.08 | |
HZ-TZ | 2.4712+1.7662x | 0.9907 | 27.03 (22.80-33.00) | 6.05 | |
区域 Region | 种群编号 Code name | 回归方程 Regression equation (y=) | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient | GR50 (95% CL) | 相对抗性指数 RI |
JNI-GC | 3.9007+1.0418x | 0.9845 | 11.35 (8.82-14.34) | 2.54 | |
JNI-HG | 3.0402+1.4605x | 0.9386 | 21.97 (14.75-37.52) | 4.91 | |
JNI-LT | 2.2569+1.7662x | 0.9656 | 35.73 (24.77-63.73) | 7.99 | |
JNI-NZ | 2.4873+1.4998x | 0.9814 | 47.35 (36.84-65.89) | 10.59 | |
JNI-TL | 2.4846+1.7662x | 0.9233 | 26.56 (16.40-60.99) | 5.94 | |
JNI-WS | 3.7081+0.9489x | 0.9851 | 22.98 (17.72-31.38) | 5.14 | |
JNI-WZ | 1.3495+2.5287x | 0.9790 | 27.77 (24.09-32.90) | 6.21 | |
JNI-XX | 2.3354+2.1662x | 0.9060 | 16.99 (12.98-22.90) | 3.80 | |
中部山区 The middle mountain region | LW-K | 1.2173+3.1559x | 0.9786 | 15.80 (14.24-17.60) | 3.53 |
JNA-GD | 2.4627+2.0322x | 0.9595 | 17.72 (12.96-25.45) | 3.96 | |
JNA-LS | 3.4260+1.3826x | 0.9692 | 13.75 (11.42-16.53) | 3.08 | |
JNA-TP | 3.2598+1.2409x | 0.9888 | 25.26 (20.41-32.53) | 5.65 | |
JNA-XZ | 2.6086+1.4977x | 0.9578 | 39.51 (31.49-52.79) | 8.84 | |
TA-CH | 2.3271+2.0471x | 0.9761 | 20.22 (15.20-28.67) | 4.52 | |
TA-DY | 3.3863+1.5408x | 0.9507 | 11.15 (7.75-15.34) | 2.49 | |
TA-HJL | 3.1961+1.7662x | 0.9598 | 10.50 (7.37-14.19) | 2.35 | |
TA-MZ | 3.6318+1.3342x | 0.9862 | 10.61 (8.63-12.82) | 2.37 | |
TA-SZ | 3.9080+1.2523x | 0.9711 | 4.47 (2.74-7.24) | 1.00 | |
ZB-QL | 2.1253+2.0366x | 0.9093 | 25.79 (19.14-38.90) | 5.77 | |
北部滨海区 The northern coastal region | ZB-QC | 3.5432+1.4877x | 0.9274 | 9.53 (5.03-15.15) | 2.13 |
BZ-TZ | 2.2802+2.1230x | 0.9649 | 19.10 (14.09-27.63) | 4.27 | |
BZ-HJ | 3.9106+1.1976x | 0.9623 | 8.12 (6.28-10.10) | 1.82 | |
BZ-LD | 3.7325+1.3620x | 0.9341 | 8.52 (6.06-11.22) | 1.73 | |
DY-BS | 3.9200+1.2143x | 0.9197 | 7.75 (5.33-10.47) | 2.73 | |
南部山区 The southern mountain region | LY-GQ | 4.1081+1.1602x | 0.9182 | 5.8718 (3.77-8.28) | 3.32 |
LY-LZ | 3.1540+1.5768x | 0.9530 | 14.82 (11.63-18.28) | 1.98 | |
LY-QT | 2.0506+2.5039x | 0.9814 | 15.06 (13.38-17.00) | 3.37 | |
LY-SL | 3.5482+1.3820x | 0.9893 | 11.23 (9.23-13.49) | 2.51 | |
LY-TS | 3.6364+1.3993x | 0.9452 | 9.43 (6.85-12.24) | 1.58 | |
LY-TY | 3.9370+1.1220x | 0.9868 | 8.86 (6.14-11.94) | 2.11 | |
ZZ-ZW | 3.4027+1.5723x | 0.9868 | 10.37 (8.65-12.25) | 2.32 | |
胶东丘陵区 Hill regions of eastern Shandong | QD-HTD | 3.9361+1.1657x | 0.9143 | 8.18 (5.64-11.05) | 1.83 |
QD-YS | 3.6976+1.2110x | 0.9115 | 11.92 (8.78-15.44) | 2.67 | |
RZ-KG | 3.4653+1.6632x | 0.9581 | 8.37 (6.06-10.84) | 1.31 | |
RZ-XD | 3.7148+1.2709x | 0.9243 | 10.26 (7.46-13.37) | 2.30 | |
YT-SH | 3.6279+1.3024x | 0.9201 | 11.31 (5.27-18.94) | 2.53 | |
胶潍河谷平原区 Plain regions of middle Shandong | WF-BFZ | 3.5350+1.5615x | 0.9498 | 8.67 (6.29-11.24) | 1.86 |
WF-CG | 4.0989+1.1249x | 0.9105 | 6.32 (4.11-8.86) | 1.91 | |
WF-YQ | 3.6888+1.4592x | 0.9467 | 7.92 (5.60-10.44) | 1.94 | |
WF-YS | 3.6458+1.5950x | 0.9586 | 7.06 (4.91-9.38) | 1.77 | |
WF-ZG | 3.6313+1.4882x | 0.9472 | 8.31 (5.95-10.88) | 1.41 |
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