中国农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (20): 4271-4286.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.20.015
张绩,E-mail: 基金资助:
ZHANG Ji1(),LI JunJie1,WAN LianJie1,YANG JiangBo2,ZHENG YongQiang1,LÜ Qiang1,XIE RangJin1,MA YanYan1,DENG Lie1,YI ShiLai1(
ShiLai YI
【目的】通过不同施钾水平对纽荷尔脐橙树体养分吸收、产量和品质的影响研究,提出纽荷尔脐橙适宜施钾量,为纽荷尔脐橙钾肥的科学合理施用提供理论依据。【方法】以7年生枳(壳)砧纽荷尔脐橙为试材,设置0(K0)、0.38(K1)、0.64(K2)、0.89(K3)、1.28(K4)和1.40 kg/株K2O(K5)6个施钾水平,研究施钾水平对树体枝梢干物质积累量、枝叶和果实养分吸收、果实产量和品质、土壤理化性质与环境的影响。【结果】不同施钾水平处理后,各时期叶片和枝条干物质量变化趋势相似,均表现为随着施钾量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。不同时期的枝叶干物质量均表现为春梢大于秋梢,叶片干物质量大于枝条。春梢的氮、磷、钾吸收量均随施钾量的增加呈显著增加趋势,其中以K2处理的吸收量最大。秋梢的氮、磷、钾吸收量变化趋势与春梢相似,但K5处理的氮、磷、钾吸收量低于K0。各处理间的果实氮、磷、钾含量差异均不显著;果实氮带走量以K3处理为最高,磷、钾养分带走量以K2处理为最高,果实带走的养分量大小顺序为氮≈钾>磷。果实产量和单果重均随着施钾量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,但差异不显著,K2处理产量最高,且较K0产量提高了约81%。果实果面着色以K3处理的最好,呈橙红色;随施钾量的增加,果皮厚度呈先变薄后增厚的趋势,以K2处理为最薄;维生素C含量呈先增后降的趋势,以K3处理为最高;可溶性糖含量以K3处理最高,可滴定酸含量以K1处理最低。土壤有机质和碱解氮含量随施钾量的增加呈先增后降的趋势,分别以K1和K3处理最高;土壤有效磷含量基本呈先降后增再降的趋势,以K4处理最高;土壤速效钾含量随施钾量的增加整体呈增加趋势,以K4处理最高,且速效钾大部分分布于表层土(0—20 cm),但有向深层土(60—80 cm)积累的趋势。相关性分析表明,春梢叶片钾含量与果实带走氮、钾含量以及果实硬度呈极显著正相关关系,秋梢(枝、叶)钾含量均与产量、可溶性固形物含量呈极显著正相关关系,秋梢枝条钾含量与果皮厚度呈显著负相关关系,土壤速效钾含量与果实带走氮、钾含量以及果实硬度呈极显著负相关关系。【结论】纽荷尔脐橙钾肥(以K2O计)推荐用量为每年0.64—0.89 kg/株,既可保证树体较高的产量和优良的品质,又有利于树体对养分的吸收利用,并且能维持土壤肥力在中上水平,同时降低土壤钾素积累和污染风险。
张绩,李俊杰,万连杰,杨江波,郑永强,吕强,谢让金,马岩岩,邓烈,易时来. 施钾水平对纽荷尔脐橙养分、产量和品质的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(20): 4271-4286.
ZHANG Ji,LI JunJie,WAN LianJie,YANG JiangBo,ZHENG YongQiang,LÜ Qiang,XIE RangJin,MA YanYan,DENG Lie,YI ShiLai. Effects of Potassium Application Levels on Nutrient, Yield and Quality of Newhall Navel Orange[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(20): 4271-4286.
枝梢类型 Shoot type | 处理 Treatment | 叶片 Leave (g/plant) | 枝条 Twig (g/plant) | ||||
N | P2O5 | K2O | N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
春梢 Spring shoot | K0 | 12.69±2.43e | 1.41±0.28d | 8.19±1.50d | 1.70±0.34c | 0.40±0.08d | 0.75±0.14c |
K1 | 16.47±1.68d | 1.74±0.17c | 12.75±1.07c | 2.44±0.29b | 0.68±0.05c | 1.08±0.08b | |
K2 | 26.32±1.30a | 2.76±0.12a | 18.18±0.66a | 3.75±0.15a | 1.00±0.02a | 1.68±0.03a | |
K3 | 24.32±1.40ab | 2.29±0.13b | 15.99±0.77b | 3.82±0.10a | 0.95±0.05a | 1.62±0.23a | |
K4 | 19.69±0.60c | 2.02±0.05bc | 15.06±0.12b | 2.82±0.22b | 0.79±0.09b | 1.30±0.24b | |
K5 | 22.50±0.23b | 2.09±0.17b | 15.81±1.60b | 2.55±0.16b | 0.68±0.04c | 1.10±0.08b | |
秋梢 Autumn shoot | K0 | 12.48±0.23c | 2.33±0.04c | 5.35±0.16c | 1.33±0.04c | 0.31±0.00d | 0.57±0.01d |
K1 | 14.36±1.47bc | 2.58±0.14bc | 6.91±0.09b | 1.87±0.06b | 0.41±0.01c | 0.76±0.02c | |
K2 | 20.31±1.46a | 3.86±0.23a | 10.43±0.81a | 2.37±0.12a | 0.56±0.03a | 1.14±0.06a | |
K3 | 16.34±1.85b | 2.86±0.28b | 7.25±0.34b | 2.19±0.16a | 0.48±0.04b | 0.87±0.10b | |
K4 | 12.59±0.91c | 2.32±0.11c | 7.07±0.72b | 1.81±0.19b | 0.38±0.05c | 0.78±0.06bc | |
K5 | 9.64±1.12d | 1.70±0.13d | 4.71±0.71c | 1.34±0.12c | 0.28±0.03d | 0.54±0.06d |
处理 Treatment | 纵径 Vertical diameter (mm) | 横径 Transverse diameter (mm) | 果形指数 Shape index |
K0 | 72.01±3.89a | 69.10±2.34a | 1.04±0.03a |
K1 | 70.11±2.87a | 70.52±1.55a | 0.99±0.05b |
K2 | 70.33±2.62a | 70.55±2.21a | 1.00±0.04ab |
K3 | 70.46±3.78a | 69.02±2.90a | 1.02±0.02ab |
K4 | 70.55±4.05a | 68.03±4.33a | 1.04±0.02ab |
K5 | 70.80±2.74a | 70.38±2.13a | 1.01±0.03ab |
处理Treatment | L | a | b | a/b |
K0 | 76.22±0.85b | 28.64±3.12a | 43.29±1.26b | 0.66±0.08a |
K1 | 77.52±2.19b | 24.16±7.78ab | 45.12±2.71b | 0.54±0.20ab |
K2 | 80.17±2.44a | 18.71±8.59b | 48.34±3.03a | 0.39±0.19b |
K3 | 76.09±1.34b | 29.36±3.62a | 44.80±1.30b | 0.66±0.09a |
K4 | 77.1±1.00b | 25.12±1.83ab | 44.71±1.06b | 0.56±0.05a |
K5 | 75.37±0.36b | 29.07±2.33a | 43.54±0.37b | 0.67±0.06a |
处理 Treatment | 果皮厚度 Pericarp thickness (mm) | 果实硬度 Fruit firmness (N) | 可食率 Edible rate (%) | 出汁率 Juice productivity (%) |
K0 | 4.13±0.33a | 25.01±1.75b | 69.74±1.64a | 50.42±4.09bc |
K1 | 4.01±0.24a | 27.65±4.10b | 71.59±1.42a | 54.74±1.50a |
K2 | 4.06±0.11a | 35.32±3.97a | 71.80±1.60a | 51.66±2.13abc |
K3 | 4.09±0.50a | 25.08±3.19b | 69.32±2.03a | 47.77±3.27c |
K4 | 4.17±0.34a | 26.00±1.96b | 69.64±2.04a | 47.66±4.40c |
K5 | 4.48±0.17a | 24.58±1.63b | 70.36±1.64a | 53.03±1.59ab |
处理 Treatment | 可溶性糖 TSS (%) | 可滴定酸 TA (%) | 固酸比 TSS/TA | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar (%) | 维生素C Vitamin C (mg?L-1) |
K0 | 11.68±0.50ab | 1.07±0.10ab | 10.91±0.63bc | 5.81±0.30a | 553.19±29.67a |
K1 | 11.95±0.33ab | 0.91±0.09c | 12.59±1.88a | 5.61±0.32a | 568.87±16.12a |
K2 | 11.43±0.39b | 1.05±0.05ab | 10.52±1.07bc | 5.46±1.00a | 574.77±32.61a |
K3 | 12.14±0.42a | 1.11±0.08ab | 10.99±0.44bc | 5.68±0.16a | 582.52±20.74a |
K4 | 11.46±0.21b | 1.14±0.05a | 10.06±0.45c | 5.78±0.51a | 543.58±62.83a |
K5 | 11.90±0.49ab | 1.01±0.10bc | 11.89±0.83ab | 6.00±0.28a | 533.47±54.31a |
处理 Treatment | pH | 容重 Bulk density (g?cm-3) | 含水量 Water content (%) | 有机质 Organic matter (g?kg-1) | 碱解氮 Available N (mg?kg-1) | 有效磷 Available P (mg?kg-1) | 速效钾 Available K (mg?kg-1) |
K0 | 5.75±0.25a | 1.87±0.03a | 3.36±0.29a | 20.03±4.32ab | 129.08±15.28a | 140.41±55.55ab | 176.27±30.85c |
K1 | 5.58±0.33a | 1.92±0.05a | 3.26±0.21ab | 21.99±2.79a | 128.6±11.40a | 96.11±39.36b | 252.03±49.36bc |
K2 | 5.46±0.28a | 1.88±0.07a | 2.97±0.29bc | 20.02±2.40ab | 132.66±20.09a | 141.49±60.3ab | 423.71±133.09a |
K3 | 5.73±0.16a | 1.85±0.04a | 2.76±0.17cd | 20.16±1.56ab | 135.49±15.74a | 163.56±47.25ab | 385.40±151.37ab |
K4 | 5.93±0.46a | 1.85±0.03a | 2.93±0.35cd | 19.59±5.87ab | 125.82±27.88a | 183.8±45.17a | 527.98±79.66a |
K5 | 5.57±0.35a | 1.82±0.05a | 2.62±0.08d | 14.88±3.74b | 127.76±45.96a | 125.28±71.84ab | 485.20±151.56a |
成分 Parameter | 果实养分含量 Nutrient content in fruit | 果实带走养分量 Nutrient removal amount of fruit | ||||
N | P2O5 | K2O | N | P2O5 | K2O | |
春梢叶片钾含量 Potassium content in spring leaves | 0.205 | 0.394 | 0.561* | 0.821** | 0.566* | 0.888** |
春梢枝条钾含量 Potassium content in spring twigs | -0.025 | 0.397 | 0.263 | 0.580* | 0.418 | 0.691** |
秋梢叶片钾含量 Potassium content in autumn leaves | 0.030 | 0.170 | -0.146 | 0.253 | -0.014 | 0.462 |
秋梢枝条钾含量 Potassium content in autumn twigs | 0.068 | 0.156 | -0.056 | 0.356 | 0.079 | 0.540* |
土壤速效钾含量 Soil available potassium content | -0.043 | -0.081 | -0.524* | -0.739** | -0.373 | -0.745** |
成分 Parameter | 产量 Yield | 单果重 SFW | TSS | TA | TSS/TA | Vc | 果皮厚度Thickness | 硬度Firmness |
春梢叶片钾含量 Potassium content in spring leaves | 0.449 | 0.641* | 0.228 | 0.210 | -0.015 | -0.175 | -0.033 | 0.493* |
春梢枝条钾含量 Potassium content in spring twigs | 0.630* | 0.815** | 0.458 | 0.144 | 0.012 | 0.090 | -0.368 | 0.292 |
秋梢叶片钾含量 Potassium content in autumn leaves | 0.648** | 0.631* | 0.598** | -0.011 | 0.250 | 0.373 | -0.455 | -0.048 |
秋梢枝条钾含量 Potassium content in autumn twigs | 0.743** | 0.693** | 0.641** | 0.100 | 0.216 | 0.382 | -0.489* | -0.048 |
土壤速效钾含量 Soil available potassium content | 0.059 | -0.189 | 0.002 | -0.415 | 0.099 | 0.417 | -0.199 | -0.693** |
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