中国农业科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (17): 3626-3634.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.17.011

• 园艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


 李贺1, 刘世琦1, 刘中良2, 冯磊1, 刘景凯1, 陈祥伟1, 王越1   

  1. 1.山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院/作物生物学国家重点实验室/农业部黄淮地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室,山东泰安 271018
    2.泰安市农业科学研究院,山东泰安 271000
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-10 出版日期:2013-09-01 发布日期:2013-05-22
  • 通讯作者: 通信作者刘世琦,Tel:0538-8246818;
  • 作者简介:李贺,Tel:0538-8246236;
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Calcium on Physiological Characteristics and Main Mineral Elements Absorption of Garlic

 LI  He-1, LIU  Shi-Qi-1, LIU  Zhong-Liang-2, FENG  Lei-1, LIU  Jing-Kai-1, CHEN  Xiang-Wei-1, WANG  Yue-1   

  1. 1.College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Crops (Huanghuai Region), Ministry of Agriculture, Tai’an 271018, Shandong
    2.Tai’an Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tai’an 271000, Shandong
  • Received:2013-04-10 Online:2013-09-01 Published:2013-05-22

摘要: 【目的】研究不同钙水平对大蒜生理特性及N、P、K、Ca、Mg吸收的影响,为大蒜合理施肥和提高钙肥利用率提供参考。【方法】设定6个钙浓度,在设施拱棚内对大蒜进行水培试验。【结果】钙浓度在0—3.0 mmol•L-1内,大蒜的生长量(株高、假茎粗、假茎鲜质量及叶片鲜质量)、色素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(E)及气孔导度(Gs)均随钙浓度的升高而增大,当钙浓度在3.0—5.0 mmol•L-1时,这些指标随钙浓度的升高而减小;另外,大蒜叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、硝酸还原酶(NR)活性以及大蒜的根系活力均随钙浓度的升高呈现先增强后减弱的趋势,在3.0 mmol•L-1钙浓度下达到最强,而叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化趋势与之相反;同时,大蒜蒜薹和鳞茎的鲜质量及N、P、K、Mg的吸收量也在3.0 mmol•L-1钙浓度下最大,而Ca的吸收量与钙浓度呈显著正相关。【结论】水培条件下,对大蒜生长发育最有利的钙浓度为3.0 mmol•L-1。

关键词: 大蒜 , 钙 , 生理特性 , 矿质元素

Abstract: 【Objective】The effects of different calcium levels on physiological characteristics and N, P, K, Ca, Mg absorption of garlic were studied. So it can provide references for the rational fertilization and the increase of calcium fertilizer utilization. 【Method】The experiment was carried out in a small shed under the condition of hydroponic culture and six calcium concentrations were designed. 【Result】The garlic seedling increments, pigment contents and photosynthetic parameters (Pn, E, Gs) of leaf increased with the increase of calcium concentrations in the range of 0-3.0 mmol•L-1, then they decreased with the increase of calcium concentrations ranging from 3.0 to 5.0 mmol•L-1. In addition, the SOD, POD, CAT, and NR activities of leaf and the root activity were enhanced at first and then receded with the increase of calcium concentrations, which were the strongest when the calcium was 3.0 mmol•L-1, but the MDA content in leaf showed a contrary tendency. Meanwhile, the fresh weight of bolt and bulb and the N, P, K, Mg contents in them got a peak value when the calcium concentration was 3.0 mmol•L-1, the Ca content in them was positively correlated to calcium concentrations. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, the 3.0 mmol•L-1 calcium concentration is the best treatment to garlic under hydroponic conditions.

Key words: garlic , calcium , physiological characteristic , mineral element