Effects of carcass weight, sex and breed composition on meat cuts and carcass trait in finishing pigs |
XIE Lei, QIN Jiang-tao, RAO Lin, CUI Deng-shuai, TANG Xi, XIAO Shi-jun#, ZHANG Zhi-yan#, HUANG Lu-sheng |
State Key Laboratory for Pig Genetic Improvement and Production Technology, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, P.R.China |
在生猪产业链中,胴体分割是提升猪胴体经济价值的非常重要的加工过程。本研究的目的是确定猪分割肉的重量及其在猪胴体中的占比,以及探究猪胴体重、性别和品种组成对分割肉的影响。同时,我们还研究了分割肉与胴体性状和肉质性状之间的相关性。本研究选择长白猪(LD)、大白猪(YK)、长白与大白二元杂交猪(LY)以及三元杂交后代杜长大(DLY)组成的4个不同猪群进行胴体分块测定。共计分割测定了2,012头猪胴体,每个胴体测定了17个分块肉性状、12个胴体性状和6个肉质性状。结果表明,胴体重、性别和品种组成对大多数分块肉的重量和胴体占比均有显着影响(P<0.05)。肉类和骨类分割肉的胴体占比随胴体重的增加而下降,而脂肪类分块肉的胴体占比随胴体重的增加而增加。此外,四点背膘的厚度也随胴体重的增加显著增加(P<0.001),这表明育肥期猪只摄入的能量更多用于脂肪沉积。此外,阉公猪的前段(SC)和背膘(BF)的比例显著高于母猪(P <0.001),而后段(LC)则相反。阉公猪的三号肉(LO)的比例和背最长肌纵切面的面积(LMA)显著低于(P<0.001)母猪,但肌间脂肪含量(PFAI)和大理石纹评分(VMS)显著高于(P<0.001)母猪。在不同品种中,LD的胴体直长显著长于(P<0.001)其他三个群体,这解释了四个群体中LD的中段(MC)占比最高。此外,在四个群体中,DLY的前段胴体占比最高。最后我们发现,大多数分块肉的胴体占比之间的相关性较低或不显著(P>0.05),并且大多数分块肉的胴体占比与肉质性状和胴体性状之间的相关性也较低或不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,胴体重、性别和品种组成对分割肉、胴体性状和肉质性状受品种和生长阶段的影响,也揭示了不同性别之间生长曲线不同步性。本研究首次基于中国的猪胴体分割标准,在大规模群体中探究了猪胴体分割肉的组成以及胴体重、性别和品种组成对分割肉的影响,为猪胴体分割肉的育种研究奠定了基础。
Pork cutting is a very important processing in promoting economic appreciation across the swine business chain. The goal of this research is to determine the proportion and weight of meat cuts, as well as to analyze the effects of carcass weight, sex and breed composition on meat cuts. Simultaneously, we investigate the correlation between meat cuts, carcass traits and meat quality traits. To assess 17 meat cut traits, 12 carcass traits and 6 meat quality traits, we sample 2 012 pigs from four breeds, including Landrace (LD), Yorkshire (YK), Landrace Yorkshire (LY), and Duroc Landrace Yorkshire (DLY). The results showed that carcass weight, sex and breed composition have significant effects on the weight and proportion of most meat cuts. The proportion of cuts for muscle and bone decrease as carcass weight grows, whereas the proportion of cuts for fat increases. Moreover, the thickness of four-point backfat was significantly increasing (P<0.001) with increase of carcass weights, indicating that large amount of intaking energy in the late finishing stage was used for fat deposition. Besides, the proportion of Shoulder cut (SC) and Back fat (BF) in barrows was significantly higher (P<0.001) than that in sows, whereas the Leg cut (LC) showed the opposite trend. The Loin (LO) proportion and Loin muscle area (LMA) of barrows were significantly lower (P<0.001), but the proportion of fat areas in the image (PFAI) and visual marbling score (VMS) were significantly higher (P<0.001) than those of sows, respectively. In terms of breeds, LD had the longest straight carcass length, significantly longer (P<0.001) than the other three breeds, which partially explains why LD had the largest proportion of the Middle cut (MC). Moreover, the proportion of SC in DLY was the highest. Last but not least, the correlations between the proportions of most meat cuts, and also between meat cuts and meat quality or carcass traits were low or not significant (P>0.05). The effects of carcass weight, sex and breed composition on the meat cuts, meat quality and carcass traits are breed and growth stage dependent. It also reflects the asynchrony of the growth curve between different sexes. Our results laid an important foundation for breeding pig carcass cuts and composition.
Received: 22 February 2022
Accepted: 07 July 2022
Fund: The authors would like to acknowledge the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32160782) for their financial support. |
About author: XIE Lei, E-mail: XieLstone@hotmail.com; #Correspondence ZHANG Zhi-yan, Tel: +86-791-83813080, E-mail: bioducklily@hotmail.com; XIAO Shi-jun, E-mail: shjx_jxau@hotmail.com |
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XIE Lei, QIN Jiang-tao, RAO Lin, CUI Deng-shuai, TANG Xi, XIAO Shi-jun, ZHANG Zhi-yan, HUANG Lu-sheng.
Effects of carcass weight, sex and breed composition on meat cuts and carcass trait in finishing pigs. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(5): 1489-1501.
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