Special Issue:
Resistance of barley varieties to Heterodera avenae in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China |
Yan Jia-hui1, 2*, Jia Jian-ping2, 3*, JIANG Li-ling1, Peng De-liang2, Liu Shi-ming2, Hou Sheng-ying1, YU Jing-wen2, Li Hui-xia3, Huang Wen-kun2 |
1 Key Laboratory of Agricultural Integrated Pest Management, Qinghai Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Xining 810016, P.R.China
2 State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests/Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, P.R.China
3 College of Plant Protection, Gansu Agricultural University, Biocontrol Engineering Laboratory of Crop Diseases and Pests of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730070, P.R.China
禾谷孢囊线虫H. avenae是一种重要的植物病原线虫,严重影响禾谷类作物的产量。目前已在我国河南、河北、江苏、青海、西藏等16个省(市)发生危害。本研究通过人工接种试验和田间试验,利用抽穗期根系中的线虫数量指标评价了青海栽培二棱大麦 (QH2R)、青海栽培六棱大麦 (QH6R) 和西藏栽培二棱大麦 (TB2R) 对禾谷孢囊线虫的抗病性,并通过接种试验和显微观察,评价了两个高抗品种中线虫的侵染和发育情况。为更好地评价不同品种对H. avenae的抗感性,首先比较了两种常用的抗性评价方法——繁育系数法 (PPR) 和单株雌虫/孢囊数量法 (NFP) 的准确性。对田间自然条件下186个品种受害情况的调查结果表明,利用NFP法鉴定出的感病品种数量显著高于PPR法鉴定的感病品种数量,表明NFP法更利于鉴定大麦品种的抗病性。通过2015年至2017年的田间试验及2018年的人工接种试验,发现QH2R系列品种中形成的雌虫/孢囊数量最少,显著低于QH6R和TB2R系列品种。综合接种试验与田间试验的结果,从QH2R系列品种中鉴定出8个高抗品种 (Sunong7617, Sunong7635, Dongyuan87-14, Rudong14-46, Rudong87-57, Rudong87-8-45, Rudong88-14-2, Rudong88-67-1),平均单株孢囊数量低于4.2个。对线虫发育进程的显微观察表明,高抗品种 (Sunong7635和Dongyuan87-14) 中H. avenae幼虫的侵入数量显著低于感病品种中幼虫的侵入数量,并且幼虫发育成雌虫的数量也显著减少。本研究中鉴定的高抗品种对于育种工作者培育禾谷孢囊线虫抗性品种、更加经济有效地控制禾谷孢囊线虫的危害等具有重要意义。
Abstract The cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae, is one of the most economically important pathogens impacting the worldwide production of cereals and is widely distributed in more than 16 regions in China. The present study used the numbers of nematodes inside the plant roots to evaluate the resistance/susceptibility of different subpopulations of barley Hordeum vulgare (QH2R, QH6R and TB2R) to H. avenae under field and pot conditions. Nematode development in two highly resistant varieties was also evaluated by in vivo experiment and microscopic observation. Analyses of 186 selected varieties showed the numbers of susceptible varieties identified with the number of females/cysts per plant (NFP) method were significantly higher than those identified with the Pf/Pi ratio (PPR) method, which indicated that the NFP method rather than the PPR method is more reliable to evaluate the resistance of barley. The field and pot experiment results indicated that the QH2R subpopulation had lower females/cysts numbers than QH6R and TB2R subpopulations, and eight HR varieties (Sunong 7617, Sunong 7635, Dongyuan 87-14, Rudong 14-46, Rudong 87-57, Rudong 87-8-45, Rudong 88-14-2, and Rudong 88-67-1) were identified in QH2R, with the NFP numbers below 4.2. Further microscopic observation of nematode development suggested that H. avenae often penetrated less into highly resistant varieties (Sunong 7635 and Dongyuan 87-14) and more frequently failed to develop into females than the susceptible barleys. The promising resistant varieties identified in the present research might be helpful for breeders to develop CCN-resistant cultivars and control H. avenae populations effectively at low costs.
Received: 19 January 2021
Accepted: 12 June 2021
Fund: This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31772142 and 31972248), the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interest, China (201503114) and the National Key Research and Development Program, China (2018YFD0201202). |
About author: YAN Jia-hui, E-mail: 15209787170@163.com; JIA Jian-ping, E-mail: Jjianping97@163.com; Correspondence HUANG Wen-kun, E-mail: wkhuang2002@163.com
* These authors contributed equally to this study. |
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Yan Jia-hui, Jia Jian-ping, JIANG Li-ling, Peng De-liang, Liu Shi-ming, Hou Sheng-ying, YU Jing-wen, Li Hui-xia, Huang Wen-kun.
Resistance of barley varieties to Heterodera avenae in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(5): 1401-1413.
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