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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2016, Vol. 15 Issue (3): 629-635    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61071-1
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Effects of graded fiber level and caecectomy on metabolizable energy value and amino acid digestibility in geese
 YANG Jing, ZHAI Shuang-shuang, WANG Yong-chang, WANG Shen-shen, YANG Zhi-peng, YANG Lin
College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510640, P.R.China
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摘要  This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of graded levels of fiber from rice hull and the caecectomy on metabolizable energy (ME) and amino acid digestibility (AAD) in 42 Wuzong geese (21 intact and 21 caecectomized). The experiment was a 3×2 factorial randomized design with 3 fiber levels and 2 treatments of geese (caecectomized and intact). Each of the 3 diets was tube-fed (60 g) to 7 caecectomized and 7 intact adult Wuzong geese that had been fasted for 24 h. Excreta were collected for the next 48 h. The same geese were also fasted for estimation of endogenous losses of amino acids (AA) and energy after short period recovery. AA content and metabolizable energy value were determined in the excreta. In general, significant effects were found for fiber levels on apparent digestibility of Thr, Leu, Pro, Glu,Val, Ala and total AA (P<0.05). Apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and true metabolizable energy (TME) were both significantly influenced by increased fiber levels (P<0.01). Compared with caecectomized geese, markedly increases of AME and TME were found in intact geese (P<0.01 for AME and P<0.05 for TME), but no difference in the AAD were found between intact and caecectomized geese (P>0.05), except for Lys and Try (P<0.05). These observations suggested that dietary fiber level played an important role in digestibility of AAD and ME. Intact geese should be chosen for the nutrient evaluation of feedstuffs in practice, resulting from the significant difference between caecectomized and intact geese.

Abstract  This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of graded levels of fiber from rice hull and the caecectomy on metabolizable energy (ME) and amino acid digestibility (AAD) in 42 Wuzong geese (21 intact and 21 caecectomized). The experiment was a 3×2 factorial randomized design with 3 fiber levels and 2 treatments of geese (caecectomized and intact). Each of the 3 diets was tube-fed (60 g) to 7 caecectomized and 7 intact adult Wuzong geese that had been fasted for 24 h. Excreta were collected for the next 48 h. The same geese were also fasted for estimation of endogenous losses of amino acids (AA) and energy after short period recovery. AA content and metabolizable energy value were determined in the excreta. In general, significant effects were found for fiber levels on apparent digestibility of Thr, Leu, Pro, Glu,Val, Ala and total AA (P<0.05). Apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and true metabolizable energy (TME) were both significantly influenced by increased fiber levels (P<0.01). Compared with caecectomized geese, markedly increases of AME and TME were found in intact geese (P<0.01 for AME and P<0.05 for TME), but no difference in the AAD were found between intact and caecectomized geese (P>0.05), except for Lys and Try (P<0.05). These observations suggested that dietary fiber level played an important role in digestibility of AAD and ME. Intact geese should be chosen for the nutrient evaluation of feedstuffs in practice, resulting from the significant difference between caecectomized and intact geese.
Keywords:  fiber level       amino acid digestibility       metabolizable energy       geese       caecectomy  
Received: 16 January 2015   Accepted:

This study was sponsored by the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-43-14) and the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interest, China (201303143), the Open Research Fund Projects of the State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, China (2004DA125184F1308), and the Ministry of Education Doctoral Joint Funds of the New Teacher, China (20134404120024).

Corresponding Authors:  YANG Lin, E-mail:;WANG Wen-ce, E-mail:     E-mail:
About author:  YANG Jing, Mobile: +86-15915865342, E-mail:;

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YANG Jing, ZHAI Shuang-shuang, WANG Yong-chang, WANG Shen-shen, YANG Zhi-peng, YANG Lin. 2016. Effects of graded fiber level and caecectomy on metabolizable energy value and amino acid digestibility in geese. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15(3): 629-635.

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