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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2022, Vol. 21 Issue (1): 49-59    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63438-4
Special Issue: 油料作物合辑Oil Crops
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Overexpression of Brassica napus cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase genes significantly enhanced tobacco growth and biomass
LI Yan-yan*, GUO Li-na*, LIANG Cheng-zhen, MENG Zhi-gang, Syed Tahira, GUO San-dui, ZHANG Rui
Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Beijing 100081, P.R.China

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在植物中,胞质果糖-1,6-二磷酸酶(cyFBPase)和景天庚酮糖-1,7-二磷酸酶(SBPase)酶活性的提高与植物增产密切相关。在本研究中,通过在烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)中过表达油菜cDNA,cyFBPaseSBPase基因表达水平显著提高。在转双基因cyFBPase/SBPase (TpFS)植株中, cyFBPase 和 SBPase酶活分别是野生型的1.77和1.45倍,在转cyFBPase单基因(TpF)和SBPase单基因 (TpS)植株中,cyFBPase 和 SBPase酶活分别是野生型的1.55和1.12倍1.23和1.36倍。TpF, TpS 和 TpFS转基因植株的光合效率分别比野生型提高了4%20%和25%。SBPase和cyFBPase在转基因烟草中相互正向调控,协同增效。 此外,三种转基因植株的蔗糖含量均高于WT植株。 淀粉含量在TpFS和TpS植株中分别提高了53%和37%,但在TpF植株中略有下降。 此外,含有SBPase/或cyFBPase基因的转基因烟草植株生长加快,生物量提高 TpFS、TpS和TpF植株中,干重、株高、茎粗、叶大小、花数和果荚重均比WT植株大幅增高。 因此,共表达SBPasecyFBPase可能为作物高产开辟新的途径。

Abstract  Elevated activities of cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cyFBPase) and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) are associated with higher yields in plants.  In this study, the expression levels of the cyFBPase and SBPase genes were increased by overexpressing rape (Brassica napus) cDNA in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants.  The transgenic plants co-expressing cyFBPase and SBPase (TpFS), or expressing single cyFBPase (TpF) or SBPase (TpS) had 1.77-, 1.55-, 1.23-fold cyFBPase and 1.45-, 1.12-, 1.36-fold SBPase activities as compared to the wild-type (WT), respectively.  Photosynthesis rates of TpF, TpS and TpFS increased 4, 20 and 25% compared with WT plants.  The SBPase and cyFBPase positively regulated each other and functioned synergistically in transgenic tobacco plants.  In addition, the sucrose contents of the three transgenic plants were higher than that of WT plants.  The starch accumulation of the TpFS and TpS plants was improved by 53 and 37%, but slightly decreased in TpF plants.  Moreover, the transgenic tobacco plants harbouring SBPase and/or cyFBPase genes showed improvements in their growth, biomass, dry weight, plant height, stem diameter, leaf size, flower number, and pod weight.  In conclusion, co-expression of SBPase and cyFBPase may pave a new way for improving crop yield in agricultural applications.
Keywords:  tobacco       cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cyFBPase)        sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase)        overexpression         transformation  
Received: 16 April 2020   Accepted: 21 September 2020
Fund: We thank Dr. Wei Yunxiao (Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) for a critical reading of the manuscript.  This work was supported by the National Major Program on Transgenic Organisms from Ministry of Agriculture, China (2016ZX08005-004).
About author:  LI Yan-yan, E-mail:; Correspondence ZHANG Rui, Tel/Fax: +86-10-82106127, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study.

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LI Yan-yan, GUO Li-na, LIANG Cheng-zhen, MENG Zhi-gang, Syed Tahira, GUO San-dui, ZHANG Rui. 2022. Overexpression of Brassica napus cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase genes significantly enhanced tobacco growth and biomass. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(1): 49-59.

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