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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2020, Vol. 19 Issue (2): 590-599    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62864-9
Special Issue: 农业经济与管理合辑Agricultural Economics and Management
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Do large-scale farmers use more pesticides?  Empirical evidence from rice farmers in five Chinese provinces 
QIN Shi-le, LÜ Xin-ye
Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.Chin
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It is of great theoretical and practical significance to understand the rules of the differences in pesticide use behaviors between large-scale and small-scale farmers, so as to regulate the behavior of farmers differently and improve the quality and safety of rice.  The overall pesticide use behavior of large-scale farmers was characterized by large doses and high application frequency, while that of small-scale farmers was characterized by small doses and low application frequency.  The econometric test showed that (i) the proportion of staple food ration has a significant negative impact on the single dose exceeding the standard and pesticide application frequency of small-scale farmers, and the increase of the proportion of staple food ration will reduce the demand among small-scale farmers for pesticides; (ii) yield effect has a greater impact on the frequency of pesticide application by large-scale farmers, and the large yield effect will increase the frequency of pesticide application among large-scale farmers.  Therefore, in pesticide use behaviors, large-scale farmers should reduce pesticide quantity and increase efficiency, while small-scale farmers improve the level of plant protection.
Keywords:  pesticide use behavior        rice farmers        scale management  
Received: 30 July 2019   Accepted:
Fund: The authors acknowledge the ?nancial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71573261), the Agricultural and Rural Resources Monitoring and Statistical Funds Project, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China (12190201), and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (ASTIP-IAED-2019-01).
Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence Lü Xin-ye, E-mail:   
About author:  QIN Shi-le, E-mail:;

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QIN Shi-le, Lü Xin-ye. 2020.

Do large-scale farmers use more pesticides?  Empirical evidence from rice farmers in five Chinese provinces 
. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 590-599.

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