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    Effects of Tillage Methods Under Straw Returning on the Labile Organic Carbon Fractions and Carbon Pool Management Index in Black Soil Farmland
    LIU YaJie, ZHANG TianJiao, ZHANG XiangQian, LU ZhanYuan, LIU ZhanYong, CHENG YuChen, WU Di, LI JinLong
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (17): 3408-3423.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.17.008
    Abstract65)   HTML8)    PDF (841KB)(52)       Save

    【Objective】Soil-related indicators were measured during the mature period of maize in 2020 and 2021. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tillage methods with straw returning on soil labile organic carbon and carbon pool management index of black soil farmland at the southern foot of the Daxing’an mountains based on four consecutive years of tillage experiment.【Method】Seven treatments were set up in the tillage positioning experiment, including deep tillage with straw returning (DTS), deep loosening and shallow with straw returning (DSS), subsoiling tillage with straw returning (STS), heavy harrowing straw returning (SHS), rotary tillage with straw returning (RTS), and no-tillage straw returning (NTS), with shallow tillage without straw returning (CK). 0-60 cm surface soil was collected. The contents of labile organic carbon (R333), medium labile organic carbon (R167) and high labile organic carbon(R33) were determined by potassium permanganate solution with different concentrations (0.333, 0.167 and 0.033 mol·L-1), and the effects of different tillage methods on soil labile organic carbon content and carbon pool management index were studied.【Result】(1) Compared with CK, the R333 content in 0-10 cm soil layer treated by DSS, DTS, NTS, RTS and STS significantly increased by 9.0% to 63.7% in two years, respectively. DSS was the highest, followed by DTS and NTS. R333 in 10-60 cm soil layer, DTS, DSS and NTS significantly increased by 30.8%-134.5%, 14.1%-97.8% and 18.9%-63.0%, respectively (P<0.05). (2) Compared with CK, the medium labile organic carbon (R167) of 0-10 cm soil layer under different tillage methods was significantly increased (P<0.05). The DSS treatment of R167 content was the highest, with an increase of 37.3%- 101.0%, and the DTS treatment of 10-60 cm soil layer was the highest, with an increase of 44.8%-72.9%, showing DTS>DSS>NTS treatment. (3) Compared with CK, the R33 content in 0-10 cm soil layer was significantly increased by 13.8%-55.6% under DSS treatment (P<0.05). In 10-20 cm soil layer, R33 content of DTS, DSS, STS, RTS and NTS treatment was significantly increased by 3.6%-29.3% (P<0.05), with DTS being the highest, followed by DSS. In 20-60 cm soil layer, R33 under DTS, DSS and STS treatment was significantly increased (P<0.05), and the proportion was 68.1%-20.0%. (4) The inert organic carbon (IOC) of 0-10 cm soil layer under straw returning was significantly increased by 4.7%-21.8% (P<0.05). In 20-60 cm soil layer, DTS and DSS significantly increased by 5.3%-156.6% and 4.2%-138.8% compared with other treatments (P<0.05). (5) Compared with CK, DTS treatment significantly increased carbon pool activity and carbon pool activity index in 0-20 cm soil layer (P<0.05), and increased by 7.7%-44.8% and 7.7%-45.0%, and significantly increased by DTS, DSS, STS and RTS soil layer carbon pool index (P<0.05). DTS, DSS and NTS treatment significantly increased the carbon pool management index of 0-60 cm soil layer by 21.9%-140.9%, 4.9%-103.7%, 13.3%-62.0% (P<0.05). (6) In 0-60 cm soil layer, R333, R167, R33 and IOC were positively correlated with organic carbon content, carbon pool activity index, bulk density and geometric mean diameter, but negatively correlated with total soil porosity (P<0.01). Increasing the content of active organic carbon could improve soil physical structure and enhanced aggregate stability. The IOC was positively correlated with maize yield and dry matter mass (P<0.01).【Conclusion】Comprehensive analysis shows that both deep tillage with straw returning (DTS) and deep loosening and shallow with straw returning (DDS) can increase soil labile organic carbon and inert organic carbon to a certain extent, and effectively improve the organic carbon pool of farmland.

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    Effects of Water Saving and Nitrogen Reduction on Lodging Resistance and Grain Yield of Spring Wheat in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia
    LI Hong, WANG XiNa, WEI GuangYuan, MA YongXin, TIAN HaiMei, WANG YueMei, QIAN ZhiJin, TAN JunLi
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (17): 3424-3439.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.17.009
    Abstract63)   HTML4)    PDF (640KB)(49)       Save

    【Objective】The study on the effect of nitrogen reduction and water saving on the stem strength and grain quality of spring wheat aims to provide theoretical basis for the sustained and stable yield increase of spring wheat, efficient utilization of irrigate and nitrogen, and improvement of spring wheat’s lodging resistance in Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia.【Method】Using Ningchun No.4 as test material, in 2021 and 2022, split-zone field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of irrigation treatments (conventional irrigation (400 mm, WC), 20% water saving (320 mm, W1), and 40% water saving (240 mm, W2) and nitrogen application treatments (conventional nitrogen application (270 kg·hm-2, NC), 25% nitrogen reduction (202.5 kg·hm-2, NJ), and no nitrogen application, N0) on stem strength, yield and grain quality of spring wheat.【Result】The 25% N reduction and 20% water savings did not significantly reduce spring wheat plant height, stem diameter, or accumulation of aboveground biomass compared to conventional N application. There was no significant difference in stem strength and stem potassium content of spring wheat treated with reduced and conventional nitrogen application levels, but on the basis of reduced nitrogen, stem strength and stem potassium content of spring wheat treated with 20% water saving was significantly higher than that of conventional irrigation treatment. At the filling stage, stem strength increased by 14.9% and 16.3%, and stem potassium content increased by 13.4% and 11.9% in the water-saving 20% treatment compared to the conventional flooding treatment in both years at the reduced nitrogen level, while at the maturity stage, stem strength increased by 19.0% and 8.3%, and stem potassium content increased by 10.5% and 9.0%, respectively. Stem strength of spring wheat showed a decreasing trend as the reproductive process progressed. Correlation analysis showed that stem strength was highly significantly positively correlated with plant height and above-ground biomass, significantly positively correlated with stem potassium content, and not significantly correlated with stem diameter. Among the water-nitrogen treatments, the spring wheat yield was highest in the 20% nitrogen reduction and water conservation treatment, amounting to 8 092 and 5 516 kg•hm-2 in 2021 and 2022, respectively. At the same nitrogen application, the soluble sugar and protein contents of spring wheat grain showed an increasing and then decreasing trend with the decrease of irrigation quota, and the 25% nitrogen reduction and 20% water saving treatment reached the maximum value, which increased by 14.4%, 16.7%, and 25.5%, 23.5%, respectively, compared with the conventional water and nitrogen treatments, while there was no significant difference in starch content among the irrigation and nitrogen treatments. It was further found that stem strength was highly significantly and positively correlated with yield and protein content in grain and not significantly correlated with starch and soluble sugar content in grain.【Conclusion】Water saving of 20% under nitrogen reduction promoted the growth of spring wheat plant height and stem diameter, increased the accumulation of aboveground biomass, and increased the potassium content of stems, which in turn improved the stem strength of spring wheat, reduced the risk of lodging, increased the yield of spring wheat and improved the grain quality. Therefore, it was concluded that 20% water saving under nitrogen reduction conditions is a suitable irrigate and nitrogen management model for spring wheat in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia.

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    Effects of Soil Film Tillage on Soil and Crop in Farmland
    YANG ShiQi, YAN Xin, HAN Yu
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (15): 3010-3022.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.15.008
    Abstract347)   HTML32)    PDF (1317KB)(145)       Save

    Objective】To make clear the agricultural productive value of soil film tillage, the effects of soil film tillage on soil moisture, temperature and nutrient changes in farmland were explored, and the effects of soil film on crop root growth and yield were revealed too, so as to provide the theoretical basis and technical methods for the application of soil film.【Method】Soil film was induced by spraying a 1.0% concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose ammonium (CMC-NH4) aqueous solution, and the field experiment was conducted with five treatments, including 0 (CK), 50.0 (T1), 100.0 (T2), 200.0 (T3), and 300.0 kg·hm-2 (T4). The effects of CMC-NH4 application rate on soil moisture, temperature, nutrients, microorganisms, crop roots and yield in multiple cropping of spring wheat and summer maize were studied.【Result】Soil film treatment of spring wheat and summer maize could increase average daily soil moisture content by 3.3%-7.0% (P<0.05, the same as below) and 1.9%-6.1%, average daily temperature by 7.9%-12.6% and 5.6%-11.7%, contribution of soil accumulated temperature of growth period by 88.98-141.94 ℃ and 60.25-136.65 ℃, root length of 0-30 cm soil layer by 37.5%-17.1% and 11.2%-1.7%, root surface area of 0-30 cm soil layer by 15.3%-4.5% and 12.5%-9.2%, respectively, and root biomass (dry weight) in 0-30 cm soil layer were enhanced by 17.0%-41.5% and 30.9%-36.7%, respectively. Finally, the grain yield of spring wheat per unit area was increased by 7.3%-18.8% and above-ground dry weight of summer maize per unit area was increased by 33.6%-49.0%. and the soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content as well as soil microbial diversity were improved too. 【Conclusion】As a novel type of soil tillage, soil film had the function of farmland coverage, which greatly contributed to improve soil hydrothermal environment, and promote nutrient absorption and utilization, root growth and crop yield. At the same time, soil film produced the important technique and method to make the better plough layer structure that is “compact surface, loose top and tight bottom of plough layer”, which would support the improvement of crop productivity, farmland soil amendment and agricultural high-quality development. In this study, the recommended application rate was 100.0 kg·hm-2 in Ningxia Yellow River irrigation area.

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    Effects of Different Rice Varieties and Zinc Application Methods on Rice Yield and Grain Zinc Availability
    SU SuMiao, KANG TianKai, ZOU JiaLong, WANG BenFu, ZHANG YangYang, LIAO ShiPeng, LI XiaoKun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (15): 3023-3034.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.15.009
    Abstract151)   HTML10)    PDF (469KB)(112)       Save

    Objective】The aim of this study was to clarify the response of different rice varieties to zinc fertilizer and the differences in the effects of different zinc fertilizer application methods on rice yield and grain zinc bioavailability.【Method】The field experiments were conducted in 2019 and 2020. The first field experiment (Experiment 1) in 2019 aimed to explore the response of different rice varieties to zinc fertilizer application. Four rice varieties were selected, including Xiadao No.1, Xiadao No.2, Runxiangyu, and Longliangyou3463, with two treatments of no zinc application (CK) and zinc application (+Zn), and the differences in the response of different rice varieties to zinc fertilizer application were investigated. The second field experiment (Experiment 2) in 2020 aimed to explore the effects of different zinc fertilizer application methods on rice yield and grain zinc bioavailability. Based on the experiment in 2019, two high-yielding rice varieties, including Xiadao No.1 and Longliangyou3463, were selected to continue the study. Six treatments were set: no zinc application to soil (S0F0), soil application of 15 kg·hm-2 zinc (S1F0), soil application of 30 kg·hm-2 zinc (S2F0), foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering stage (S0F1), soil application of 15 kg·hm-2 zinc + foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering stage (S1F1), and soil application of 30 kg·hm-2 zinc + foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering stage (S2F1), and the differences in the effects of different zinc application methods on yield and grain zinc bioavailability of two rice varieties were investigated.【Result】In experiment 1, there were significant differences in the response of different rice varieties to zinc fertilizer. After zinc application, the yields of Xiadao No.1, Xiadao No.2, Runxiangyu, and Longliangyou3463 increased by 4.4%, 11.6%, 7.9%, and 4.8%, respectively. The increase in yield was mainly attributed to the increase in effective panicle number and grain-setting rate. Compared with CK, the average effective panicle number of the four rice varieties with zinc application increased by 19.8%, 3.9%, 9.9%, and 24.0%, respectively, and the average grain-setting rate increased by 5.4%, 9.7%, 6.7%, and 4.0%, respectively. In addition, the molar ratio of phytic acid to zinc in brown rice and polished rice of the four rice varieties with zinc application decreased by averages of 24.3%, 30.9%, 21.3%, and 37.2%, and 29.5%, 32.4%, 33.9%, and 35.3%, respectively. In experiment 2, there were significant differences in the effects of different zinc application methods on the yield and grain zinc availability of Xiadao No.1 and Longliangyou3463. Soil zinc application significantly outperformed foliar zinc spray in increasing yield, and foliar zinc spray further increased rice yield when it combined with soil zinc application. Compared with S0F0, the yields of Xiadao No.1 under S0F1, S1F0, S1F1, S2F0, and S2F1 increased by 12.1%, 14.1%, 17.2%, 22.2%, and 29.3%, respectively, and the yields of Longliangyou3463 under S0F1, S1F0, S1F1, S2F0, and S2F1 increased by 2.0%, 10.1%, 15.2%, 28.3%, and 31.3%, respectively. The effects of different zinc application methods on grain zinc availability varied, and there were significant differences in grain zinc availability between the two rice varieties. Foliar spray had a significantly greater zinc enhancement effect on grain compared with soil application, and the bioavailable zinc content in grains of Longliangyou3463 was higher than that in Xiadao No.1.【Conclusion】Selecting high-yielding and zinc-enriched rice varieties (Longliangyou3463) and adopting appropriate zinc fertilizer application methods(30 kg·hm-2 soil application + foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering stage) could achieve the goals of increasing rice yield and enhancing rice zinc nutrition, thereby helping to increase income and improve rice quality.

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    Effects of Green Manure Return on Soil Organic Carbon Component and Carbon Invertase Enzyme Activities
    GUAN TongTong, ZHANG Yan, TAO HaiNing, DONG Xiu, SHEN YuYing
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (14): 2791-2802.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.14.008
    Abstract132)   HTML13)    PDF (957KB)(91)       Save

    【Objective】 The aim of this study was to explore the effects of green manure return to the field on the content of soil organic carbon components and the activities of carbon invertase enzymes in dry-crop wheat fields, so as to provide data support for the improvement of soil quality and the achievement of the goal of “carbon neutrality”. 【Method】 The green manure return field experiment in a 5-year rotation system of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and forage rape (Brassica napus L.)-winter wheat was conducted on a typical black clay soil in the Longdong dry loess area of Gansu Province. Soil organic carbon (SOC), easily oxidizable organic carbon (EOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) content and β-1,4-glucosidase (βG), cellobiose hydrolase (CBH), β-xylosidase (βX) geometric mean enzyme activity (GMEA) activities were analyzed in four soil layers of different stages of winter wheat after the mulching and overturning of hairy vetch, forage rape. 【Result】 The method of green manure returning to the field had a significant effect on the content of soil organic carbon components and the activities of CBH and βX. Compared with mulching, hairy vetch and forage rape overturning were able to increase the content of soil SOC, EOC and MBC by 12.9%, 12.1% and 53.8%, while the activity of βG, CBH increased by 3.2% and 10.2%, respectively, and the most significant effect was found in the 20-25 cm soil layer. There were significant differences in soil labile organic carbon content and soil enzyme activities at different winter wheat growth period, in which soil EOC and MBC content reached the highest at the maturity and greening stage of winter wheat, respectively, and the activities of βG, CBH, βX and GMEA reached the highest at the booting stage of winter wheat. The soil βG activity had the most significant changes and highest in different return methods and it was the main enzyme participating in the soil carbon transformation process after green manure returned to the field. Soil carbon component content and carbon invertase enzyme activity differed significantly in different soil layers, and both decreased with the increase of soil depth. The type of green manure also significantly affected soil carbon components and enzyme activities, in which the SOC and MBC content and the activities of soil βG, CBH, βX and GMEA returned to the field by forage rape were 1.08, 1.21, 1.15, 1.23, 1.19, and 1.19 times higher than common vetch. Structural equation modeling indicated that the green manure return method affected SOC accumulation by regulating the cumulative decomposition rate, and could regulate soil pH, SOC and the accumulated decomposition rate of green manure affecting GMEA activity. SOC accumulation was more affected by the green manure return biomass more than return method, while the opposite was true for carbon invertase enzyme activity.【Conclusion】 Cultivating and overturning forage rape during summer fallow period significantly increased soil organic carbon components and carbon invertase enzyme activities in 0-25 cm soil layer, which was an effective measure for efficient resource utilization during summer fallow period in Loess Plateau.

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    Influences of Long-Term Appling Different Fertilizers on the Activities and Abundances of Canocial Ammonia Oxidizers and Comammox in Paddy Soil
    ZHANG XiaoQin, YIN Chang, LI Zheng, TANG Xu, LI Yan, WU ChunYan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (14): 2803-2814.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.14.009
    Abstract85)   HTML6)    PDF (1514KB)(47)       Save

    【Objective】 This work aimed to investigate the impact of long-term applying organic and inorganic fertilizers on the abundance and activities of complete ammonia oxidizers (Comammox), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB), as well as the abundances of Nitrospira and Nitrobacter in paddy soil, providing a scientific basis for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable agricultural production.【Method】 By utilizing multiple specific inhibitors (i.e., acetylene, 1-octyne, and DMPP) in conjunction with real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR), this work examined the differences in activities and abundances of Comammox, AOA, and AOB as well as the abundances of Nitrobacter and Nitrospira in a paddy soil under four fertilization regimes: plots without fertilizer (CK), with manure (M), with chemical fertilizer (NPK), and with combination of manure and chemical fertilizer (MNPK).【Result】 The long-term application of organic fertilizer significantly stimulated the activities of Comammox and AOA (Two-way ANOVA, P<0.001). In those plots solely receiving organic manure, Comammox accounted for as high as 64.2% of total ammonia oxidizing activity, while the inorganic fertilizer application only enhanced the activity of AOB (Two-way ANOVA, P<0.001). qPCR demonstrated that chronic organic amendment significantly increased the abundances of AOA, Nitrospira, Comammox clade A and Clade B (Two-way ANOVA, P<0.001); whereas inorganic amendment increased the abundances of AOB and Nitrobacter (Two-way ANOVA, P<0.001). The correlation analysis revealed there were positive correlations between activities of AOA and Comammox with moisture content, organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), alkaline hydrolysable nitrogen (AN), as well as AOA and Nitrospira abundances, while the activity of Comammox was positively correlated with the abundance of Comammox clade A as well. Additionally, the activity of AOB showed positive correlations with AOB and Nitrobacter abundances, nitrate content, and available potassium (AK).【Conclusion】 Comammox played an important role in nitrification of the tested paddy soil, with its abundance and activity primarily influenced by the changes in moisture content, OM, TN, TP, AP, and AN etc..

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    Response of Wheat Zinc Nutrition to Zinc Fertilization into Soils with Variable Available Zinc
    HUANG TingMiao, LU NaiKun, XIE BingQiang, CAO HanBing, QIAO YueJing, YANG ZhenPing, GAO ZhiQiang, LI TingLiang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (14): 2815-2826.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.14.010
    Abstract159)   HTML8)    PDF (576KB)(74)       Save

    【Objective】 The objective of this study was to clarify the response of soil available zinc (Zn) and wheat grain Zn concentration to soil Zn fertilization under different Zn supply field conditions, and to explore the Zn fertilizer regulation measures for grain Zn fortification based on soil available Zn, so as to provide a scientific basis for optimizing Zn fertilizer application and achieving wheat grain with high-yield and high-quality. 【Method】 The two-year location-fixed field experiments with five Zn fertilizer application rates of 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 kgZn·hm-2 were carried out at Taigu (high-Zn field) and Wanrong (low-Zn field) of Shanxi Province in the eastern Loess Plateau, respectively. The wheat grain yield and Zn concentration, Zn uptake and its translocation and distribution in the aerial part, as well as soil available Zn were investigated in the high- and low-Zn fields. 【Result】 Grain yield was not affected by Zn fertilizer rates in both high- and low-Zn fields. In high-Zn field, a slight increase in grain Zn concentration was observed with the increase of Zn fertilizer rates. For grain Zn concentration, no significant difference existed among all treatments in the first year, while it was increased by 2.4%-11.0% for Zn fertilization treatments as compared with that of no Zn fertilization in the second year. The grain Zn concentration was higher than 40 mg·kg-1 for all treatments. Compared with Zn application, the Zn transfer factor from straw to grain and grain Zn portioning index were decreased by 23.9%-37.9% and 4.3%-13.1%, respectively, and more than 20% of shoot Zn still remained in the stems and leaves at wheat harvest. In low-Zn field, the grain Zn concentration and Zn uptake in each organ increased with increasing Zn rates, whereas the opposite trend was observed for Zn transfer factor from straw to grain. Compared with no Zn application, the grain Zn concentration averaged two years increased by 9.4%-23.1%, while the Zn transfer factor from straw to grain decreased by 13.5%-24.5%, but no obvious difference was found for Zn portioning index among five Zn rates. In both high- and low-Zn fields, the soil available Zn increased significantly with the added Zn fertilizer. The regression analysis showed that soil available Zn slightly increased grain Zn concentration, and the increase with available Zn could be described by a quadratic function in high-Zn field, and the linear-with-plateau model showed that the grain Zn plateau of 34.76 mg·kg-1 was reached at the soil available Zn of 4.12 mg·kg-1. 【Conclusion】 Therefore, for the purpose of achieving desirable grain Zn concentration of 40 mg·kg-1 in the wheat monoculture aera of eastern Loess Plateau, it could be considered that higher soil available Zn played a critical role in the high-Zn field, and soil Zn fertilization could be considered to increase soil available Zn up to 4 mg·kg-1 first, and then other agronomic measures such as foliar Zn application should not be ignored to address the gap between the current grain Zn concentration and the recommended value in the low-Zn field.

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    Long-Term Application of Chemical Fertilizers Induces Soil Acidification and Soil Exchangeable Base Cation Loss on Paddy in Southern China
    JI JianHua, LÜ ZhenZhen, LIU ShuZhen, HOU HongQian, LIU YiRen, LIU XiuMei, LI XuHua, LAN XianJin
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (13): 2599-2611.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.13.008
    Abstract111)   HTML10)    PDF (634KB)(67)       Save

    【Objective】 The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer application on soil acidification, exchangeable aluminum production, and loss of basic ions were assessed, so as to provide the theory basis for maintaining soil health and sustainable development of farmland. 【Method】 The field experiment, established in 1984, was designed to have five treatments, that is, CK (an early rice-late rice rotation without fertilizer), PK (N deficiency), NP (K deficiency), NK (P deficiency), and NPK (balanced chemical fertilizer application), and all the treatments, except CK, were the same rate in N nutrient supply. Soil samples of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm collected for each treatments after late rice harvest in 2016 were used to measure soil pH, exchangeable acidity, exchangeable base cation, accumulation of exchangeable base cation, pH buffer capacity, and acidification rate, etc.【Result】 After 33 years of continuous application of chemical fertilizer, the soil pH under CK, PK, NP, NK and NPK treatments decreased significantly by 0.82, 0.91, 1.13, 0.8 and 1.19 pH units compared with an initial pH of 6.5 in the 0-20 cm soil layers, respectively, which resulted in obvious acidification of cultivated soil, and the acidification rates reached 1.1, 1.22, 1.46, 1.13 and 1.58 kmol·hm-2·a-1, respectively. Different fertilization treatments were different from CK treatment. Compared with CK treatment, the soil pH of the 0-40 cm layer significantly decreased by 0.28-0.38 units under NP treatment and by 0.35-0.46 units under NPK treatment. The exchangeable acidity of the soil increased by 35.5%-110.0% under NP treatment and by 30.4%-120.5% in the NPK treatment, with a significant increase in exchangeable aluminum by 56.2%-157.6% and 73.7%-189.8%, respectively. The total content of exchangeable bases in the soil decreased by 6.3%-14.9% under NP treatment and by 9.9%-13.2% under NPK treatment, resulting in a decrease in base saturation by 2.9-14.9 and 2.6-15.4 percentage points, respectively. The NK treatment slightly acidified the 0-20 cm soil layer, with an increase in exchangeable acidity by 53.5%-55.0% and a decrease in base saturation by 6.0-7.1 percentage points. The PK treatment did not show significant soil acidification in the 0-60 cm layer, and there was no significant difference in the increase of exchangeable acidity and the decrease of exchangeable bases. 【Conclusion】 Long-term application of fertilizers showed significant differences in the degree of soil acidification and loss of basic ions. Among them, the long-term application of NPK and NP fertilizers intensifies the soil acidification process, with acidification depth reaching 40 cm, and there was a substantial increase in the loss of basic ions and the production of exchangeable aluminum. Preliminary estimation showed that the application of fertilizer could lower the soil pH by one unit, and the loss of exchangeable base in soil was approximately twice the increase in exchangeable acid. Long-term application of PK and NK fertilizers had a relatively smaller impact on soil acidification, with less increase in the loss of basic ions and exchangeable aluminum.

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    Effects of Long-Term Application of Biochar on Nutrients, Fractions of Humic in Brown Soil
    WANG QingYang, CAO DianYun, WANG Di, ZHAN ZengYi, HE WanYing, SUN Qiang, CHEN WenFu, LAN Yu
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (13): 2612-2622.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.13.009
    Abstract182)   HTML8)    PDF (468KB)(98)       Save

    【Objective】 The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term application of biochar on nutrient content and humus component content in brown soil, so as to provide the scientific basis for evaluating the long-term effects of biochar on improving soil fertility level and regulating soil humus composition and stability.【Method】 Based on the field positioning experiment of biochar, using a randomized block design four carbon application treatments were set up: 0 (CK), 15.75 t·hm-2 (BC1), 31.5 t·hm-2 (BC2) and 47.25 t·hm-2 (BC3). The soil organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrients, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrients and soil fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), humin (HM) content were measured after 4 and 8 years of biochar application, respectively.【Result】 The application of biochar could increase the SOC content, and the SOC content under BC1, BC2, and BC3 treatments increased by 37.35% to 72.97% than that under CK treatment. The application of biochar significantly increased the soil available potassium (AK) content; compared with CK treatment, the soil AK content of BC1, BC2 and BC3 treatments increased by 11.67-14.00 mg·kg-1, 19.33-22.33 mg·kg-1 and 12.33-35.33 mg·kg-1, respectively. The application of biochar had little effect on soil total nitrogen (TN), alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen (AN), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP) and total potassium (TK) content (except for individual treatments). The application of biochar significantly increased the content of soil HA, humus-extractable (HE), and HM. Compared with CK treatment, the soil HA content under BC1, BC2, and BC3 treatments increased by 39.68%-40.91%, 30.91%-50.79% and 34.55%-57.14%, respectively. Compared with CK treatment, the soil HA content under BC1, BC2, and BC3 treatments increased by 39.68%-40.91%, 30.91%-50.79% and 34.55%-57.14%, respectively. Compared with CK treatment, the soil HE content of BC1, BC2 and BC3 treatments increased by 18.02%-29.74%, 16.81%-30.48% and 15.92%-24.91%, respectively. Compared with CK treatment, the soil HM content of BC1, BC2, and BC3 treatments increased by 48.39%-58.94%, 13.57%-89.23% and 82.36%-105.82%, respectively. After applying biochar for 4 years, there was no significant effect on soil FA content, but after applying biochar for 8 years, the soil FA content significantly increased, with BC1, BC2, and BC3 treatments increasing by 22.01%, 30.19% and 18.24%, respectively, compared with CK treatment. In 2016, the various carbon application treatments increased soil HA/HE and HA/FA, but decreased HE/HM; but in 2020, only BC1 treatment significantly increased soil HA/FA, while BC3 treatment significantly reduced HE/HM. Through redundancy and correlation analysis, there was a significant positive correlation between SOC, TK, AK, TP and AP and the content of humic substances; There was a significant positive correlation between SOC and TK and the stability of soil humus substances, however, there was a significant negative correlation between SOC, AK, TP, and AP and the activity of soil humus substances.【Conclusion】 Long term application of biochar could improve soil nutrient status, mainly manifested in increasing SOC and AK content. Long term application of biochar could increase the content of humus components in soil, mainly manifested in increasing the content of soil HA and HM, however, the impact on the stability of soil humus would weaken over time. There was a significant positive correlation between soil nutrient content and soil humus component content and stability.

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    Screening of Deodorizing Bacteria and Its Application in Composting
    WEI QiHang, FENG Yao, WANG XiaoXing, ZHU HongGang, FANG Zhao, LI ZhaoJun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (13): 2623-2634.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.13.010
    Abstract108)   HTML3)    PDF (1067KB)(79)       Save

    【Objective】 The aim of this study was to screen new deodorizing bacteria for solving the problem of odor emission from organic fertilizer plants with chicken manure as the main raw material, and providing the theoretical basis and support for aerobic composting biological deodorization technology.【Method】 The chicken manure was used as the sample to screen deodorizing bacteria to meet multiple goals by qualitative preliminary screening, domestication and enrichment, separation and purification, quantitative re-screening, antagonism test and drug-resistance test. The strains were identified by morphological observation and 16S rDNA sequence, and the compound bacteria agent BH was prepared and applied to chicken manure composting. Three treatments were set up, including raw materials without biological agents (CK), raw materials mixed with 1% biological deodorizing agent BH (DT1), and raw materials mixed with 1% purchased biological deodorizing agent (DT2). Some indexes were detected, including temperature, pH, electroconductibility (EC), gentamicin (GM) content and NH3 emission, to explore the effect of BH during composting.【Result】 15 strains of bacteria were screened and isolated, named as BH1-BH15, but no fungi were screened. After rescreening, it was found that strains BH2, BH5, BH9, BH11, BH12 and BH15 had higher removal rates of NH3, which were 48.8%, 49.4%, 45.8%, 48.3%, 51.0% and 51.8%, respectively, and there was no antagonism among the strains. The study on the drug-resistance of deodorizing strains showed that strains BH11 and BH12 had strong resistance to gentamicin. BH11 was identified as Bordetella sp. and BH12 was identified as Weeksella massiliensis by morphology and molecular biology. Then strain BH11 and BH12 were made into compound bacterial agent BH, and its deodorizing effect was significantly better than that of single bacterial agent, with the removal rate of NH3 was 65.8%. During composting, the thermophilic phase of each treatment lasted for more than 9 days, and the harmless treatment of chicken manure was achieved. At the end of composting, the pH value of each treatment was stable at 8.40, between 5.5 and 8.5, and the EC was between 2.73 and 3.43 mS·cm-1, lower than 4 mS·cm-1, indicated that the material could be used as plant fertilizer and met the organic fertilizer standards. It was found that the GM degradation efficiency of DT2 treatment was significantly higher than that of CK treatment, indicated the commercial bacterial agent could promote the degradation of gentamicin. In addition, the emission of NH3 during composting mainly occurred in mesophilic phase and thermophilic phase, and the emission in thermophilic phase was higher than that in mesophilic phase. Compared with CK treatment, the bacterial agent BH significantly inhibited the emission of NH3 in mesophilic phase, and the deodorization effect was better than that of the commercial bacterial agent. After entering thermophilic phase, the deodorization effect of commercial bacterial agent was better than that of bacterial agent BH.【Conclusion】 Two strains of drug-resistant deodorizing bacteria were screened and the removal rates of NH3 were 48.3% (BH11) and 51.0% (BH12), respectively, and the removal rate of NH3 by the compound bacterial agent BH was 65.8%. The application of bacterial agent BH to chicken manure composting could effectively reduce the emission of NH3 during composting, and all indicators met the standards of composting maturity.

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    Study on Dominant Factors Affecting Spatial Variation of Soil Organic Carbon in Hulunbuir Grassland
    XUE Wei, XU LiJun, NIE YingYing, WU XinJia, YAN YiDan, YE LiMing, LIU XinWei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (12): 2378-2389.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.12.009
    Abstract104)   HTML4)    PDF (1016KB)(91)       Save

    【Background】 Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a key component of the global carbon cycle in grassland ecosystems. In the context of climate change and grassland soil degradation, the study of the grassland carbon cycle has garnered extensive attention, particularly the in-depth analysis of the dynamics and driving factors of soil organic carbon in grasslands at different temporal and spatial scales. However, the estimation of long-term dynamic changes and the analysis of drivers for spatial variation in grassland SOC are primarily based on remote sensing modeling methods and simulation predictions, rather than direct measurements. 【Objective】 The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative importance of SOC spatial variation factors and their variation characteristics in different periods of Hulunbuir grassland. 【Method】 Based on the data of the second national soil survey in the 1980, the soil profiles of 31 sample sites in Hulunbuir grassland in 2022 were collected again, and the SOC changes and driving factors of Hulunbuir grassland were quantitatively analyzed in these two periods by establishing a multivariate linear model and a generalized additive model. 【Result】 From 1980 to 2022, the SOC of Hulunbuir grassland increased from 17.25 g·kg-1 to 17.62 g·kg-1 in 40 years, with an increase of 0.37 g·kg-1. The relative importance of climatic factors increased from 22.1% in the 1980 to 72.9% in 2022, compared with a decrease in the relative importance of the topography and utilization intensity factors, which decreased from 38.8% and 39.2% in the 1980 to 13.5% and 13.5% in 2022, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The climatic factors, topography and use intensity jointly dominated the spatial variation of soil organic carbon in Hulunbuir grassland. Over the past 40 years, the climate factors have evolved from a secondary contributor to grassland SOC change to a major controlling factor.

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    Effects of Long-Term Fertilization and Deep Plough on Crop Potassium Utilization and Soil Potassium Forms in Maize-Sorghum Rotation System
    YANG WenHui, LUO HaoCheng, DONG ErWei, WANG JinSong, WANG Yuan, LIU QiuXia, HUANG XiaoLei, JIAO XiaoYan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (12): 2390-2403.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.12.010
    Abstract113)   HTML7)    PDF (2439KB)(88)       Save

    【Objective】 The effects of long-term different fertilizations and deep plough on grain yield, potassium utilization, potassium forms in soil profile and non-exchange potassium release in maize-sorghum rotation system was evaluated to provide the theoretical basis for potassium nutrient management. 【Method】The experiment was conducted in Jinzhong city of Shanxi Province from 2011 to 2022. There were 6 treatments: no fertilizer (CK), NP, NPK, straw return and manure (MS), NPK with MS (NPKMS) and NPKMS with deep plough for 30 cm (NPKMSD). The influences of different treatments on grain yield, potassium uptake, potassium apparent utilization efficiency (KUE), potassium agronomy utilization efficiency (KAUE) and kinetics of non-exchange release were investigated. 【Result】Compared with NP and NPK treatments, the accumulative grain yield was increased 6%-8% under MS, NPKMS and NPKMSD, whereas potassium uptake was promoted 22%-43%. Moreover, the values of PAUE produced by NPKMS and NPKMSD were only half under NPK and MS treatments. The available K content of 0-20 cm soil layer under MS, NPKMS and NPKMSD treatments were 2.2 to 2.8 times higher than those under CK, NP and NPK treatments. Meanwhile, the slow available K was increased 8%-10%. The deep plough enhanced available K content of 20-40 cm soil layer. The K uptake aboveground was more related to available K content of both 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layer and slow available K content of 20-40 cm soil layer. When the soil non-exchangeable K was extracted by CaCl2, the accumulative amount of K released under NPK, MS, NPKMS, and NPKMSD were 1.04, 1.77, 1.99, and 1.81 times than that under NP treatment, respectively, while these values were 1.05, 1.41, 1.85, and 1.63 times under NP treatment when soil non-exchangeable K was extracted by citric acid. 【Conclusion】 Taken together, straw return and manure could activate soil potassium. Thus soil available K content, slow available K content, KUE and KAUE were improved relative to NPK treatments when total potassium input was comparative for 12-years. NPK with MS treatments could induce potassium luxury absorption and resulted in low values of KUE and KAUE. Deep plough could increase subsoil available K content, but its impact on accumulative grain yield was not noticed. Straw return and manure increased cumulative non-exchangeable potassium release amount and release rates. Therefore long-term combination of straw return and appropriate amount manure could substitute chemical potassium fertilizer.

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    Characteristics of Root Growth, Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution in Winter Rapeseed in Different Ecological Regions
    HUANG FangYuan, BIAN XiaoHua, JIANG Zhan, XIAO XiaoLu, DUAN Bo, CHEN Chang, MA Ni, GUAN ZhouBo
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (12): 2404-2423.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.12.011
    Abstract174)   HTML6)    PDF (4817KB)(134)       Save

    【Objective】 The crop yield is significantly affected by the ecological environment. In this study, the yield formation mechanism of winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) under different climatic conditions was studied to provide a theoretical basis for the high-yield breeding and cultivation of winter rapeseed. 【Method】The three different varieties of winter rapeseed were selected, including high-yield rapeseed (Qinyou 1618, Q1618), rapeseed materials (QF1), and conventional rapeseed (Zhongshuang 11, ZS11). Field experiments were conducted in the Huanghuai region (Yongshou, Shaanxi) and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River (Yangluo, Hubei) from 2020 to 2021 to study the characteristics of growth, development and physiological characteristics of the three different varieties of winter rapeseed in different ecological regions. 【Result】Different ecological regions significantly affected the root growth, dry matter accumulation and distribution, carbon and nitrogen metabolism response characteristics of winter rapeseed. The root growth of Q1618 was the most vigorous at the two sites, and its root length increased by 21.0% and 6.0% on average compared with ZS11 and QF1 during the overwintering period, respectively. In addition, the spatial distribution differences of root systems among the three varieties at the flowering stage were mainly concentrated in the shallow soil (0-15 cm) at Yangluo, while they were mainly concentrated in the deep soil (15-30 cm) at Yongshou. Compared with ZS11 and QF1, Q1618 showed an average increase of 138.1%, 78.8%, 24.2%, 83.3%, and 104.8%, 103.1%, 44.2%, 41.6% in root length, root surface area, root diameter, and root tip number of deep soil layer during flowering stage at the two sites, respectively. The root growth and yield of rapeseed during overwintering and flowering period were significantly positively correlated, and the correlation was stronger at Yongshou. During the overwintering period of rapeseed in the Huanghuai region, the dry matter accumulation in the aboveground parts slowed down, and the nitrogen content in the leaves was decreased, the soluble sugar content in roots were accumulated, and the sucrose and fructose content in various organs (roots, stems, and leaves) with the overall performance being QF1>Q1618>ZS11, and the soluble sugar content in all organs in this area was positively correlated with yield. The roots, stems and leaves of winter rapeseed in the middle reaches of Yangtze River were basically in a synchronous growth stage, and the dry matter accumulation during the overwintering period was 3.0 times higher than that in the Huanghuai region, and the dry matter accumulation during the overwintering period was significantly positively correlated with the effective pod number per plant in this area. After the bolting stage, the dry matter accumulation of Q1618 was the highest at the two sites. The dry matter accumulation of winter rapeseed at maturity and the dry matter distribution ratio were significantly increased by 10.3% and 39.0% at Yongshou, compared with that at Yangluo site, respectively. On the whole, although the effective number of pods per plant was increased in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the measured of winter rapeseed (except ZS11 which was reduced by freezing damage) increased by 21.1% on average by increasing the number of grains per pod and the 1000-grain weight in the Huanghuai region compared with that in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Correlation analysis also showed that the rapeseed yield at Yongshou site was significantly positively correlated with the seed number per pod and the 1000-grain weight, while the yield of rapeseed at Yangluo site was significantly positively correlated with the effective number of pods per plant【Conclusion】 The effective number of pod per plant was increased by promoting the growth of rapeseed before the overwintering period in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. However, in the Huanghuai region, the vegetative growth of aboveground plants during the overwintering period was properly controlled, and the dry matter of roots and stems was promoted to be distributed to grains after bolting, and the number of grains per corner and 1000-grain weight were increased, which was conducive to achieving high yield of winter rapeseed.

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    Response of Zinc Concentration and Distribution in Wheat Grain to Soil Zinc Fertilization in Dryland of Loess Plateau
    DING YuLan, HUANG Cui, WANG XingShu, ZHANG XueMei, XU JunFeng, HUANG Ning, DANG HaiYan, GUO ZiKang, SUN RuiQing, WANG ZhaoHui
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (11): 2176-2188.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.11.010
    Abstract114)   HTML10)    PDF (941KB)(77)       Save

    【Objective】The changes in available soil zinc (Zn), wheat grain yield and grain Zn concentration were identified, so as to provide the important basis for optimizing Zn biofortification of wheat grain technology.【Method】Based on the location-fixed field trial initiated in 2017 in drylands of the Loess Plateau, the samples were collected to analyze the available soil Zn, wheat yield, yield components, Zn concentrations in grain and its tissues, Zn uptake and distribution in various plant parts under different Zn application rates in the wheat growing seasons of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.【Result】Zn application did not significantly affect the wheat yield and yield components, but Zn concentration was increased by 28.8%-46.0% in grain and maximized to 31.1 mg·kg-1 at Zn application rate of 24.9 kg·hm-2; Zn concentration was increased by 31.8%-58.8% in bran and maximized to 87.6 mg·kg-1 at Zn application rate of 27.3 kg·hm-2; Zn concentration was increased by 26.3%-41.3% in flour and maximized to 11.3 mg·kg-1 at Zn application rate of 24.0 kg·hm-2. The grain Zn was found mainly distributed in bran, accounting for 77.7%-80.0%, with the average Zn concentration of 78.9 mg·kg-1; and 20.0%-22.3% Zn in flour, with the average Zn concentration of 10.8 mg·kg-1. With the Zn application rate increase, Zn concentration increased much more in bran than that in the flour. Available soil Zn was increased by 235.2%-1233.8% and 207.4%-825.9% in the 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil, respectively, and reached 9.47 and 2.50 mg·kg-1 at the maximum Zn application rate of 27.3 kg·hm-2, respectively. Available Zn of 0-100 cm soil layers contributed differently to wheat Zn uptake, with that in top soil contributed much more than that in deep soil layers.【Conclusion】Obviously, soil Zn application significantly increased soil available Zn and wheat grain Zn concentrations in drylands of the Loess Plateau, and for further improvement of wheat grained Zn nutritional and explore the increase potential in wheat grain Zn concentration, an integrative optimization should be implemented on Zn rates and application methods, and other agronomical measures, such as water, N and phosphorus supply, as well as green manure planting.

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    Soil Water Use Characteristics of Spring Wheat with Multiple- Cropping Green Manure and Nitrogen Reduction in Northwest Irrigated Areas
    ZHANG DianKai, LI Pan, FAN Hong, HE Wei, FAN ZhiLong, HU FaLong, SUN YaLi, TAN XiangNian, YIN Wen, CHEN GuiPing
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (11): 2189-2201.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.11.011
    Abstract216)   HTML6)    PDF (640KB)(115)       Save

    【Objective】The aim of this study was to explore the effects of multiple-cropping green manure and reduced nitrogen (N) application on water use characteristics of spring wheat in northwest irrigated areas, so as to provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the efficient use of water resources in spring wheat production.【Method】A split-zone design was adopted, with two cropping patterns of multiple-cropping green manure (W-G) and post-wheat fallow (W) in the main zone, three N fertilizer levels in the sub-plot: conventional N fertilizer application (180 kg·hm-2, N3), N fertilizer reduction of 15% (N2, 153 kg·hm-2), and N fertilizer reduction of 30% (N1, 126 kg·hm-2). The effects of multiple-cropping of green manure and nitrogen reduction on yield, water consumption and water use efficiency of spring wheat were studied from 2020 to 2021.【Result】The multiple-cropping green manure combined with moderate reduction of nitrogen fertilizer increased the pre-sowing soil water storage of spring wheat, and W-G increased the pre-sowing soil water storage of spring wheat by 11.5% to 13.5% compared with W pattern, while the multiple-cropping green manure combined with N reduction of 15% (W-GN2) and multiple-cropping green manure combined with N fertilizer reduction of 30% (W-GN1) increased the pre-sowing soil water storage of spring wheat compared to control post-wheat fallow combined with conventional N fertilizer application (W-N3) by 12.1% to 20.2% and 15.2% to 16.6%, respectively. W-G reduced water consumption of spring wheat by 12.6% to 13.7% compared with W-GN1, and W-GN2 reduced water consumption of spring wheat by 15% compared to W-N2 and W-N3, respectively. W-G effectively harmonized the water demand characteristics of spring wheat before and after the reproductive period by reducing the evapotranspiration modulus coefficient of spring wheat at the early stage of nodulation and filling, and increasing the evapotranspiration modulus coefficient of pre-sowing to jointing and early-filling to maturity (the proportion of water consumption of the two stages to the total water consumption of the whole reproductive period was 60.5% to 64.1%). Finally, the synchronization of water supply and demand during the growth and development of spring wheat was enhanced. W-G had the advantage of yield increase, with 13.5% to 14.1% under W pattern. W-GN2 and W-N3 had yield increases of 16.7% to 18.4% and 13.6% to 14.6% under W-N2 and W-N3, respectively. Thus, W-G improved water use efficiency by 29.4% to 31.0% compared with the W pattern, and among the multiple-cropping green manure, W-GN2 improved water use efficiency by a greater extent than W-N2 and W-N3 by 44.2% to 46.8% and 39.1% to 43.5%, respectively, and W-GN1 and W-GN3 by 36.2% to 50.7% and 9.1% to 17.0%, respectively.【Conclusion】The multiple-cropping green manure combined with 15% N fertilizer reduction (i.e., 153 kg·hm-2 of N fertilizer) improved spring wheat yield and water use efficiency compared with conventional water and N fertilizer management, and could be recommended as a production technique for efficient water use in spring wheat in dry irrigated areas.

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    Distribution of Wheat and Maize Straw Resources in Shandong Province and Fertilizer Reduction Potential Under Straw Return
    CHAI RuShan, ZHU LiQing, LIU MengYang, LUO LaiChao, ZHANG LiangLiang, CHENG QiPeng, ZHANG ChaoChun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (11): 2202-2214.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.11.012
    Abstract116)   HTML5)    PDF (2598KB)(135)       Save

    【Objective】Shandong Province is the main wheat and maize producing province in North China. Clarifying the spatial distribution characteristics of wheat and maize straw resources and nutrient substitution potential of straw return of this province could provide the decision support for comprehensive utilization of crop straw and fertilizer reduction.【Method】In this research, the wheat and maize straw yield and substitution potential of nutrient by straw return in different areas of Shandong Province were estimated by straw-to-grain ratio method, based on statistic yearbook data and published literature review.【Result】The annual outputs of wheat and maize straw were 29.28 and 22.52 million tons, respectively, in Shandong Province during 2019-2021. The proportions of wheat and maize straw resources in different regions were ranked as follows: North Shandong (34.9% and 34.7%)>Southwest Shandong (27.6% and 24.9%)>Central Shandong (20.2% and 21.4%)>East Shandong (9.1% and 11.3%)>Southeast Shandong (8.2% and 7.8%). The order of collectable wheat straw per unit area was North Shandong (5 573 kg·hm-2)>Southwest Shandong (5 380 kg·hm-2)>Central Shandong (5 361 kg·hm-2)>Southeast Shandong (5 088 kg·hm-2)>East Shandong (4 968 kg·hm-2). The order of collectable maize straw per unit area was Southwest Shandong (5 121 kg·hm-2)>North Shandong (5 034 kg·hm-2)>Southeast Shandong (4 807 kg·hm-2)>Central Shandong (4 790 kg·hm-2)>East Shandong (4 709 kg·hm-2). At the municipal level, the straw resources were mainly distributed in Heze, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Jining and Weifang. The wheat and maize straw yields of these cities accounted for 57.5% and 55.5%, respectively. However, the proportions of wheat and maize straw outputs from Dongying, Zibo, Rizhao and Weihai were only 7.2% and 8.0%, respectively. In Shandong Province, the amounts of nutrient from wheat straw were 0.1394 million tons of N, 0.0513 million tons of P2O5, and 0.5090 million tons of K2O. For maize straw, the outputs of nutrient were 0.1665 million tons of N, 0.0658 million tons of P2O5, and 0.3660 million tons of K2O. In the regional scale, the substituting potentials of N, P2O5 and K2O through wheat straw return were 16.7-18.7, 7.8-8.7 and 110.4-123.8 kg·hm-2, respectively. The maize straw incorporation could substitute chemical fertilizers of N 25.4-27.6, P2O5 11.8-12.8 and K2O 83.2-90.5 kg·hm-2 theoretically.【Conclusion】In summary, there were some differences in total straw yield and collectable straw per unit area among different wheat-maize rotation areas of Shandong Province. Therefore, these appropriate policies should be formulated based on local conditions to promote efficient utilization of wheat and maize straw resources. The fertilizer replacement potential of returned straw should be considered for nutrient management in wheat-maize rotation system, which was conducive to chemical fertilizer reduction and green agricultural development.

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    Model Simulation Research of Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics of Long-Term Conservation Tillage in Black Soil
    WANG WenJun, LIANG AiZhen, ZHANG Yan, CHEN XueWen, HUANG DanDan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (10): 1943-1960.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.10.008
    Abstract157)   HTML7)    PDF (1055KB)(95)       Save

    【Objective】 Conservation tillage is an important measure for restoring and enhancing soil fertility, and soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a crucial role in maintaining soil fertility, supporting crop growth, and protecting soil environment. However, there is currently a lack of long-term monitoring platforms for conservation tillage in China, so using modeling methods can help study SOC dynamics under long-term conservation tillage. 【Method】 A long-term tillage experiment was established in the black soil region in 2001 with three treatments: no-tillage (NT), moldboard plow (MP), and ridge-tillage (RT). The structures and parameters of process-based models (RothC, AMG model) and statistical models (MLPNN model) were optimized. The changes in SOC under long-term conservation tillage were simulated and compared. The effectiveness of different models in simulating and predicting the SOC dynamics under conservation tillage was evaluated, and the long-term response and influencing factors of SOC in black soil in Northeast China to conservation tillage were revealed. 【Result】 After optimizing parameters for carbon pool allocation, errors of the RothC and AMG models were significantly reduced. During the first 11 years (2001-2012) of conservation tillage, there was no significant difference in the simulation of SOC between RothC and AMG models, indicating that the structural complexity of process models does not have significant impacts on the simulation results for relatively short term. The simulation results of the statistical model MLPNN were similar to process models, proving the application of statistical models in small-scale regions. Over the next 100 years, RothC and AMG models predicted similar trends in SOC changes, but AMG model significantly overestimated the increase in SOC stocks, which may be attributed to SOC saturation and the influence of tillage practices. Both RothC and AMG models showed high sensitivity to carbon input, but they responded differently to climate and soil factor changes. 【Conclusion】 It is necessary to choose appropriate models based on local conditions while using models to simulate SOC in long-term conservation tillage. For short-term prediction of SOC under conservation tillage, a relatively simple AMG modelcan be used, while for long-term prediction, a more complex RothC model can be used. Under specific conditions, statistical models show similar effects to process models in simulating soil organic carbon at a small-scale regions, such as plots and fields.

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    Response Difference and Its Cause Reasons for Simplified Panicle Fertilization in Different Rice Varieties After Wheat Straw Return
    SHU XiaoWei, WANG ShuShen, FU Tong, WANG ZiHan, DING ZhouYu, YANG Ying, ZHAO ShiRu, ZHOU Juan, HUANG JianYe, YAO YouLi, WANG YuLong, DONG GuiChun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (10): 1961-1978.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.10.009
    Abstract189)   HTML24)    PDF (650KB)(96)       Save

    【Objective】 The aim of this study was to explore and analyze the differences in yield, panicle differentiation and degeneration, soil microbial activity, and response of soil alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen to simplified panicle fertilization among different rice varieties under the condition of wheat straw return (SR). 【Method】 As test materials, two cultivars were selected, including late maturing medium japonica rice Nanjing 9108 (NJ 9108) and indica rice Yangdao 6 (YD6). Rice yield, spikelet differentiation, and degeneration were evaluated under the interactive conditions of SR and simplified panicle fertilization (0﹕0, no panicle fertilization; 2﹕0, full application of spikelet-promoting fertilizer; 1﹕1, equal application of spikelet-promoting and protecting fertilizers; 0﹕2, full application of spikelet-protection fertilizer). The nutritional basis of rice spikelet differentiation and degeneration was analyzed in terms of nutrient release from straw decomposition, alterations in soil microbial communities and enzyme activity, and soil alkaline nitrogen content. 【Result】 (1) After SR, the average yield of NJ 9108 and YD 6 increased by 4.2% and 3.2%, respectively. Under panicle fertilization treatments, the highest yield for NJ9108 and YD6 was achieved under the 2﹕0 and 1﹕1 treatment, respectively. After no wheat straw return treatment (NR), the yield of both varieties was highest under the 1﹕1 treatment. The yield trend of panicle fertilization treatments was consistent within the range of 180-360 kg N·hm-2. (2) After SR, the initial 0-30 days were a period of rapid decomposition, with the rapid release of carbon and nitrogen from the straw. At 30 days, the average number of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes in the soil increased by 179.2%, and the average activity of urease, acid phosphatase, and sucrase increased by 88.8%. During the period of 40 to 60 days, the straw's decomposition and carbon-nitrogen release rates diminished, and the number of microorganisms and enzyme activities decreased significantly. Decomposition and carbon-nitrogen release of straw essentially stalled between 60 and 90 days, while the number of microorganisms and enzyme activities decreased gradually. From 10 to 40 days after SR, the soil's alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content decreased by an average of 4.8%, while it increased by an average of 5.2% between 50 and 90 days. (3) After SR, the increase in soil alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen caused an increase of 1.4% in the average number of spikelets differentiation, a decrease of 12.3% in the average number of spikelets degeneration, but an increase of 4.4% in the average number of surviving spikelets. Rice harvest increased primarily due to an increase in the number of spikelets per panicle (the number of surviving spikelets per panicle). After SR, the 2﹕0 treatment reduced the rate of spikelet degeneration in NJ9108 and YD6 relative to NR by 23.5% and 7.6%, respectively. The number of spikelet differentiation and degeneration of NJ9108 increased by 8.9 and 5.7 spikelets per panicle under the 2﹕0 treatment relative to the 1﹕1 treatment, whereas Yangdao 6 increased by 6.8 and 11.6 spikelets per panicle, respectively. As the increase in the number of spikelets differentiation was greater than the increase in the number of spikelets degeneration, NJ9108 had the highest number of surviving spikelets under the 2﹕0 treatment, while YD6 had the highest number under the 1﹕1 treatment. 【Conclusion】 Wheat straw return increased rice yield, with NJ 9108 achieving the highest yield under the full application of spikelet-promoting fertilizer and Yangdao 6 achieving the highest yield under the equal application of spikelet-promoting and protecting fertilizers. Those factors that contributed to the increase in yield were mainly due to a significant reduction in the rate and number of spikelets degeneration and an increase in the number of spikelets per panicle. The decrease in the rate of spikelets degeneration for NJ 9108 was greater than that for YD6, which was the main reason for the difference in their response to different panicle fertilization treatments in terms of the number of surviving spikelets.

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    Response of Soil-Crop System to Different Nitrogen Fertilization Practices Under Maize and Rice Cropping System in the Paddy Soil of Dongting Lake Plain
    FANG KangRui, LONG ShiPing, PENG SiWen, CHEN Shan, LIAO YuLin, XU XinPeng, ZHAO ShiCheng, QIU ShaoJun, HE Ping, ZHOU Wei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (10): 1979-1994.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.10.010
    Abstract122)   HTML5)    PDF (1064KB)(105)       Save

    【Objective】 Crop yield increases and soil organic matter decreases when double rice cropping system shifted to wet and dry rotation cropping system, but little information is known that the effects of chemical fertilizer nitrogen combined with different organic materials on crop yield, nitrogen use efficiencies and organic matter content under the wet and dry cropping system.【Method】 The maize and rice rotation was regarded as object, five treatments were set up, including no nitrogen fertilizer applied (CK), only chemical fertilizer applied (NPK), NPK plus straw return (NPKS), NPK plus manure (NPKM) and NPK plus biochar (NPKB) in purple clayey soil and reddish clayey soil in Dongting lake plain from 2015 to 2021. The changes of yield, nutrient use efficiency, soil carbon and nitrogen content as well as carbon and nitrogen balance under different fertilization treatments were explored. 【Result】 The average maize yield, rice yield and total annual yield in the six-year in purple clayey soil and reddish clayey soil were 5.7, 7.3 and 12.9 t·hm-2, respectively. Moreover, the three yields above in purple clayey soil were slightly higher than that reddish clayey soil, though the differences in both soils were not significant. Compared with the NPK treatment, NPKM treatment significantly (P<0.05) increased the average yields in maize season or rice season in the two soils (P<0.05) by 10.6% and 4.20%, respectively. Among all the treatments, NPKM treatment had the maximum yield in the maize season, and the value was 6.0 t·hm-2; and NPKB treatment had the maximum yield in the rice season, and the value was 7.5 t·hm-2. The six-year average annual total yield under NPKM and NPKB treatments was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that under other treatments, respectively, but the difference between NPKM and NPKB treatments was not significant. Compared with the other treatments, NPKM treatment significantly (P<0.05) improved the chemical fertilizer nitrogen recovery efficiency, agronomic efficiency and partial productivity in maize, rice, the six-year average values of maize season were 66.3%, 39.5 kg·kg-1 and 56.0 kg·kg-1, respectively, and the six-year average of rice season was 53.8%, 21.9 kg·kg-1 and 68.6 kg·kg-1, respectively. NPKB treatment had significant higher chemical fertilizer N agronomy efficiency and partial productivity than the NPKS and NPK treatments in maize and rice seasons, and compared with NPK treatment, the nitrogen recovery rate of maize was also significantly improved. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content decreased significantly from the fourth years (the year of 2019). Compared with the soil organic carbon and nitrogen content between the beginning of the experiment (2015) and 2021, the annual average soil organic carbon in all the N applied treatments in purple clayey soil and reddish clayey soil decreased by 1.8 and 0.7 g·kg-1, and total nitrogen content decreased by 0.4 and 0.1 g·kg-1; the NPKM treatment in both the soils had the lowest decrease of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen, and the NPKB treatment was the second. The loss of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in the NPKM treatments were the lowest, which were 0.48 t C·hm-2·a-1 and 94.7 kg N·hm-2·a-1, respectively.【Conclusion】 After the double rice cropping system shifted to wet and dry rotation cropping system, the chemical fertilizer nitrogen combined with manure and biochar could increase crop yield and hold back the decrease of soil organic matter, NPKM treatment had the maximum average maize yield and NPKB treatment had the maximum average rice yield during the experimental period.

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    Study on the Matching Relationship Between Pattern of Grain Production and Arable Land Resources in Hubei Province Based on Geomorphological Divisions
    ZHANG JunFeng, DING JianCheng, WENG YuWei, ZHANG Xiong
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (9): 1748-1765.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.09.010
    Abstract125)   HTML5)    PDF (1366KB)(88)       Save

    【Objective】The matching relationship between grain production pattern and regional arable land resources in different geomorphologic zones was studied to provide decision-making basis for grain production distribution and arable land resources protection.【Method】Concentration index, coefficient of variation method, spatial center of gravity model, matching degree and LMDI model were used.【Result】From 1990 to 2020, the proportion of grain output of Western Mountains, Central Heights, Eastern Hills and Jianghan Plain in the total grain output of Hubei Province was gradually adjusted to 11.2%, 30.6%, 26.2% and 32.0%. There are significant differences in the concentration and changing trends of grain crop production with different geomorphological division in Hubei Province from 1990 to 2020. Grain production in Hubei Province has a clear tendency to concentrate in Central Heights, mainly wheat and corn, while soybean production is concentrated in Jianghan Plain. In the past 30 years, the barycenter of grains planting and the barycenter of grains production in Hubei Province have both shifted to the northwest, with a distance of 5.37 km and 14.63 km, respectively. However, the barycenter of grain production in the Central Heights moves to the northeast, while the Jianghan Plain and the Western Mountains move to the southwest. The average spatial distances between grains production and the barycenter of arable land resources in the Western Mountains, the Central Heights, the Eastern Hills and the Jianghan Plain of Hubei Province are 6.20 km, 3.35 km, 10.57 km and 6.82 km. And their average index of consistency of change are 0.49, 0.44, 0.40 and 0.27, respectively. The Gini coefficients of grain production and arable land resources in Hubei Province are all greater than 0.5 and tend to increase, while the imbalance indices of Western Mountains and Jianghan Plain are positive, and the imbalance indices of Central Heights and Eastern Hills are negative. The quantity effect and intensive effect of arable land for grain production change in the four geomorphological divisions in the last 30 years are negative, and the utilization effect and quality effect of arable land are positive, among which the decreasing effect of arable land planting structure change on grain production in the Eastern Hills reaches 3.097 million t, while the increasing effect of replanting index change on grain production in the Central Heights reaches 3.0046 million t.【Conclusion】In the past 30 years, the incremental effect of quality and structure of arable land in the geomorphological divisions of Hubei Province is weakening, and the decreasing effect of quantity is increasing. Grain production in Hubei faces the planting risk of decreasing quality cropland and the yield risk of grain planting structure adjustment. Grain production and arable land resources have long been mismatched in the geomorphological divisions of Hubei Province and show obvious regional characteristics. The spatial layout of grain production and the adjustment of planting structure should fully consider the natural geography and arable land resource endowment characteristics of different geomorphological divisions to promote the coordinated development of food production and arable land use.

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    Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Soil Aggregates and Wheat Yield
    HAN XiaoJie, REN ZhiJie, LI ShuangJing, TIAN PeiPei, LU SuHao, MA Geng, WANG LiFang, MA DongYun, ZHAO YaNan, WANG ChenYang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (9): 1766-1778.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.09.011
    Abstract204)   HTML11)    PDF (607KB)(176)       Save

    【Objective】The influence mechanism of varying nitrogen (N) rates on the carbon (C) and N content of soil aggregate, as well as wheat yield were investigated in this study, so as to provide a scientific basis for the rational application of N fertilizer.【Method】The 11-year experiment was conducted in Zhangpan Town, Xuchang City, Henan Province, with four different N levels, including 0 (N0), 180 kg·hm-2 (N1), 240 kg·hm-2 (N2), and 300 kg·hm-2 (N3). The study systematically analyzed changes in soil carbon and nitrogen content, cluster distribution and their carbon and nitrogen content in different soil layers as a result of long-term N application, and investigated the regulatory pathways of long-term N application on wheat yield and its composition.【Result】There was a transformation in the composition of soil aggregates in every soil layer, specifically from larger macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) to microaggregates (0.25-0.053 mm) and silt and clay particles (<0.053 mm), as well as an increase in N rate. Additionally, the application of N resulted in a significant decrease in the mean weight diameter (MWD). As N application rates increase, the C and N content of the soil increased in the 0-20 cm layer, the C and N content of the soil in the 20-40 cm soil layer showed the trend to increase at first and then decrease. Compared with the N0 treatment, N application increased soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (STN) content by 13.1%-37.2% and 19.4%-29.4% in the 0-20 cm layer and by 15.3%-32.2% and 6.1%-29.3% in the 20-40 cm layer, respectively. The N treatment significantly increased the SOC content of each particle size aggregates compared with N0 treatment, with the SOC content of macroaggregates increasing by 31.6%-62.0%, the SOC content of microaggregates increasing by 8.7%-61.2% and the SOC content of silt and clay increasing by 14.0%-81.7%. As N application rates increased, the STN content of the soil increased in the 0-20 cm layer. With the STN content of macroaggregates increasing by 32.6%-51.0%, the STN content of microaggregates increased by 25.7%-35.9% and the STN content of silt and clay increased by 3.2%-9.7%, the N3 treatment had the highest STN content of all particle size aggregates. In the 20-40 cm soil layer, the STN content of all particle size aggregates tended to increase at first and then decrease. With the STN content of macroaggregates increasing by 17.6%-35.2%, the STN content of microaggregates increased by 11.7%-24.0% and the STN content of silt and clay increased by 1.1%-12.9%, and the N1 treatment had the highest STN content of all particle size aggregates. The study results indicated that long-term nitrogen application had a significant impact on the spike number and grain number per spike in wheat, resulting in increased yield. Compared with the N0 treatment, the application of N1, N2, and N3 treatments resulted in a significant increase in wheat yield, with improvements of 188.1%, 177.3%, and 173.2%, respectively. The correlation and structural equation modelling analyses revealed a significant and positive correlation between wheat yield and soil carbon and nitrogen content, as well as carbon and nitrogen content in aggregates. Additionally, the long-term application of nitrogen was found to influence wheat yield formation by affecting carbon and nitrogen content in microaggregates.【Conclusion】In summary, the application of nitrogen over a long period of time raised the content of carbon and nitrogen in both soil and aggregates, enhanced soil fertility, ultimately promoting wheat yield. The optimal nitrogen application rate was 180 kg·hm-2 under the condition of this experiment.

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    Long-Term Sphagnum Cultivation in Cold Waterlogged Paddy Fields Increases Organic Carbon Content and Decreases Soil Extracellular Enzyme Activities
    GAO YaFei, ZHAO YuanBo, XU Lin, SUN JiaYue, XIA YuXuan, XUE Dan, WU HaiWen, NING Hang, WU AnChi, WU Lin
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (8): 1533-1546.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.08.009
    Abstract101)   HTML8)    PDF (4065KB)(51)       Save

    【Objective】In southern China, cold waterlogged paddy fields cover an expansive area and hold considerable potential for carbon sequestration and remittance. However, the low yield and modest income derived from rice cultivation in such paddy fields have led to a high rate of abandonment. This study investigated whether conversion of cold waterlogged paddy fields to Sphagnum cultivation, an economically important plant beneficial for carbon sequestration, significantly enhances soil carbon storage while improving the income of farmers. The overall aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of Sphagnum cultivation on the carbon sequestration potential of cold waterlogged paddy soils. 【Method】Zilinshan Village, Dushan County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, was selected as the study site. The physicochemical properties, extracellular enzyme activities, and organic carbon content in the surface soil (0-10 cm depth) were analyzed after transformation of cold waterlogged paddy fields to Sphagnum cultivation for 1, 3, 10, and 20 years. Paddy fields growing rice were used as the control. 【Result】 (1) The years of Sphagnum cultivation altered the physicochemical properties of cold waterlogged paddy soils. Especially after Sphagnum cultivation for 10 years, the soil bulk density, mean weight diameter of aggregates, and total phenol content were increased by 16.9%, 33.8%, and 88.1%, respectively, compared with the control. (2) With an increase in years of Sphagnum cultivation, the activities of cellulose hydrolase, acid phosphatase, β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase, β-1,4-glucosidase, leucine aminopeptidase, and polyphenol oxidase significantly decreased. (3) After Sphagnum cultivation for 10 years, soil organic carbon and recalcitrant organic carbon contents increased significantly, and the dissolved organic carbon and easily oxidizable carbon contents decreased significantly, the activities of cellulose hydrolase, acid phosphatase, β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase, β-1,4-glucosidase, leucine aminopeptidase, and polyphenol oxidase significantly decreased after Sphagnum cultivation for 20 years. (4) The structural equation model revealed that the years of Sphagnum cultivation had maximum direct positive effect on soil organic carbon and recalcitrant organic carbon. In terms of dissolved organic carbon and easily oxidizable carbon, they directly influenced by extracellular enzyme activity to the greatest extent. Generally, soil physicochemical properties have indirect effects on the four kinds of carbon through extracellular enzyme activities,, and the years of Sphagnum cultivation indirectly influenced four types of carbon through soil physicochemical properties. 【Conclusion】 The planting of Sphagnum moss can induce changes in the soil environment, leading to a significant increase in soil organic carbon content and a reduction in extracellular enzyme activity in waterlogged paddy fields. Additionally, it promotes carbon accumulation, with long-term Sphagnum planting further enhancing this process.

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    Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Soil Inorganic Carbon in Shaanxi Province
    FENG XiaoLin, ZHANG ChuTian, XU ChenYang, GENG ZengChao, HU FeiNan, DU Wei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (8): 1517-1532.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.08.008
    Abstract185)   HTML8)    PDF (606KB)(121)       Save

    【Objective】Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) plays an important role in regulating global carbon cycle. However, the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of SIC at regional scales are not clear. The study on the temporal and spatial distribution of SIC and its key influencing factors in Shaanxi Province can provide the reference and basis for clarifying the role and status of inorganic carbon in the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle. 【Method】This study collected 65 and 142 soil samples from the 1980s and 2010s in Shaanxi Province, along with relevant data on geographical factors, climatic conditions, land use types, vegetation status and soil properties. Variance analysis and Random Forest (RF) model were used to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of SIC content. The influencing factors of SIC content in Shaanxi Province were also discussed. 【Result】SIC content in the 1980s of Shaanxi Province was in the order of Northern Shaanxi > Guanzhong of Shaanxi > Southern Shaanxi. Compared with the 1980s, SIC content in Northern Shaanxi Province was decreased by 31.5% in 2010s, while it remained almost unchanged in Guanzhong of Shaanxi Province, which increased slightly in southern Shaanxi Province. From the 1980s to 2010s, the decrease of inorganic carbon content in different soil layers in 0-100 cm section ranged from 20.6% to 27.7%, with the greatest decreases in 0-20 cm and 80-100 cm soil layers. Random Forest model analysis showed that average annual rainfall, bulk density and pH were the top three most important factors affecting SIC content in both 1980s and 2010s, and SIC content was the highest when the average annual rainfall were 450-650 mm. Soil inorganic carbon content increased with the increase of pH. The inorganic carbon content of soil with low bulk density was higher than that of soil with high bulk density. 【Conclusion】In general, SIC content in Shaanxi Province showed a decreasing trend from north to south. Compared with the 1980s, SIC content in topsoil of Shannxi Province and also the whole soil profile of northern Shaanxi Province decreased significantly in the 2010s. The SIC content in the 1980s and 2010s were mainly influenced by average annual rainfall, pH and bulk density.

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    Effect of Phosphorus Fertilizer Application Rates on the Loss of Colloidal Phosphorus on Purple Soil Slopes
    ZHONG JinPing, ZHENG ZiCheng, LI TingXuan, HE XiaoLing
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (8): 1547-1559.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.08.010
    Abstract116)   HTML10)    PDF (690KB)(53)       Save

    【Objective】The risk of phosphorus loss from farmland is closely related to the amount of phosphorus fertilizer. Given the important role of soil colloids in the process of phosphorus transport and transformation at the soil-water interface, the effect of phosphorus fertilizer application on the loss of phosphorus from colloidal state on purple soil slopes and its relationship with runoff and sand production were explored, in order to provide the scientific basis for the understanding of phosphorus transport mechanism from the soil colloid point of view. 【Method】 Combining artificial simulated rainfall with laboratory analysis, the experiment was conducted to study the characteristics of abortion sediment production and colloid phosphorus loss on purple soil slope under the dosage of phosphorus fertilizer 0 (P0), 20 (P20), 40 (P40) and 100 (P100) mg·kg-1. 【Result】 Surface runoff was less affected by phosphorus fertilizer application, and erosion sand production was more affected by phosphorus fertilizer application. The initial sand production of the slope was significantly reduced by 49.3%-68.7% after phosphorus application, and the cumulative sand production was significantly reduced by 26.5%-30.9% under P100 treatment compared to the other phosphorus treatments. Surface runoff was the main loss pathway of water-dispersible total phosphorus (WTP) and colloidal phosphorus (CP) from purple soil slopes, which accounted for 57.5%-93.9 and 62.3%-94.8% of the total loss, respectively; CP was the main form of WTP loss from surface runoff, which accounted for 72.1%-80.7% of the WTP loss. Phosphorus application significantly increased the risk of phosphorus loss. Compared with P0 treatment, the cumulative loss loads of surface runoff WTP, CP, and DP (dissolved phosphorus) under phosphorus fertilizer application treatments were increased by 2.56-20.97, 2.72-22.21, and 1.17-10.40 times after phosphorus application, respectively, and the cumulative loss loads of eroded sediment WTP, CP, and DP were increased by 0.24-0.92 times, 0.05-1.09 times, 0.47-0.76 times, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The main pathway of colloidal phosphorus loss from purple soil slopes was surface runoff, and the characteristics of concentration change were closely related to the flow production process, while the loss load mainly depended on the phosphorus content of slope soil and the amount of phosphorus fertilizer applied. Total water dispersible phosphorus and colloidal phosphorus showed a highly significant correlation, colloidal phosphorus was the main form of phosphorus loss on purple soil slopes, and CP loss on slopes could be reduced by regulating surface runoff and reducing the amount of phosphorus fertilizer.

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    Effects of Potassium Application Dosage on Yield, Quality and Light Temperature Physiological Characteristics of Summer Peanut
    YANG QiRui, LI LanTao, ZHANG Xiao, ZHANG Qian, ZHANG YinJie, ZHANG Duo, WANG YiLun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (7): 1335-1349.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.07.010
    Abstract248)   HTML12)    PDF (3844KB)(148)       Save

    【Objective】The effects of different potassium levels on the yield and quality of summer peanuts at the maturity stage, the dynamics of potassium accumulation at the growth stage, physiological characteristics of light and temperature, and root morphology were explored to provide a scientific basis for rational application of potassium in peanut. 【Method】A field experiment was conducted in Wen County, Henan Province, from 2021 to 2022. The peanut cultivar of Yuhua 22 was used as test material, and 5 potassium fertilizer treatments was set, including 0 (K0), 45 (K45), 90 (K90), 135 (K135) and 180 (K180) kg·hm-2. The yield and quality indexes of summer peanut pods were determined at the maturity stage. Leaf SPAD value, canopy photosynthetically active radiation and canopy temperature were measured at the seedling stage, flowering-pegging stage, pod-setting stage and pod-filling stage, respectively. The potassium accumulation in plants and root morphology were analyzed too. 【Result】With the increase of potassium application rate, the pod yield of peanut in 2 years could be fitted by “linear + platforms trends” and “quadratic equation with one variable”, respectively, and the appropriate potassium application rate was 164 and 135 kg·hm-2, respectively. Potassium application increased yield by 17% on average. The content of crude protein, oil and amino acid in grain at maturity showed a trend of “first increasing and then stabilizing” with the increase of potassium application. Compared with no potassium application, the average increase of crude protein, oil and amino acid contents in grain under potassium application was 7.85%, 3.98% and 13.97%, respectively. The Logistic equation was applied to the nonlinear regression fitting of potassium accumulation in summer peanuts. The results showed that potassium application mainly increased the maximum accumulation rate (Vmax) and average accumulation rate (Vmean), delayed the occurrence of peak absorption (Tmax), and prolonged the rapid accumulation period (Δt) and active accumulation period (Taas) to promote the sustainable and rapid growth of summer peanuts. In addition, the maximum, minimum and mean canopy temperatures decreased significantly with increasing potassium application at all fertility stages. Compared with K0, 135 kg hm-2 treatment significantly increased the leaf SPAD value and canopy photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) and component (FPAR) of peanut and had a positive effect on root morphology. The utilization efficiency of potassium fertilizer decreased gradually with the increase of potassium application. 【Conclusion】Reasonable application of potassium could significantly improve the yield and quality of summer peanut, promote the accumulation and utilization of potassium, and significantly improve the physiological properties of light and temperature during the growth period. The recommended potassium application amount of summer peanuts under this test condition was 135-160 kg·hm-2.

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    Effect and Mechanism of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial on Activating of Low-Grade Phosphate Rock Powder in Red Paddy Soil
    SONG YaRong, CHANG DanNa, ZHOU GuoPeng, GAO SongJuan, DUAN TingYu, CAO WeiDong
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (6): 1102-1116.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.06.007
    Abstract124)   HTML10)    PDF (2072KB)(70)       Save

    【Objective】 The biological utilization of phosphorus (P) in low grade phosphate rock powder (PRP) is of great significance. The study explore the effect and mechanism of activating low-grade PRP by phosphate-solubilizing bacterial (PSB) which can provide basis for improving the fertilization effect of PRP on red soil paddy soil. 【Method】 PRP with different particle sizes (0.18, 0.10 and 0.05 mm) was added to the red paddy soil collected in Hunan Province. Three treatments were set up: inoculated with Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (P1), Acinetobacter pittii (P2) and no inoculation with PBS (P0) as control. Bottles were cultured in a dark incubator at 25 ℃ for 60 days, during which different forms of P and pH were dynamically monitored. On the 60th day, the activity of organic acid, acid and alkaline phosphatase (ACP, ALP) and alkaline phosphatase gene (phoD) were determined to study the activation effect and mechanism of PSB on PRP with different particle sizes. 【Result】 Both strains of PSB could activate insoluble P, but the activation effect was not significantly different. During the whole culture period, the average available P content of three particle sizes of PRP inoculated with PSB was 13.4-14.7 mg·kg-1, which was higher than that of P0 treatment and increased by 31.1%-53.1%; The average content of available P increased by 53.1% and 47.5% after inoculation with P1 and P2 bacteria (P<0.05), respectively. The average content of Resin-Pi and NaHCO3-Pi were 13.9-16.6 mg·kg-1 and 14.9-16.5 mg·kg-1, respectively, which were higher than those without inoculation, and increased by 36.4%-78.5% and 13.7%-25.0%, respectively; the increase of average content of Resin-Pi in 0.18 mm PRP was the most obvious, which was 78.5% and 49.5%, respectively (P<0.05). Compared with P0 treatment, the increase of active P in 0.18 mm PRP treatment was the most obvious, ranging from 28.4% to 46.7%, and the decrease of stable P was 2.1%-8.0%. Compared with the P0 treatment, inoculation of PSB significantly reduced pH value by 0.18-0.35 units (P<0.05) and increased acetic acid and propionic acid content by 5.2%-13.7% and 45.9%-127.5% (P<0.05), respectively. ALP content and phoD abundance under P1 treatment increased by 6.5%-13.4% and 24.0%-98.6% (P<0.05), respectively, and ACP in P2 treatment increased by 12.8%-17.2% (P<0.05), which indicated that P1 mainly secreted ALP, while P2 mainly secreted ACP. The results of correlation analysis showed that the two PSB strains dissolved insoluble Conc.HCl-Po, Conc.HCl-Pi and NaOH-Pi by secreting acetic acid and propionic acid, dissolved insoluble Conc.HCl-Po by secreting ACP and ALP, and converted into these insoluble P to Resin-Pi and NaHCO3-Pi which promoted the turnover of P pool. The structural equation model showed that the addition of small particle size PRP and the inoculation of PSB could directly increase the soil available P content, but the inoculation of PSB had a greater effect on available P. 【Conclusion】 Inoculation of phosphate- solubilizing bacterial can promote the activation of insoluble phosphorus in phosphate rock powder with the biggest increasement of available phosphorus for particle size of 0.05 mm, and biggest increasement of active phosphorus proportion for particle size of 0.18 mm. The two phosphate-solubilizing bacteria A. calcoaceticus and A. pittii mainly secreted organic acids and phosphatases, such as acetic acid and propionic acid, activated insoluble phosphorus, increased active phosphorus content, and improved the application effect of phosphate rock powder in red paddy soil.

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    Assessment of Application Efficacy for Agro-Forestry Absorbent Polymers and Their Environmental Risks
    WANG XiaoBin, YAN Xiang, LI XiuYing, SUN ZhaoKai, TU Cheng
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (6): 1117-1136.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.06.008
    Abstract143)   HTML10)    PDF (731KB)(342)       Save

    Since the performing of Seventh Five-Year (1986-1990) National Scientific and Technological Projects in China, when the national dryland farming research projects started, the super-absorbent polymers for agriculture and forestry (SAP-AF), as one of the technical products for drought-resistance and water-retention in agriculture and forestry, have been given concerned. A Chinese agricultural standard of Agro-forestry absorbent polymer (NY 886) was issued in 2004, and then revised three times in 2010, 2016 and 2022, respectively. However, so far there is still no relevant standard or regulation on experiment and assessment for the SAP-AF application efficacy, thus greatly affecting its promotion and application. Based on the literature review on the relevant research and application status of the SAP-AF for more than 30 years (1990-2023), this paper focused on the research about the effects of the SAP-AF application on soil water retention, crop water use, and crop yield, as well as environmental impact. The results showed as follows. (1) The SAP-AF products could enhance the ability to soil water storage and retention (especially for sandy soils), and be beneficial to protecting crop seedlings against drought, water-saving, and yield-increasing, as well as water use efficiency (WUE)-improving in dry-farming areas. (2) The assessment indicators (mainly including soil water storage, crop water consumption, crop yield, and WUE) were proposed to be applicable to evaluate the experiments for the SAP-AF product application efficacy. (3) According to the phenomenon that the SAP-AF application for crops in some regions could not always show a significant effect on yield increase, or sometimes had a negative return, it was proposed that SAP-AF application should formulate corresponding technical regulations, and determine the appropriate product types, and their application methods and dosage for crops. (4) The environmental safety of the SAP-AF products (mainly in the form of polyacrylamide or polyacrylic acid (PAM or PAA)-based materials) mainly involved the biodegradability of the PAM or PAA-based materials and the biological toxicity induced by the residual monomers (acrylamide or acrylic acid (AM or AA)) in the products. The residual AM or AA monomer content detected in the PAM or PAA-related products on the market were partly at the risk of exceeding the allowable limits (accounting for about 22%-100% of the total, referred to as the standard limits for some similar products). The review also indicated that some natural polymer materials such as such as starch grafted based polymer materials would be the replaycement of the SAP-AF in the future. The results of this study provided the reference for the formulation of evaluation standards or regulations for SAP-AF product application efficacy. It was suggested that relevant departments should strengthen the detection of residual monomer and its limit requirements for PAM or PAA-based SAP-AF products, and quantify the biodegradability index of products, in order to provide protection for the environmental safety of agricultural and forestry water protection agent products. It was suggested to strengthen the detection of residual AM or AA monomers, and research on the environmental safety threshold of residual monomers for such PAM or PAA-based SAP-AF products; but also need to further explore the relationship between the product biodegradability indicators in the soils and the safety of soil ecological environment, in order to ensure the product environmental safety.

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    Water and Carbon Footprint and Layout Optimization of Major Grain Crops in the Northwest China
    WANG ChuFan, NIU Jun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (6): 1137-1152.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.06.009
    Abstract221)   HTML22)    PDF (699KB)(174)       Save

    【Objective】 This paper assessed the carbon footprint and water footprint of major food crops in the northwest region, and established a multi-objective planting structure optimization model based on the carbon footprint and water footprint to adjust the spatial distribution of food crops in each province, so as to provide a theoretical basis for reducing carbon emissions and enhancing water resource management. 【Method】 Based on the planting area, yield, and agricultural inputs of wheat, maize, and rice in the northwest region, the carbon footprint was evaluated using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA); Based on evapotranspiration and effective precipitation, the water footprint was evaluated by Penman-Monteith formula; Multi objective optimization of the layout of three major grain crops in the five northwest provinces was performed based on entropy weight method. 【Result】 The data showed that the carbon footprint and water footprint of wheat, maize and rice in northwest China from 1999 to 2020 showed significant differences in different provinces. In the northwest region, the carbon emissions from the production of three grain crops, wheat, maize and rice showed a distribution pattern of higher levels in the eastern and western regions and lower levels in the central region; the range of carbon footprint per unit production (PCF) was 0.36-0.63, 0.33-0.56, 0.57-0.97 t CO2-eq·t-1, respectively; the carbon footprint per unit area (FCF) was (2.46±0.77), (3.21±0.49) and (5.57±0.91) t CO2-eq·hm-2, respectively. From 2010 to 2018, the total green water content of wheat, maize and rice in the northwest region showed a steady upward trend, with regions with higher average green water content distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia. The total amount of blue water showed an upward trend from 2010 to 2015, and a downward trend from 2015 to 2018. The regions with higher average total blue water were distributed in Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang. Among the three major grain crops in northwest China, maize consumes the least blue water footprint, with an average blue water footprint of 0.45 m3·kg-1; the blue water footprint consumption of rice was the largest, and the average production blue water footprint was 0.77 m3·kg-1. The optimization of food crop cultivation structure was performed, based on carbon and water footprints, using the cultivated area of different crops in each province as decision variables, and setting optimization scenarios focusing on reducing carbon emissions (ecological benefits) and increasing green water use (water resource benefits) according to different weights. In Scenario 1, the total carbon emissions decreased by 1.9% and the total green water increased by 5.0%; In scenario 2, the total carbon emissions decreased by 11.8%, while in scenario 3, the total utilization of green water increased by 6.7%. 【Conclusion】 There were significant spatial and temporal differences in carbon emissions and total water volume of the three major food crops in the Northwest Region. In terms of carbon footprint, the average FCF of the three major grain crops in the region shows an increasing trend, and the PCF shows a decreasing trend. In terms of water footprint, the green water footprint of the three major food crops in the region was higher than the national average, with maize having the largest green water footprint and rice having the smallest green water footprint. Under the premise of ensuring food crop security, the planting area of wheat has increased by 6.7%, while the planting area of maize and rice has decreased by 5.8% and 8.0%, respectively. The economic, resource, and ecological benefits have all been improved to a certain extent. In summary, multi-objective optimization could improve the utilization of green water resources, reduce carbon emissions, and alleviate environmental pressure.

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    Spatial Distribution and Driving Factors of Winter Wheat Irrigation Carbon Emission Intensity at Township Level in Henan Province
    ZHU RuiMing, ZHAO RongQin, JIAO ShiXing, LI XiaoJian, XIAO LianGang, XIE ZhiXiang, YANG QingLin, WANG Shuai, ZHANG HuiFang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (5): 950-964.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.05.010
    Abstract135)   HTML7)    PDF (2852KB)(94)       Save

    【Objective】The aim of this study was to explore the spatial distribution pattern and driving mechanism of agricultural carbon emissions of different townships and irrigation modes, and to reveal the regional differences of agricultural water and energy resources consumption combination characteristics, so as to provide necessary references for agricultural irrigation mode optimization, water and energy resources conservation and low-carbon agricultural sustainable development. 【Method】The irrigation carbon emission intensity and its spatial distribution of winter wheat at township level were calculated by using multi-source data, including remote sensing data, statistical data, meteorological data, and agricultural irrigation survey data. In addition, the geographical detector was employed to discuss the influencing factors of carbon emission intensity under different irrigation modes (Irrigation mode with rain-fed agriculture as the primary method, PI mode; Irrigation mode with surface water irrigation as the primary method, SWI mode; Irrigation mode with diversion and irrigation projects as the primary method, WDI mode; Irrigation mode with groundwater irrigation as the primary method, GI mode). 【Result】(1) In 2018, the average carbon emission intensity of winter wheat irrigation at the township level in Henan Province was 15.05 kg∙t-1, which showed a west-to-east decreasing trend in the longitudinal direction and a north-high-south-low spatial distribution pattern in the latitudinal direction. The mean value of mean carbon emission intensity at township level was 15.05 kg∙t-1. The high value townships was concentrated in the western mountainous region, while the lower gathered in the southeast region. (2) By comparing four irrigation modes, the irrigation mode with highest carbon emission intensity was the irrigation mode with rain-fed as the primary method (PI mode, 22.22 kg∙t-1), while the irrigation mode with groundwater irrigation as the primary method was the least ideal (SWI mode, 11.05 kg∙t-1). (3) The average elevation and effective precipitation explained 49% and 39% of the spatial differentiation pattern of carbon emission intensity, respectively, which were key factors influencing the carbon emission intensity of winter wheat irrigation. The effect of the same driving factor under different irrigation modes was variable. The influence of energy consumption on the spatial differentiation pattern of winter wheat irrigation carbon emission intensity under the irrigation mode dominated by water diversion irrigation projects (WDI mode) was the strongest, and the driving effect of land input intensity under the GI mode was the most significant. In addition, the interaction of different drivers had double-factor enhancement effects and non-linear enhancement effects. 【Conclusion】There was spatial heterogeneity and differences in irrigation mode in the carbon emission intensity of winter wheat irrigation at the township level in Henan Province. The PI mode was the mode with the highest winter wheat irrigation carbon emission intensity and the WDI mode was the mode with the highest carbon emissions. The average elevation and effective precipitation were the main reasons for the formation of spatially divergent patterns of irrigation carbon emission intensity of winter wheat at township scale in Henan Province, while anthropogenic factors were the dominant forces under different irrigation patterns.

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    Effects of Localized Nitrogen Supply on Plant Growth and Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies of Maize Seedling Under Drought Stress
    WANG Yu, ZHANG YuPeng, ZHU GuanYa, LIAO HangXi, HOU WenFeng, GAO Qiang, WANG Yin
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (5): 919-934.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.05.008
    Abstract150)   HTML4)    PDF (1337KB)(128)       Save

    【Objective】Frequent spring drought and excessive application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer would hinder maize seedling growth and development, and may negatively affect plant growth during middle-late periods and final grain yield. This study was conducted to determine the effects of localized supply of N fertilizer on maize seedling growth, root morphology, water and N utilization under drought stress conditions, ait of nitrogen inputs on graming to provide a technical basis for promoting root development, improving water and N use efficiencies, and achieving high and stable yields in maize production.【Method】The split-root pot experiments with different water and N levels were conducted in 2021 and 2022. Five N supply patterns were designed: no N supply (N0/N0), uniform low N supply (LN/LN), localized low N supply (LN/N0), uniform high N supply (HN/HN), and localized high N supply (HN/N0). The N rates were 0.12 and 0.24 g N·kg-1 dry soil for LN and HN levels, respectively. Water management was initiated from 3-leaf stage and lasted for 3 weeks, including three soil moisture content: severe water-stress (35% of field capacity, W0), moderate water-stress (55% of field capacity, W1), and well-watered conditions (75% of field capacity, W2). At the end of the water management period, plant growth traits, shoot dry matter (DM), shoot N uptake, root DM, root length, and water and N use efficiency (WUE, NUE) were measured. 【Result】 The water stress significantly limited plant growth, DM accumulation, and N uptake in maize seedlings, but increased root shoot ratio. Compared with W2, the total root length under W0 was reduced by 48.0%, while the effects were relatively less under W1. The water stress reduced NUE in maize, with average decreases of 10.1 and 4.6 percentage points under W0 and W1, respectively, compared to W2, and the WUE was decreased by 19.4% under W0 and increased by 11.9% under W1. The N supply patterns also significantly affected plant growth, DM accumulation, N uptake and utilization in maize seedlings, and the two factors of water and nitrogen showed significant interaction. Based on the results obtained in 2022, the highest shoot DM was observed in LN/LN, and which were 8.3%, 12.6% and 23.6% higher than those in N0/N0 under W0, W1 and W2, respectively. Nevertheless, the highest root DM was observed in LN/N0, with the increases of 9.5%, 17.0%, and 31.2% higher than that in N0/N0 under the three water levels. Moreover, the LN/N0 increased significantly root﹕shoot ratio under both W1 and W2. The HN/HN had the most severe negative impacts on maize seedling growth, with 30.1%, 14.6%, and 7.0% lower shoot DM as compared with N0/N0 under W0, W1 and W2, respectively. The larger decreases in root DM (41.0%, 44.2% and 34.9%, respectively) were observed in HN/HN, thus resulting in significant reductions in root﹕shoot ratio. The HN/N0 showed a relatively less effect on shoot DM, but significantly reduced root DM and root﹕shoot ratio. Compared with N0/N0, both HN/HN and HN/N0 resulted in significant decreases in root length, whereas LN/N0 significantly increased total root length by promoting root proliferation on the side without N supply. The application of N fertilizer significantly increased plant N uptake, with higher value in LN/LN but lower in LN/N0 across all water levels. With regard to NUE, which was higher in LN/LN while lower in HN/HN. The differences in N uptake and NUE among treatments increased with reducing water stress levels. Both plant water consumption and WUE were higher in LN/LN and LN/N0, followed by HN/N0, whereas the lowest values were observed in HN/HN. Compared with N0/N0, uniform or localized low N supply showed promoting effects on maize seedling growth, while uniform or localized high N supply had negative effects that intensified with increasing water stress levels. Overall, localized N supply had a greater effect on root growth relative to uniform N supply, inducing a morphological plasticity response in the root system. The correlation analysis results indicated that shoot DM, WUE and NUE had positive and significant relationships with total root length of maize seedlings across different water levels and N supply patterns. For the localized N supply treatments, the correlation between root length on the side without N supply and shoot DM, WUE and NUE was higher.【Conclusion】In comparison to uniform N supply, the localized N supply effectively promoted root proliferation on the side without N supply during maize seedling stage, resulting in increased root DM and total root length. Hence, the localized supply with a lower N rate was recommended to enhance drought tolerance of maize seedlings and improve WUE.

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    Effects of Biochar and Straw Return on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming Potential in the Farmland
    GAO ShangJie, LIU XingRen, LI YingChun, LIU XiaoWan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (5): 935-949.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.05.009
    Abstract283)   HTML16)    PDF (3395KB)(273)       Save

    【Objective】The global warming potential of agro-ecosystem is an important part of affecting global climate change. This study clarified the effects of biochar and straw application on the global warming potential of farmland through field experiments, in order to provide theoretical basis for mitigating climate change and agricultural waste resource utilization. 【Method】In our study, a three-year field positioning experiment was carried out in the winter wheat-summer maize rotation farmland in the Agro-ecosystem Experimental Station in Huantai County, Shandong Province. Four treatments were set up in the experiment: ① control (CK); ② biochar (C); ③ straw return(S); ④ straw return combined with biochar (CS). The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied in all treatments. The nitrogen fertilizer was 200 kg·hm-2·a-1 urea, the phosphate fertilizer was 55 kg·hm-2·a-1 superphosphate and the potassium fertilizer was 40 kg·hm-2·a-1 potassium sulfate. We measured the flux of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O and CH4) by static chamber-gas chromatography method, calculated the net global warming potential (NGWP) and greenhouse gas emission intensity (GHGI), and analyzed the effect of biochar and straw on the greenhouse gas emissions and the net global warming potential. 【Result】(1) From the emission of greenhouse gases in the three-year experiment, the average annual cumulative Re emissions of S and CS treatments increased by 47.8% and 67.9% (P<0.05), respectively, compared with CK. The average annual cumulative N2O emission under C treatment reduced by 20.3% than CK treatment (P<0.05), and the cumulative N2O emission under S and CS treatments increased by 23.6% and 41.4% (P<0.05), respectively. (2) In comparison with CK treatment, soil organic carbon change (ΔSOC) of C, S and CS treatments increased significantly, and the largest increase was in the CS treatment by 150.6% (P<0.05). Compared with the first year, soil organic carbon change (ΔSOC) of C, S and CS treatments increased by 21.7%, 20.8% and 17.8% (P<0.05), respectively. There were significant differences in net global warming potential (NGWP) and greenhouse gas emission intensity (GHGI) among all treatments. Compared with CK treatment, the average annual NGWP of C, S and CS treatments decreased by 163.5%, 171.7% and 273.0% (P<0.05). Compared with the first year, the NGWP of C, S and CS treatments in the third year decreased by 73.4%, 58.8% and 54.7% (P<0.05), respectively. The annual average GHGI of C, S and CS treatments decreased by 236.2%, 253.3% and 388.9% than CK treatment (P<0.05), respectively. In comparison with the first rotation, the GHGI of C, S and CS treatments in the third rotation decreased significantly by 126.3%, 98.2% and 108.6% (P<0.05), respectively. The yield of C, S and CS treatments remained stable with a slight increase, but there was no significant difference between the yield of CK, C, S and CS treatments. 【Conclusion】Compared with applying chemical fertilizer alone, the methods of adding biochar, straw return and straw return combined with biochar could prevent the NGWP without reducing crop yield. Among these treatments, straw return combined with biochar could reduce the net global warming potential to the greatest extent. Therefore, straw return combined with biochar is an effective measure to enhance carbon sequestration and mitigate climate change.

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    Investigation on Potential of Replacing Chemical Fertilizer for Crop Straw and Livestock Manure Organic Fertilizer in Shandong Province
    MA RongHui, YANG WuJie, YU Lei, YANG ZeLong, WANG Jian, GUO YueSheng
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (4): 721-739.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.04.008
    Abstract169)   HTML9)    PDF (3295KB)(149)       Save

    【Objective】The quantity and total nutrient of crop straw, livestock and poultry manure resources were calculated, and their potential to replace chemical fertilizers was estimated, so as to provide the data support for the overall and rational utilization of organic fertilizer resources in Shandong. 【Method】Based on the crops (wheat, corn, rice/rice, soybean, potato, peanut and cotton) and livestock/poultry (cattle, pig, sheep, poultry and rabbit), the grass-grain ratio and excretion coefficient methods were used to calculate the total amounts of organic fertilizer and total nutrients in Shandong in 2020, and the potential of organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer was estimated. 【Result】 (1) In 2020, the total amount of straw resources was 7 616.8×104 t, and the total amount of nutrients was 163.2×104 t, in Shandong. The theoretical potential of straw nutrients to replace chemical fertilizers was 42.9%, while the actual potential was 20.9%. The theoretical potential of N, P2O5 and K2O in straw to replace chemical fertilizers was 35.3%, 9.0% and 92.2%, respectively, while the actual potential was 12.5%, 4.2% and 53.7%, respectively. The total amount of straw resources increased by 16.8% from 2016 to 2020. (2) In 2020, the total amount of livestock and poultry manure resources was 9 131.2×104 t, the total amount of nutrients was 82.7×104 t, in Shandong. The theoretical potential of livestock and poultry manure nutrient resources to replace chemical fertilizers was 21.7%, and the actual potential was 19.5%; the theoretical substitution potential of N, P2O5 and K2O resources in livestock manure was 19.6%, 11.4% and 36.4%, respectively, while the actual substitution potential was 17.7%, 10.3% and 32.9%, respectively. From 2016 to 2020, the total amount of livestock and poultry manure resources decreased by 25.4%. (3) The theoretical potential of crop straw and livestock manure nutrients in different regions of Shandong to replace chemical fertilizers was as followed: Northwest Shandong>South Shandong>South Central Shandong>Central Shandong>East Shandong. Northwest Shandong and South Shandong were with the highest potential of 77.0% and 75.6%, respectively; East Shandong was with the lowest of 46.5%. Among them, Dezhou had the greatest potential of 95.3%, followed by 92.6% of Dongying and 91.2% of Binzhou. Yantai and Weihai were with the smallest of 35.5% and 40.6%, respectively. (4) The theoretical potential of different types of resources of crop straw and livestock/poultry manure nutrients to replace chemical fertilizers were as followed: corn (16.7%)>wheat (16.2%)>potato (4.9%)>peanut (3.6%)>rice (0.7%)>cotton (0.4%), soybean (0.4%)>cow manure (8.7%)>pig manure (6.5%)>sheep manure (3.2%)>poultry manure (3.2%)>rabbit manure (0.1%).【Conclusion】In 2020, the total amount of straw and livestock manure resources was 16 748.0×104 t, and the total amount of nutrients was 245.9×104 t, in Shandong. The theoretical potential of straw and livestock manure nutrient resources to replace chemical fertilizers was 64.6%, and the actual potential was 40.4%. The theoretical substitution potential of N, P2O5 and K2O in straw and livestock manure was 54.8%, 20.4% and 128.6%, respectively, and the actual substitution potential was 30.2%, 14.5% and 86.6%, respectively. The organic fertilizer resources of crop straw and livestock manure in western, northern and southern Shandong were very rich, while those in central and eastern Shandong were relatively few. There were more organic fertilizer resources of crop straws, such as corn and wheat, and more organic fertilizer resources of livestock, and poultry manure, such as cattle and pigs. Efficient and rational use of organic fertilizer resources, such as crop straws and livestock and poultry manure, was an important guarantee for reducing fertilizer application and increasing efficiency.

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    Water Utilization and Economic Benefit of Wheat Multiple Cropping with Green Manure Under Nitrogen Reduction in Hexi Irrigation Area of Northwest China
    MA BiJiao, CHEN GuiPing, GOU ZhiWen, YIN Wen, FAN ZhiLong, HU FaLong, FAN Hong, HE Wei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (4): 740-754.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.04.009
    Abstract278)   HTML13)    PDF (614KB)(156)       Save

    【Objective】 In view of the problems of excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer and lower water resource utilization efficiency and economic benefits in crop production in the irrigation area of Hexi Oasis, the aim of this study was to explore the effects of multiple green manures after wheat and moderate reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer on the water consumption characteristics and economic benefit of wheat field. 【Method】 From 2019 to 2020, a split plot experiment was conducted in the oasis irrigation area of Hexi, Gansu province. Two planting patterns were set up in the main area, namely, multiple cropping of green manure after wheat harvest (W-G) and single cropping of wheat (W). In the sub-plot, there were five nitrogen application levels, namely no nitrogen application (N0), conventional nitrogen application level 180 kg·hm-2 (N4), reduced 45% nitrogen application (N1), reduced 30% nitrogen application (N2), and reduced 15% nitrogen application (N3).【Result】Grain yield of wheat and systematic biothermal energy were significantly increased by multiple green manure after wheat (W-G) and the moderate reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, in 2019 and 2020, which increased by 10.8% and 12.4%, respectively, and the yield of systematic biothermal energy increased by 37.8% and 40.3%, respectively. Compared with nitrogen reduction of 15% (W-G-N3) in sole wheat and traditional nitrogen application (W-N4) in sole wheat, the grain yield increased by 6.9%-16.7% and 7.9%-13.6%, respectively, and the biothermal energy yield increased by 52.0%-62.2% and 27.1%-58.9%, respectively. The water consumption of W-G decreased by 6.3%-16.0% compared with that of W wheat growing stage, and W-G-N3 decreased the seasonal water consumption of W-N3 and W-N4 by 13.4%-20.5% and 20.8%-29.0%, respectively. Repeated planting of green manure could improve the water use efficiency of wheat, and W-G increased by 7.9% and 19.2%, respectively. In 2019, compared with W-N3 and W-N4, the WUE of W-G-N3 increased by 23.5% and 5.1%, respectively. Compared with W-N3 and W-N4, W-G-N3 could improve the energy yield of per unit water efficiency of the system, which was increased by 2.7%-14.5% and 9.3%-17.5%, respectively. Compared with the W and W-G increased the cost input, and the gross output also increased. In 2019, the net return of W-G-N3 increased by 9.8% and 9.5% compared with W-N3 and W-N4, respectively; in 2020, the net return of W-G-N3 decreased by 15.6% and 15.7% compared with W-N3 and W-N4, respectively. In 2019 and 2020, the output/input of multiple cropping green manure after wheat harvest reduced by 20.7% and 23.1% compared with sole wheat, and the output/input of W-G-N3 was 14.8%-23.1% compared with W-N3 and W-N4, and W-G reduced the benefit per cubic meter water of the system due to more resources input. 【Conclusion】In the Hexi oasis irrigation areas, multiple green manure after wheat combined with moderate reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer could improve crop yield and economic benefit, as well as water resource utilization efficiency, among which the comprehensive effect of multiple green manure after wheat combined with 15% nitrogen treatment is outstanding, which could be used as an ideal planting pattern and nitrogen application level to improve water resource utilization and farmers' income.

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    Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization Levels on Grain Yield, Plant Nitrogen Utilization Characteristics and Grain Quality of Foxtail Millet
    DONG ErWei, WANG Yuan, WANG JinSong, LIU QiuXia, HUANG XiaoLei, JIAO XiaoYan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (2): 306-318.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.02.007
    Abstract210)   HTML19)    PDF (3404KB)(153)       Save

    【Objective】 To provide the theoretical basis for rational nitrogen (N) application and promoting high yield and high quality of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.), this study aimed to clarify the effects of different N application rates on plant N utilization characteristics, grain yield and grain quality of foxtail millet. 【Method】 To investigate the effects of different N application levels on plant N accumulation, transfer and utilization characteristics, grain yield and its components, grain micronutrients content and pasting properties, a 2-year field experiment (2020-2021) was performed with different N fertilization application at four levels (0, 75, 120, and 150 kg·hm-2, represented as N0, N75, N120, and N150, respectively) in the Qinxian County of Shanxi Province, located in the spring sowing region of China.【Result】 Compared with N0, N application increased panicle number per unit area at harvest, grain number per panicle and plant productivity of foxtail millet. N application also significantly enhanced N translocation and promoted the distribution of both dry matter and N in grains. As a consequence, an enhanced grain yield was obtained when subjected to N application. Further, among all treatments, the highest values of panicle number per unit area at harvest, grain number per panicle, both grain yield and biomass, harvest index, total N accumulation and N translocation efficiency were obtained when 75 kg·hm-2 was supplied; compared with the values produced by N0, the increased rate reached 7.5%, 23.3%, 31.0%, 21.2%, 8.6%, 40.3% and 9.2% by N75, respectively. Compared with N0 treatment, the content of Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg and Se in foxtail millet grains under N75 treatment were increased by 37.3%, 43.6%, 56.0%, 30.5% and 16.9% at most, respectively. Excessive N application (N 150) decreased grain number, harvest index and N translocation efficiency compared with N75 treatment. More than 75 kg·hm-2 application resulted in diminished N translocation efficiency, by 23.1% and 28.1%, in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The content of amylopectin and starch yield were also limited by excessive N. Over-use N fertilizer also significantly decreased final viscosity, setback and trough viscosity. Pearson correlation coefficients demonstrated a strong positive relationship between plant N accumulation and the content of Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg and Se in foxtail millet grains, and a significant negative relationship between plant N accumulation and the content of amylopectin, final viscosity and trough viscosity in foxtail millet grains.【Conclusion】 The N application at 75-120 kg·hm-2 could promoted the allocation of dry matter and N in grain, which was relative to the enhanced N transfer from vegetative organs to grains. Also the reasonable pasting properties and biofortification of beneficial trace elements of Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg and Se was produced by such N dose in this study area.

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    Effects of Irrigation Water Temperature and Nitrogen Application Rate on Soil Hydrothermal Environment and Cotton Growth and Yield Under Mulched Drip Irrigation
    HE Jing, WANG ZhenHua, LIU Jian, MA ZhanLi, WEN Yue
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2024, 57 (2): 319-335.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.02.008
    Abstract233)   HTML34)    PDF (2141KB)(211)       Save

    【Objective】 The response mechanism of soil hydrothermal environment and cotton growth to irrigation water temperature and nitrogen application rate under mulched drip irrigation was explored to determine the reasonable irrigation water temperature and nitrogen application rate of drip irrigation cotton in northern Xinjiang.【Method】 A two-factor completely randomized experimental design was conducted with "Xinluzao 42" cotton as the experimental material with four irrigation water temperature levels (15 ℃ (T0), 20 ℃ (T1), 25 ℃ (T2), and 30 ℃ (T3)) and three nitrogen application levels (250 kg·hm-2 (F1), 300 kg·hm-2 (F2), and 350 kg·hm-2 (F3)). The effects of nitrogen application on soil hydrothermal environment, cotton growth and yield, and water and nitrogen use efficiency under different irrigation water temperature were analyzed.【Result】 The conventional irrigation water temperature and low nitrogen treatment reduced soil temperature, inhibited cotton growth, decreased boll number per plant and seed cotton yield. Suitable irrigation water and nitrogen application could improve the soil's hydrothermal environment, promote cotton growth and development, and improve seed cotton yield and water and nitrogen utilization. Compared with 15 ℃ of conventional irrigation water temperature, the warming irrigation significantly increased the soil temperature by 0.58-3.30 ℃, and soil water storage was reduced by 1.2%-7.2%, while soil respiration rate was significantly increased by 5.7%-28.0%; cotton plant height, leaf area index, and above-ground dry matter accumulation increased and then decreased with the increase of irrigation water temperature, and reached the maximum at 25 ℃. With increasing nitrogen application rate, soil water storage decreased by 3.3%-6.7%, soil respiration rate increased significantly by 3.6%-9.5%, cotton plant height increased significantly by 3.2%-4.9%, leaf area index increased significantly by 5.8%-11.0%, and above-ground dry matter accumulation increased significantly by 1.2%-2.2%, these indicators all reached the maximum under 350 kg·hm-2 nitrogen fertilizer application. Water use efficiency, nitrogen fertilizer bias productivity, and seed cotton yield all increased and then decreased with the increase of irrigation water temperature, and showed a trend of “increasing, decreasing, and increasing” with the increase of nitrogen application. The path analysis showed that soil temperature directly affected seed cotton yield, while nitrogen application indirectly affected seed cotton yield by promoting cotton growth. The seed cotton yield and water use efficiency reached the maximum under T2F2 treatment, which were 6 652.3 kg·hm-2 and 1.17 kg·m-3, respectively. But the nitrogen fertilizer bias productivity was significantly greater under T2F2 treatment (22.17 kg·kg-1) than that under T2F3 treatment (18.80 kg·kg-1).【Conclusion】 Considering the effects of irrigation water temperature and nitrogen application on soil temperature, soil respiration rate, cotton growth, yield, and water and nitrogen utilization rate, a suitable combination of irrigation water temperature of 25 ℃ and nitrogen application rate of 300 kg·hm-2 were recommended in northern Xinjiang.

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    40 Years’ Change Characteristics of Soil Basic Properties in the Main Planting Area of Winter Oilseed Rape
    HUO RunXia, ZHANG Zhe, LI WenPing, ZHANG YangYang, LIAO ShiPeng, REN Tao, LI XiaoKun, LU ZhiFeng, CONG RiHuan, LU JianWei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2023, 56 (23): 4696-4705.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.23.011
    Abstract277)   HTML24)    PDF (722KB)(301)       Save

    【Objective】The objective of this study was to investigate the changes in basic physical and chemical properties of soils in the main winter oilseed rape producing areas in the Yangtze River Basin over the past 40 years, and to clarify the characteristics of changes in comprehensive soil fertility of arable land in winter rape growing areas, in order to provide a scientific basis for conservation and soil fertility improvement in low and middle yielding fields in the Yangtze River Basin.【Method】By collecting and organizing the data from published literatures, master’s and doctoral dissertations at home and abroad in the past 40 years, the temporal variation characteristics of basic soil properties in winter oilseed rape growing areas in the Yangtze River Basin were analyzed. Then the variation characteristics of integrated soil fertility (IFI) and its correlation with basic soil physical and chemical properties were evaluated. 【Result】The average values of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium, and pH in the main winter oilseed rape producing areas of the Yangtze River Basin were 18.54 g·kg-1, 1.16 mg·kg-1, 8.60 mg·kg-1, 42.90 mg·kg-1, and 6.26 during the period of 1981-1990, respectively, but enhanced to 25.60 g·kg-1, 1.41 mg·kg-1, 18.66 mg·kg-1, 108.98 mg·kg-1, and 6.31 by 2016-2020, respectively. Clearly, the soil basic physical and chemical properties have been improved extensively in planting area of winter oilseed rape in the Yangtze River Basin. The average annual increase rate was 1.2% in soil organic matter and 0.7% in soil total nitrogen. Soil available phosphorus and available potassium were enhanced by 3.0% and 4.0% per year, respectively. Soil pH remained stable in the past 40 years, with the mean range of 6.21-6.45 among different periods. Based on the improved Nemerow index method, soil IFI value was also found enhanced in the past four decades. Compared with the mean IFI in the period of 1981-2000, the value was significantly increased by 14.8%-30.4% during the period of 2001-2020. The IFI was positively correlated with soil organic matter, pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium. Path analysis showed that soil available potassium was the most important index affecting IFI, followed by soil total nitrogen and available phosphorus. 【Conclusion】The basic physical and chemical properties and comprehensive fertility of the soil was significantly improved in the past 40 years in the planting area of winter oilseed rape. Developing the planting area of oilseed rape would be benefit for soil fertility and productivity improvement in the Yangtze River Basin, especially for the farmland with low yield productivity.

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    Interaction Between Transverse Ridge Tillage and Topography on Soil Erodibility Along the Long Gentle Slope in a Typical Black Soil Region of Northeast China
    YU BoWei, ZHANG QingWen, HAO Zhuo, SHI YuLong, LI XueLiang, LI MengNi, JING XueKai
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2023, 56 (23): 4706-4716.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.23.012
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    【Objective】The soil erosion of slope farmland in Chinese black soil region is becoming more and more serious. This study mainly focused on the interaction between transverse ridge tillage and topography on soil erodibility, which could provide a scientific theoretical basis for precise prevention of soil erosion of slope farmland in black soil region. 【Method】A typical slope farmland in the Hongxing farm in Beian city of Heilongjiang Province was selected as research object. A total of 25 sampling points were designed along both the transverse ridge tillage direction and longitudinal waterline direction. The soil erodibility K values of the corresponding sample points were calculated and tested by One-way ANOVA method. The influence factors of soil erodibility K value were analyzed by using the geographic detector model. 【Result】In the transverse ridge tillage direction, the ridge soil erodibility decreased gradually from the top to the foot of slope, and the K value decreased by 6.2%. The furrow soil erodibility decreased gradually from the shoulder to the foot of slope, and the K value decreased by 5.8%. In the waterline direction, due to the blocking effect of ridge terrace on surface runoff, soil erodibility K value of ridge and furrow did not change significantly along the slope. Geodetector analysis showed that the influence of the transverse ridge tillage on soil erodibility K value was the greatest, and its interpretation rate was more than 51% and 18% in the ridge and furrow, respectively. The transverse ridge tillage and other factors had a significant interaction enhancement effect on K value, particularly the interaction between the transverse ridge tillage and topography. 【Conclusion】 The soil erodibility K value of slope farmland in the black soil region had obvious spatial variability. There was significant interaction between the transverse ridge tillage and topography on soil erodibility. The transverse ridge tillage could significantly intercept runoff and reduce soil erosion. Due to the long slope in the transverse ridge tillage, it was easy to collect runoff at the foot of the slope, and increase the potential risk of ridge failure.

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    Research Progress on the Carbon and Nitrogen Sink of Duckweed Growing in Paddy and Its Effects on Rice Yield
    JING LiQuan, LI Fan, ZHAO YiHan, WANG XunKang, ZHAO FuCheng, LAI ShangKun, SUN XiaoLin, WANG YunXia, YANG LianXin
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2023, 56 (23): 4717-4728.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.23.013
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    Duckweed (Lemna minor L.) is a floating microscopic plant that is usually found in standing water. Climate change is characterized by rising temperature, which is mainly due to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, and it poses potential risks to food production. Owing to factors such as climate warming and/or the eutrophication of water, duckweed growth in paddy fields has shown an increasing trend year by year in China. This paper focused on the impacts of duckweed on paddy fields and highlighted some vital trends. Duckweed reduced the water temperature of paddy by 0.86-2.76 ℃ and the pH value by 0.10-0.45, changed the structure of microbial community, reduced the NH3 volatilization by 18.2%-59.0%, and increased the nitrogen utilization rate by 17.2%-78.0%. As a result, the nitrogen sink of paddy increased and the rice yield rose by 9.0%-34.6% upon duckweed growing in paddy. Duckweed grew and reproduced rapidly, and its annual biomass could reach 8×103-13×103 kg·hm-2, making its carbon sink almost equal to that of rice in the same season. The mutualism between duckweed and rice was greater than its competition, and the coexistence of duckweed and rice in paddy showed an adaptation of the rice field ecosystem to environmental changes. Future research in this field should focus on the effect and its mechanism of duckweed on the paddy environment changes, rice growth, yield, and quality, and the risks which might bring to the paddy fields, especially the interaction with environmental factors (elevated temperature and CO2 concentration, etc.). Such research would provide theoretical support for the sustainable agricultural development of rice farming technology based on biological collaboration, such as rice-duckweed, which can adapt to future changes in climate and environment.

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    Characteristics and Succession of Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Communities in Continuous Cropping Watermelon
    GUO HanYue, WANG DongSheng, RUAN Yang, QIAO YiZhu, ZHANG YunTao, LI Ling, HUANG QiWei, GUO ShiWei, LING Ning, SHEN QiRong
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2023, 56 (21): 4245-4258.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.21.009
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    【Objective】The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of continuous cropping on the construction and potential functions of bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere soil of watermelon, and to clarify the adaptability of rhizosphere microorganisms to environmental changes, so as to provide a theoretical basis for ecological control of watermelon continuous cropping obstacles and healthy maintenance of farmland.【Method】In this study, the rhizosphere soil of watermelon without continuous cropping (CK), continuous cropping for 2 times and continuous cropping for 6 times was used as the research object. 16S rRNA and ITS high-throughput sequencing were used to analyze the effects of continuous cropping on the bacterial and fungal communities of rhizosphere soil of watermelon.【Result】With the increasing continuous cropping times, the bacterial diversity index in the rhizosphere soil of watermelon showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing, while the fungal diversity index decreased significantly. At the bacterial genus level, multiple times of continuous cropping decreased the relative abundance of Sphingomonas and Lysobacter in watermelon rhizosphere soil; at the fungal genus level, the relative abundance of Fusarium increased with the continuous cropping times. Compared with CK, the network complexity of continuous cropping was higher, but the stability of network structure was lower. In addition, compared with CK, the relative abundance of biodegradation pathways of harmful substances and metabolic pathways of amino acids could be significantly reduced after continuous cropping for 6 times; the relative abundance of pathogenic fungi significantly increased in the fungal community after continuous cropping for 6 times. During community succession, the stochastic processes dominated rhizosphere bacterial community construction in watermelon under continuous cropping, while the deterministic processes dominated rhizosphere fungal community construction in watermelon.【Conclusion】Continuous cropping caused changes in community characteristics, functional composition and succession process of rhizosphere bacteria and fungi. The decrease of key functions of bacterial community, the increase of pathologic fungi and the decrease of stability of microbial community network might be the important factors leading to occurrence of watermelon continuous cropping obstacles.

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    Spatial-Temporal Variability Characteristics and Main Controlling Factors of Soil Fertility in Shouyang County of Cinnamon Soil Area
    SHEN Tong, WANG HengFei, DU WenBo, ZHOU HuaiPing, WANG Rui, ZHANG JianJie, JIN DongSheng, XU MingGang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2023, 56 (21): 4259-4271.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.21.010
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    【Objective】The main controlling factors of soil fertility and temporal and spatial evolution characteristics in typical county of cinnamon soil region were investigated, so as to provide the basis for scientific management of nutrients and soil fertilization.【Method】Based on the data of soil fertility, including soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK) and pH, at Shouyang County in 1983, 2007 and 2017, the Nemerow index method was used to calculate the comprehensive index of soil fertility, the random forest method was used to explore the main controlling factors of soil fertility, and the combined method of GIS and geostatistics was used to determine the temporal and spatial variability characteristics and the distribution patterns of the comprehensive index of soil fertility and its main factors.【Result】(1) The overall level of cultivated land soil fertility showed an upward trend in Shouyang County during the past 34 years, and the comprehensive index of soil fertility increased by 0.26, which changed from 1.16 to 1.42. The changes of soil fertility index were characterized by stages. From 1983 to 2007, the average annual increases of SOM, TN and AK were 0.09 g·kg-1, 0.0021 g·kg-1 and 1.61 mg·kg-1, respectively, while the changes of AP were not significant. From 2007 to 2017, SOM, TN and AP increased significantly, with the average annual increases of 0.25 g·kg-1, 0.01 g·kg-1 and 0.31 mg·kg-1, respectively, while the changes of AK were not significant. (2) The analysis results of the random forest model showed that, the main controlling factors of soil fertility were TN and SOM in 1983, with the importance of 75.3% and 17.8%, respectively. In 2007, the main controlling factors of soil fertility became AK, AP and TN, with the importance of 31.8%, 27.1% and 26.8%, respectively. In 2017, the main controlling factors were TN, AK and AP, and the importance for the three factors were 31.8%, 27.1% and 26.8%, respectively. (3) There were certain spatial differences in the main controlling factors of soil fertility. From 1983 to 2007, SOM increased in the whole county; TN decreased in the northwest and central regions, but increased in other regions; AP decreased in the north regions, but increased in the south regions; AK increased in the whole county. From 2007 to 2017, SOM increased fast in the southeast regions but slow in other regions; TN decreased in the middle regions but increased in other regions; AP decreased in the east regions, but increased in other regions; AK decreased in the east and west regions, but increased in the central region.【Conclusion】After 34 years, the cultivated land soil fertility of Shouyang County has been improved, and SOM, TN, AP and AK were the main controlling factors affecting the soil fertility variability. SOM, TN and AP increased fast in the south regions, while AK increased fast in the east regions. It was suggested that the whole Shouyang County still needed to increase the application of nitrogen fertilizer moderately, especially in the central region, and stabilize the application of phosphate fertilizer, while control the application of potassium fertilizer in the future.

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