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    Agriculture and Low-Carbon Development Strategy in China
    QI Ye, LI Hui-Min, WANG Xiao
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2012, 45 (1): 1-6.   DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.01.001
    Abstract760)      PDF (340KB)(1254)       Save
    Carbon emission is the major cause of global climate change and a seriously constraint for sustainable development. Agriculture, characterized by its low emission, high carbon productivity and high sequestration capacity, is uniquely positioned with tremendous competitive advantage for low carbon development and thus should be reconsidered as a strategic industry in national development. At the national level, agriculture plays an important role in low carbon development as a low-carbon, ecological, and technological intensive industry. Low-carbon agriculture would not only help improve environmental quality but should also enhance food productivity and quality. The renewable energy production and carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) application in agriculture can make a great contribution to the objective of national low-carbon development and the benefit of rural economy.
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    Developing the agro-grassland system to insure food security of China
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2007, 40 (3): 614-621.   DOI: 10.3864/
    Abstract1462)      PDF (348KB)(1047)       Save
    In China, the concern over food has been given first priority. The concept of food has been narrowed to something equivalent to grain or foodstuff due to the traditional idea that "food was the heavenly principle to people". The ideas of "foodstuff would be shared by human beings and livestock" and "foodstuff-pig agriculture" caused a big dilemma to the stratagem of safegarding China's food security. The concept of Food Equivalent Unit is introduced and the midium and long term goals in development of Chinese food system based on the 2 +5 model was proposed. The model would be not only able to yield enough grain production for people to consume but also able to produce the amount of fodder twice over the grain. Advantages of the agro-rassland system should be fully taken in order to develop the produtive potentials of the Farmland Equivalent Unit in China thereby to solve the problems of Chinese food security fundamentally.
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    An Empirical Study on Agricultural Support of Agricultural Policy in China
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica    2007, 40 (3): 622-627.   DOI: 10.3864/
    Abstract1569)      PDF (317KB)(1123)       Save
    This paper makes an empirical analysis on the agricultural support in China for the period of 1994-2003 by using the OECD methodology. The research findings demonstrate that the general support level to agriculture shows an upward tendency; the policies such as the increase of investment on rural infrastructure make the general services support estimate increased; market support policy and the reform of tax and fee make the producer support estimate change from negative to positive. Nevertheless, the support level in China is still very low compared to some developed countries, the Chinese government should further substantially increase the support to agriculture.
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