中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (22): 4553-4567.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.22.013

• 食品科学与工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


周晓倩1,2(), 李晓贝2, 张艳梅2, 周昌艳2, 任佳丽1, 赵晓燕2()   

  1. 1 中南林业科技大学食品科学与工程学院,长沙 410007
    2 上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所,上海 201403
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-31 接受日期:2024-07-24 出版日期:2024-11-16 发布日期:2024-11-22
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 周晓倩,Tel:15066651235;。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Origin on the Volatile Flavor Components of Morels Based on GC-IMS and GC×GC-ToF-MS

ZHOU XiaoQian1,2(), LI XiaoBei2, ZHANG YanMei2, ZHOU ChangYan2, REN JiaLi1, ZHAO XiaoYan2()   

  1. 1 College of Food Science and Engineering, South Central University of Forestry Science and Technology, Changsha 410007
    2 Institute for Agri-Food Standards and Testing Technology, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403
  • Received:2024-05-31 Accepted:2024-07-24 Published:2024-11-16 Online:2024-11-22


【目的】筛选不同产地羊肚菌特征挥发性化合物,揭示不同产地羊肚菌风味特征。【方法】在上海、江苏、云南、青海、湖南和湖北6地按当地生产模式栽培六妹羊肚菌,以冻干后的羊肚菌干制品为研究材料,运用顶空固相微萃取结合气相离子迁移谱(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry,GC-IMS)以及全二维气相色谱-飞行时间质谱(comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-tlight mass spectrometry,GC×GC-ToF-MS)法对6个地区羊肚菌的风味成分及含量进行鉴定,开展主成分、聚类和多因素分析,并建立基本的数据库。【结果】GC-IMS共检出183种挥发性化合物,云南地区羊肚菌醇类和杂环类物质较多,且与其他地区相比有显著差异;湖南地区羊肚菌1-辛烯-3-醇含量高于其他地区;江苏地区羊肚菌含有的醛类物质最多。GC×GC-ToF-MS共检出245种挥发性化合物,经过多元统计分析,云南地区和其他5个地区羊肚菌挥发性成分存在差异,这一结果与GC-IMS的结果相互印证。为进一步揭示不同生产地区的特征风味及环境影响因素,对差异性化合物进行气味活性值(odor activity value,OAV)分析且与环境因子进行相关性分析。结果表明3-甲基-1-丁醇、正己醇和1-辛烯-3-醇为各产地共有香味物质,提供果香和蘑菇香气。以云南地区为参比对象,与其他地区的共同差异性挥发性化合物中有12种被鉴定为关键香气化合物(OAV>1)。云南地区羊肚菌的特征风味物质为2,5-二甲基吡嗪(OAV=387.97)、2,3-二甲基吡嗪(OAV=209.65)、2-甲基吡嗪(OAV=13.02)和乙酸甲酯(OAV=3.13),特征香气为烘烤味和果香味,其形成与当地的沙质土壤、较高温度和较大温差有关;湖南地区羊肚菌的特征风味物质为1-辛烯-3-醇(OAV=17930.58)和2-甲基-2-丁烯醛(OAV=8.60),特征香气为花香和蘑菇香;上海地区羊肚菌的特征风味物质为α-亚乙基-苯乙醛(OAV=387.97),特征香气为花香味,也含有较高的刺激性气味物质甲基乙基硫醚(OAV=7.78);江苏地区羊肚菌的特征风味物质为2-戊基呋喃(OAV=97.23),特征香气为甘草气味,其形成与土壤中有机质含量高具有相关性。湖北和青海地区羊肚菌特征风味较弱,此外,青海地区挥发性物质含量与海拔相关。【结论】通过GC-IMS和GC×GC-ToF-MS技术筛选出云南、湖南、江苏、上海、湖北和青海地区羊肚菌的特征挥发性风味物质,并初步探索了其风味形成的环境影响因素,表明通过特征挥发性风味物质区分羊肚菌的产地具有可行性。

关键词: 羊肚菌, 挥发性风味物质, 产地, GC-IMS, GC×GC-ToF-MS


【Objective】This research aimed to screen the characteristic volatile compounds of morels from different origins and to reveal the flavor characteristics of morels from different origins. 【Method】 The same variety of Morchella sextelata were grown in six producing areas of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Qinghai, Hunan and Hubei according to the local production model. The freeze-dried morels were analyzed by gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-ToF-MS) to identify the types and content of volatile components. Principal component, cluster and multi-factor analysis were performed for these compounds, and a basic database was established.【Result】A total of 183 volatile compounds were detected by GC-IMS. Compared with other regions, morels from Yunnan had a higher abundance and significant differences in alcohols and heterocyclic substances. The content of 1-octen-3-ol in morels from Hunan was higher than that from other regions. Meanwhile, morels from Jiangsu contain the highest aldehyde content. A total of 245 volatile compounds were detected by GC×GC-ToF-MS, and multivariate statistical analysis revealed differences in the volatile components of morels from Yunnan compared wtih five other regions, which was consistent with the results obtained from GC-IMS. In order to further reveal the characteristic flavors and environmental factors of different production areas, the odor activity value (OAV) of the differential compounds was analyzed and the correlation analysis with environmental factors was performed. The results showed that 3-methyl-1-butanol, n-hexanol and 1-octen-3-ol were common aroma substances in various production areas, providing fruity and mushroom aromas. Taking Yunnan as the reference object, 12 of the common differential volatile compounds with other provinces were identified as key aroma compounds (OAV>1). The characteristic volatile substances of morels in Yunnan were 2,5-dimethylpyrazine (OAV=387.97), 2,3-dimethylpyrazine (OAV=209.65), 2-methylpyrazine (OAV=13.02) and methyl acetate (OAV=3.13), and the characteristic aroma was roasted and fruity, which was related to the local sandy soil, high temperature and large temperature difference. The characteristic volatile substances of morels in Hunan were 1-octen-3-ol (OAV=17930.58) and 2-methyl-2-butenal (OAV=8.60), and the characteristic aroma was floral and mushroom aroma. The characteristic volatile substances of morels in Shanghai were benzeneacetaldehyde, ethylidene- (OAV=387.97), and ethane, (methylthio)- (OAV=7.78), and the characteristic aroma was floral and pungent. The characteristic volatile substance of morels in Jiangsu was 2-pentylfuran (OAV=97.23), and the characteristic aroma was licorice smell, which was related to the high organic matter content in the soil. The characteristic flavor of morels in Hubei and Qinghai was not obvious. In addition, the content of volatile substances in Qinghai was related to altitude.【Conclusion】 The characteristic volatile substances of morels from Yunnan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hubei and Qinghai were screened by GC-IMS and GC×GC-ToF-MS techniques, and the environmental influencing factors of their flavor formation were preliminarily explored. The results indicated that it was feasible to distinguish morels from different origins by characteristic volatile flavor substances.

Key words: morel mushrooms, volatile flavor substances, origin, GC-IMS, GC×GC-ToF-MS